Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

Só The right tray that Ion: and,not Ibut thegraceofGod in :no: and thus beeing vanquifhed hedeparted. WhenthouarttemptedofSatanand feesno way toefcape,euen plainly clofevpchine eyes, andanfwer nothing, but commend thy caufemGod. This is a principali point of Chriflian wifdome which wemuf} follow in thehauteofdeath. Ifthy fief& tremble and fèareto enter intoanother life, and doubt offal- nation; ifthou yecld to thefe things, thouhurteta thy felfe : thereforedole . ine eyesasbefore,and fay with Saint Stephen, Lordlefrs intothy bands I confoundmyfirit, and then certenly Chrili will come vntotheewith all his. Pilchand be the guider ofthy way. Luther.