Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

2' ïí8 you-a}'vßí,fu> eitïs;thatyourfaithwasnotdead ,butonely poffetrcd with a fpirituall lethargic, You lined in thewombe ofyourmother , and there were ignorant ofyour life. Adrunken man , although bee lofe for a time the vfe of reafon sandalloofhis limmes , yet he neuer lofeth reafon it felfe.You woulde thinke that in winter the trees weredead,but they fpringagaine in the fommer feafon. Atnight the Sunnefetteth,but in the next morning it rifeth againe.And bow often feewee by experience, that he which at onetime tooke the foyle in a combate,at another did win theprize ?And know this, that in the fpirituall combateof the fle[hwith the fpirit,the like we may fee in many, partly byrea- fon ofthe weaknes ofour nature,partlie through floth to refill , and partly for default to beware.To thefe he rcplieth,for fuch temptations areverylardly re. mooned)! wouldtoGod,faith he, I could perfwademy felfe that thefepromi- fes belonged tome.For my prefent eilate conilraineth me to doubt,whethcr I amthe childofGod, or not. LAWChriianefciafinis: