Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

72 ADïala ueoftbe was a key thatboundand damned my confcience,the preaching ofthe Gofpell was another key that loofed me again.Thefe two falues(I mean the law and the Gofpel)vfedGod&his preacher toheale 8zcuremea wretched fanner withal. TheLaw diddriucout mydifeafeand made it appeare,&wasa (harp falue & frettingcorrafiue,and killed the deadflefh, and loofed and drew the fore out bytheroot and all corruption.It pulledfrommeall trufl and confidence l had in my felfe, and in mineowneworkes,merites,deferuinges , and ceremonies, and robbed me ofall my righteoufnes , andmade me poore. It killedme in fendingmeedowne tohell, andbringing meealmoil tovtterdefperation, and prepared the wayofthe Lord, as it is writtenof Iohn Baptift. For it was not pofliblethatChri(I íhouldcome vnto me aslong as I trailed inmy felfe or in any worldly thing , or hadany righteoufbeffeofmine owne , or riches of hohe workes. Then afterward camethe Gofpell amore gentle plaifler, whichfup- pled and (waged the woundes ofmy confcience and brought me health : it brought the fpiriceofGod,which loofed the bandes ofSathan , and coupled me to Godandhis willthrough afirong faithand feruent loue.Whichbandes weretoo ftrong forthe deúil,the world,oranie creature tobofe. And I a poore and wretched (inner felt fo great mercy that inmy felfe I wasunofl fare that Godwouldnot forfakeme,oreuer withdrawhis mercic& loue fromme. And Iboldly cryed out withPaule,faying. lvhe(hallfeparatemeefrom: the loneof God; &c. Finally,asbefore when 1 was bound totheDiuel,&his wil, I wrought all mauer ofwickedneffe,for I could doe nootherwife,it was my nature : euen fonowlince I amcoupled toGodbyChri(Isblood, I dogood freely, becaufe ofthefpirite, and thismy nature, And thus I trail I haue fatisfiedyour firft de- maund. 7imoth. Yea, but me thinkes youdoetoo much condemne your felfe in re(pe& offinne. ForI canremember thatfromyour childhood you were ofa good andgentle nature,and your behauiour was alwayes honef}and ciuil,and you couldneuer abidethe companyofthemwhich wereroyf}ers and ruffians, and fwearers,and blafphemers,and contemners ofGods word,and drunkards which now are tearmedgood fellowes. And yourdealingwith all men hach been euercommended forgood ,faithfidl and ruff. What meane you then to make your felfe foabominable and accurfcd,andto fay , you were fo wholie addicted ontowickednes,and your will fo fearfuilieand miferablie in captiui- tyunto the will ofthe Diuel. Eufb. BrotherTinnothie,I knowwhat I fay,Godglue me grace to fpeake it withmore liuelbfeelingof myweakneffeand with a more bitter deteflati- on ofmy finne. By nature through the fallofAdam am I the childe of wrath, heireofthevengeanceofGodby birth : yea and fo from my firft conception : and I hadmy fèllowfhip with the damneddiuelsvndér the powerofdarkneffe and ruleofSathan, while I was yet in my mothers wombe : and although I (hewednot thefruites offinneas foone as I was bornenorlong after : yet was I full ofthenaturallpoyfon,fromwhence all wicked deedesdoe fpring , and cannot