Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

t 4; 136 4:Dta ague*t belecuethand is iuRified through faith,tó force him to obedience , neither is it needfull. For the Law iswritten and grauen in hisheart , his pleafure is daylie therein,&as without commandement euenofhis own nature he eateth, drin- keth,Teeth,heareth,talketh,goeth:cuen foofhis own nature without anycam- pulfionofthe law,hebrinveth forthgood works:Andasa whole man whenhe is a thirfltarrieth butfor drinke,and whenhehungreth abidethbut for meat,& then drinketh& eateth naturally : euen fo is the faithful' euera thirlc , andan hungredafter the will ofGod,and tarriethbut for an occafion : &whenfoeuer anoccafion is giuenhe worketh naturally the will ofGod. For this bleffing is giuen them that trui inChriaesblood , that they third and hungerto doe Gods will. Hethat bath not thisfaith,is but anvnprofitablebableroffaith and workes, andneither wottethwhat he bableth, norwheruntohis words tende. Forhe feelethnot thepower offaithnor theworking ofthe fpirit inhisheart, butinter"reteth theScriptures which (peak offaith and workesafter his own& blind reafon,& foolifhfantafìes,nothauingany experience in hinifelfe. rimoth. Euerie member ofChriís congregation isafanner, andfnneth. dayly,fome more, andTome leflè : for it is written, t John I. Tweefay zee haste no fin we deceiue our felues, andthe trueth is not in vs. AndPaul Rom.,. ThattoodwhichIwould,thatdo Inot; but that east!! which Iwoaaldnot,that do 7.. so it is not [thatdo it (faithhe)butIn that dwellethinme:So the Chriflian man isboth a (inner &no fnner:whichhow it canbe,fhew itmebyyour experi&e. Eufeb. I beingone man in f ibliance and two men in qualitie, flefh and fpirit ,which inme fo fight perpetually the one againfl the other, that Imuff goeeither backward or forwarde,and cannot band long inone Rate. If the fpirit ouercome intentations, then is fhe firongerand the flefh weaker. But ifthe flefhget a culton,then is the fpirit none otherwifeoppreffedofthe flefh, thenasthough thehad amountaine on hirbacke, andas we fometime in our dreamesthinkewebeate heauier then amil(loneonour ,brea(Is:or when V\e dreamenow and then that wewould runne away for feare oftome thinr,our legges feenie heauier then lead : euen fo is the fpirit oppreffed and ouerladen. ofthe flefh through cuflome , that flee firugleth and ffriueth toget vp,and to breare lode in vaine , vntill theGod ofmercie which heareth my prone through lefus Chri(+, come and'loofeher with his power, and put fotnething on the backeofthe flefh tokeepeher downe,tominifh her ( "rength , and to mortifie her. So then nofirmer I am ifyou regard the Spirit, the profcfìfion of my heart toward the Law olGod, my repentance and forrowe that I haue bothbecaufé lhaue finned , andam.yetfùlloffinne,andlookevnto thepro- miles ofinercie in our SauiourChrifc, andvnto my faith. A fanner am Iif youTooketo the frailtieofmy fief?i which is a remnant ofthe aideAdam, and as it were the ílockeoftheolde oliuetree), ever and anone when octagon is giuen, (hooting foorthhisbranches,leauës,budde bloffome, and fruitealfo:. which alibisasthe veakneffe of one which is newlie recouered ofa great dif oafe,by thereafonwhcreofailmydeedesare irnperfeet,and when occafions bee -- ,