Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

E FOVNDAFION OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION, GATHERED INTO SIX principles. ,1 «- ) -r I -J Thefira Principle. 7,?_e/ Q9ertion. WHat &eft thoubeleeue concerning God? A. There is oneGod,crcator and gouernour ofall things,dittinguifheei itttothe Father,theSonne,and thehole Ghoft. . Proostesout ofthe wordefGod. r. There is a God. ,- Fortbe inuifible things ofhim , that sic, 1u eternall power andGodhead ,are Roma. ze, rentby thecreationoftheworlAbeing confidered in his workes,to the intent that theyfhou ldbewithour e,veufe. Nesserthele1P.bee left not bimfelfe without tvitnelc, in that hedidgood, and Aet.i.i.. 17. gactevs rainfensheasen,andfrnitfull feafens,fillIng our hearts withfood and gladnege, 2. This Codone. Concerning therefore meate facrtficed to Idols,we kn0P9 that an Idol is nothing ,.Cot. 8.4. J inthe world and that t here ismove other Godbut one. 3 . He is creator ofall things. , In the beginning god created the heauen and theearth. Gen.! .z. Hcb.ii.s. 'Throughfaith wevnderflatd , that the world was ordained by the wordeof geollò that,the thinges whichwefee,arenot made ofthings whichdid appeare. 4 He isgouernour ofall things. The eyes oftke Lorde in emery placebehold the esull andtbegood. pro, z5.3. Tea, andallthe barsofyour headarenumbred. Mata o. zo 5 Diflingui flied into theFather,the fonne,and the holyG boil. And &Pswhenberms baptized cameflraightoutofthe water,and lee the hea- liatt.3. z6. Henswere opened veto him,and lob?:fawe the[pint ofGoal& fcendmg likeadone andlightingvpon him. And loe,avo)ce came from heauentriying:This ts my betemedfantse, in ve, f 17. lamwelpleafed. For thereare three,which bearerecordinheatien,the father,tbeword, d. the i.lohn.5.7; belie Ghoft:and theft three are one. 7he fecondPrinciple. . ...0 What doea thoubeleeue concerningman ,13C concerning thine own feire? . , - A a 3 , A. All