Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

78 .fl Dia ®gut' o t e todoe goodbut ofGodonlie. And inallfuchtemptationsmy faith perlfheth notvttérlie,, neither my loue and confent to the lavve ofGod : but they bee weake , ficke ,wounded , and not cleane dead. As I dealt with my parents be ing achild, fonow deale I towardes God my louing father. When I was a childe my father and mothertaught me nurtureand wifdome, I loued my fa- therand alibis commandements , and perceiued the goodnes he (hewedme, that my fatherlottedme,and all his pieceptes arevnto my wealth and profit, and that my father commaundeth nothing for any needhe hash .thereof, but feeketh my profteonely,and therefore I haue a goodfaithveto all my fathers promifes,and loueallhis commandements,anddoe them withgood will,and with -goodwill goe euerie day to thefchoole : And by the way happily I fawe a colnpauieplay , and with the fight, was takenand rauifhedofmy memo- rie , and forgot my .felfe, and flood, andbeheld, and feil toplay alfo forgetting father and tnother,and all their kindneffe, all their Latves,and mineoven pro- liteallo.l-Iowbeit,theknowledgeofmy fathers kindne Ire , the faith of his promifes,and the louethat I had againevetomy father,and the obedientmind werenot vtterly quenched , but lay hid,as allthings doewhen a man fleepeth or lyeth in a trainee. And as Toone asI had playedout all my lu(es,or cis by foone liad beenwarned in the meaneCecil-611,i came againe to my old profefli- on. NotwithUanding,many tentatiouswent Doermy heart, and thelaweas a right hangman tormented my toncience, and went nie to perfwadc rue that my father would thruf meaway , andhang_ me if nee cat hed mee, ft that I was like agreat while to run away,rather then tore -urne to my father againe. Feareand dreadofrebuke,andof leffe ofmy fathers làt<e, and of punifh- ment , wrafled with the truce which Thad in my i'üt,ers goodneiîe, and as it were gaue my faith a fall.But I role againeas (honeas the rage of the ftff brunt waspaf+,andmymind. wasmorequier..And thegoodneflèofmy father and his oldekindneffe came vnto my remembrance, eyther by mine owne courage, or bythe comfort ofanother. And Ibcleeued that my father would not putme away or de(lroy me : and he hoped that I woulde doe no More fo. And upon that I got mehomeagaine difinayed , but not altogether faithleffe the oldekindneffe woulde not let me defpaire, howbeit all theworlds coulde not let mine heart at re(I,vntill the paine hadbeenipaf, andviitill I had heard thevoyce of myfather,that allis forgotten. Timoth. Seeing thatyon haue thusplainy and truely Í1 ewed the weake- nes ofyours,&confequentlyofallmensf ith,fhew me I prayyouhowby the weaknes of faitha Chnfian is notrather difcomforted then comforted,andaf. luredofhis faluation. Ecrfrb. God,i!othnot fo much regardthe quantity ofhisgraces as the trueth of them he approoucth a little faith ifit bea true faith : yea,iffaith in vs were noMorebut a graine ofmufard feede(which is the lealiof all other feedes) it fhouldbeeffeeluall andGodwouldhauerefpeetvnto it. The pooredifea- fedbeggerwitha lamebande, hating the palfie allo, is able neuertheleffe to reach --