Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

To theRader, 7'1.1 the eemmanfuseofmenatthis they,-and thatin the very places oflearning , that Chia crucified ifnot knomneat he ought. The right knowledge ofwhorme, ienot tomake often ?mentionofhid deathandpajon,and to call him, our Sauiour, or tohandle thewhole myfterie ofGod incarnatefound!}and learned! f,thoughthat beaworthregifi ofGod: butfrfiof.ll, dy thdconfrderatiootofthepagan tobe touchedzrtt 1, an inward and a linaelyfeelingofour'nnes,farwhich our Recieernerfuff:ed the pangs ofbell, and togrow toa throughdiikeofour felnes and ourI:reespajiforthem, andfrom, thegrorrndofthe heart topurpofea reformaticnand a conformitiewith Chrfi in Allgoodduties thatconcerne man :fecondly in t he`Pagion, asin amyrrour,tobe- holdandinbeholding to labour to comprehendthe length,the breadth, the height, thedepth oftbeloueoftbeFather thatgane hid owne deare Sonne to death, and thegoodnes oftheSonne that loued his enewiesmorethï hïmfelfe,thatour hearts mightbe rootedandgroutded tnthefame loue,andboffinher inflamedsolorsegod againe. Tofsrtherthïs truemanner ofknowingChri(l crucified, Ibanepenned then fewlines,readthem atthy leifure,and hauecare toputthem inpratlife:otherwife, thouart but an enemieoftbe crofeofCbri, though thenprofilebis name tamer ft rxncb. Ian.3. i gp6. William., 2'erkn,re