Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

TREATISE TENDING VNTO A. DECLARAT1ON,WHE_ THER A MAN BE IN TIDE ESTATE of damnation , or in theeflate of grace: and if beebe in the f rß,hory he may in timecome out ofit .: if in the fecond, howhe may difcerne it , and perfeuer in the fame to the end. Rekiex+edmdcorrelledby the cluthoKr. Thepointes that are handledbe let downe it the page following. x,Pet. i.verfe to. Giate diligenceto +vsalZeyour callingandeleElionfurerfor ifye . doethefe neuerfall_ LONDON Printedby the Vhdowe Or.wiñ f Iabnp©rter. x 5 9