Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

7he e.l4te o f dChriffi4n renne thoufand damnations in hell fire withthediuell and all his Angels. This u i.Tim.I.1; was inPaul,when he fayd of himfelfe that hee w-as the uchiefi ofailfingers. This was in Daniel, when in thename of the people of Iliad hee praiedand xDan 9.7. fayd, X O Lord, righteoufes belongetb veto thee, and to vsopenAline, asap- yLuk.r >. peareth thisday,&c.the farne was in theprodigal' child, who fayd, y Far her, I 9. hauefanned again./l heauenandag unß tbee, and lam no more worthie r obe cal= *Ezra.9.6. led thyTonne. Laf'ly, it was in Ezra, N who fayd, O my God I am confounded, andafhamedto lift vp mine eyes veto thee myGod:,for our iniquitiesgare increa- lid offerour head,andour trefpaffe isgrowne vpvnt o the heaùen. X I II. Sorrow for Many are ofopinion that this forrowe for finne is nothing elsbut amelan- finne. me° cholike patlion : but in trueth the thing is farre otherwife, as may appeare in lancholie. the exampleof Dauid:who by all conieetureswas leafi troubled x withme- z r,Sam.i6 lancholie,andyet neuerany tailed moredeeplyof the forrowe and feelingof I a Godsanger for finne thanhe did, as the bookeofPfalmes declareth. And if I any delire toknow thedifference,they are tobee difcerned thus. Sorrowe for finnemay bee where health, reafon, fentes, memorie and all are found : but Melancholike pallions are where the bodie is vnfound, and the reafon,fenfes, memorie,dulled,and troubled. Secondly, forrowefor finne is not curedbya- nyphificke, but onelyby the fprinkling of the blondof IefusChrifl : Melan- 3 cholike paffions areremoued byphißcke,diet,muficke and fuch like. Thirdly, forrowefor finne rifeth ofthe anger ofGod, that woundeth and pierceth the confcience : but Melancholike pallions rife onely of meere imaginations 4 ílrongly ¿ònceiucd in the brame. Laflly,thefe paiíionsare long inbreeding, and come by little and little : but the forrowe for finnevfually commeth on a fudden as lightening into a houle. And yet howfoeuerthey are differing, it muff bee acknowledged that they mayboth concurre together : fo that the fame man which is troubled with Melancholie, may feele alto the anger of God for finne. XIIII. Thus it appearethhowGodmaketh the heart fit to receiue faith,inthe next place it istobe confidered how the Lord caufeth faith tofpring and tobreede in the humbledheart. For theeffec`tingofthis fobleffed aworke, God wor- keth loure things in the heart. Firll, when a man is feriouflyhumbledvnder le_ the burdenof his finne, the Lord by his fpirit makes him lift vp himfelfe to Goon confider and toponder moil diligently the great mercie ofGod offered unto Gods mcr cie. him in Chrifl kilts. After the confideration ofGods mercie in Chrifl : hee Feeling comes in the fecond place to fee,feele, and from his heart to acknowledge ofthe want himfelfe to (land needeofChrifl, and to fland in neede of euery drop ofhis of Chrifl. moll precious blond. Thirdly, the Lorde fiirrethvp in hisheart a vehement 3.Ddrre defire and longing after Chrifl and his merites : this delire is compared to Efay, a Fieu.zI.6, a thirr`l : which is not onely the feeling ofthe drineffeof the flomacke,but alto t . %,ufc r 3, a vehement appetite after drinke,andDauid fitlyexpreffeth it whenhe fay