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trIn expoftionvt.^on the Lords Frsryer. 209 had grace, they might fee that the corruptionsofthe flefh were as gyuesand fetters about their legges,that when they would faine runnethewaies ofGods commaundements,they are contirained to halt downe right, and to trails their loynes after them. 3. Grace to bede lira TI-le grace here to bedefired,is finceritie of heart,ora revileand conPant purpose and indeuour not to finne in anything, but to doeGods will, fo as we may keepe agoodconfcience betoreGod&men.A6 . z4 i 6. Andfor thiscaxfe !endeuour alvates to haue a c/eere confeiencetowardsGod: andre- wards men..I his mutt wehunger after,andprayfor: feeing it is not fuflicientto abffaine from euill but altotodoe good,and in doing good,flriue tocome to perfection. A conformitie With Angels in this dutie is to be fought ior andto . bebegun in this life,thatin the life CO come wemay be like them inglorie. Glue vs this dayour dailybread. t. TheCoherence. TH'is much ofthe three firfi petitions which concerne God : now follow the other three, whichconcerne our felues. In which order wee learne to pray for thofe things which concerne God abfolutcly: andfor thofe things which concern° ourfclues not abioluaely; but fo farte forth as they Ihall make forGods glorie,the building of hiskingdome,and thedoing ofhis will, But how . depends this petition on the former ? in the ftrít wee were taught to.orav,rlïat! odsname alight be hallowed:which isdone when(sod raigncs in óurhearts,&his wilt isdone. Now furrher,hiswill isobeyed in three things; iFrrtf, bydepending on his providence for the things of this life : fecondly, by dcpeadn;.. onhis mcrcie for thepardon offanne : thirdly,by depending on his poWerand tnight,in refiaing temprations. AndthusGodswillisobeyed. 2. The meaning. Readj Bybread in Chie place many of theancient fathers, as alfa thePa"- ,iirts at this dayvaaderffand theelement ofbread in the Sacrament,and the bodie of Chri{l which is the bread;oflifè.But that cannot be : for S. Lukecalks it hve., d f r the d. that is, bread fuflicfenttopreferuevs for the prefent day andby thi >. he makes it mänifeff,thattk theWordsofthispetition mull be vrider- floodenot of fpirituall,butofbodily foode : and the bread of life is moredi- rteilvasked in the feconddr fourth petition. As for -theopinionofErafinus, vhOthinkes that inthis foliouerily a prayermade toGod theFather,there couldbee rio mention made of bread, that is,of earthly things, whichcueti 00 3 the