Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

walL1-51-sz, TO THE RIC(HT WORSHIP- FVL AND MY CHRISTIAN friend illy/ler ValentineKnigbty, tôfq#ire, oneof het M aiefiies latices ofpeace ias `lorth.zmpton-fhire. Ir, I pray you confider with mean efpeciall point of Gods word,carefully tobe waycd : it is tlsiS.amanypro%fsors ofChr i l,in the day Of aMath.sq: grace ,oer/vaair them /dues that theyare in the g:39",%5..6 leftate of-grace and fa the trueChurch eflee- r r.11. rn. etbof them taaaryeEwhen theday ofgrace is Luk.".24. Z J - p al,theycontrar w;/e shallfr4de themfelues to all pro.t e- be in ch.? c< ofdamnation remed<'le fse. Adoleful' cafe, yeta moll what ".°f' te refolute trj Í <<.and thereafen isplaine. Men that line in the Church or iditi4 are greatly tnayctl wi :h a fearefull fecturitieand deadneikofhart, on toewer. bywhich it conics to paire that they think it ynough tomakea corn mon protcitationof the faithnotonce in all their life times, exams. aging themfelues whether they be in the efface of grace before the eternal'God or not. b And indeed it is agrace peculiar to theman It z.Car x Eked totriehimfeife whether he be in theefl:ateofgraceornot. 5. The.ftirtheropeningofthe trueth of thispoint , as altothe dann- Pfa. 9 9. gerof it, I baue en-terprifed in this treatife,'which I am willing to bcffow on you , both for the profession ofthe faith , whichyou make,as alto for that Chriflian fiiendfhip,you haue chewed to me. Accept of it I pray you and vfe it for your edification.'Thus I corn- cAa..zo.,z mend you to God,and to the wordof his gracc,that is able tobuild youvp furt herand glue you an inheritanceamong themwhicharc Can fled. From Cambridge thisz4...of November. 1589. Your ''orihips to commaund, William Terliru. Bh4