Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

82 ADig ogre o t e for'theGght oftherod tnaketh thenatural childe not onely tofeeandacknowt ledgehis fault,but alfo to forget all his fathers tildemercieandgoodneffe.And thenhe confeffed his enopenly,and ofverydefperation to haue hued anylon- ger he had.cafthimfelfe into theïea betiines,except they would be loft alfo:for all thisGodprovided a MI to fwallow lonas.When Ionashad been in the fi- fhes beliea fpacethe rageofhis confcience was fomwhat quieted,&he came tohimfelfe again,and had receiued alittle hope,and thequail-Iles and pangsof defperatiou whichwent otterhis heart werehalfouercome : then heprayed to God,&gaue thanks unto hirn.When lonas was call vpon theland again,then his will was free,&he hadpower togoe whither God fent him,& towhat God commandedhim,his own imagination layd apart:for hehad beene at a newe fchoole,& in a furnacewherehe was purged ofrnuchrefute & droffe offlefhly wifdomwhich refined the wifdom ofGod.Forasfar as we beblind inAdam we cannotbutfeekandwill ourownprofit,pleafure,&glory:& as far aswe be taught in thefpirit,wecannot but feek& will the pleafureofGod only. Then Ionas preached toNiniue,and theyrepented:then Ionas (hewed again his cor- rupt naturefor allhis trying in theWhales belly.Hewas fo difpleafedbecaufe the Niniuitesperifhednot,that he was wearyofhis life,&witheddeathforve- ry forrow,thathe had loll thegloryofhisprophecying , in that his prophecie tamenot to paffe, but he was rebuked of GOD , asin his prophecie you may read. The Apoftles,Chrill taught themeuertobee meeke and to humble them- (clues: yet oft they flriuedamong themfelues whofhouldbe greatetl :the Eons ofZebede wouldfit one on the right handofChrifl,the otheronthe left.. They wouldpraythat fire might deftend from heaven & confume the Samaritans. WhenChrill asked,whofay mot thatJam?Petcr anfwered, T'ho:tart thefon ofthe lutingGod, as though Peter hadbeen as perfeLt asan Angell. But im- mediatlieafter whenChria preached veto thein ofhis death&paffion, Peter wasangry& rebukedChrift,& thought earnefilythat hehad raced,&not win whathehad¡faid:as at another time inwhich Chrifiwas fo Leniently buffed in healing thepeople,thathe hadno leafure to eat,theywent out to holde him, fuopofrng that he hadbeen befidehimfelfe.Ani one thatcall foorth duels m Chrifis name they forbad,becaufe he wayted not onthe fo glorious were they yet.AndthoughChria taught alway to for;iue,yet Peter after longgoing to fchoole,asked whether men íhould fortice feuen times,thinking that eight timess had beentoomuch. Andatthe Ian fupper,.Pcterwouldhaue dyed with Chrift,butyet withinfew houresafterhe denied himbothcowardly &fhame- fully.Arid afterthefamemaner,thoughhe had folongheard that no man muff auengehimfelfe,butratherturne the othercheeke to the fmiteragain,yet when Chritt wasintakingb Peter askedwhether it were lawful to fmite with the fword, and taried noanfwere,but laidonrafhlie.So thatalthough:webe once reconciledtoGod, yetat the firft we be but childrenandyongSchollers,weak andféebleand tnuft haucleif rc to grow in the fpirit,,in knowledge,loue,and deer