Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

7 'F.6 :theReader. zz lifeperadventurevery fairs' in hie ("wifeand other mend eyes :yet indeed Weit her foundnor lafling,noa'fubigantiall. what thef f cites are ,it maybee gathered foorthofthef words,where itisfayd,that they receiue the word with iuy , when theyheareit:forheremay begarhered,Firft, that theydozvillingly ftbie t them_ i fiber to the mini. rerieoftheword. Secondl y,that theyare asforwardasany,ane! z as ioyfasll infrequentingferrr:ons. Thirdly,thatthey reuerence the tJ4'finiters 3 whonatheyfoioyfullyheare. Lalllhe ,they corrdertrne themofirdspietie, whichwill 4 not beehearers,or ben:gligent hearersoftheword. Nozv,ofthefandfilch like fruites , this may beeadded: though theyarenot found ,yet theyarevoydofthatgrote bindeofhypocrifeForthe mincìes o f t hole Marke,that `l'rofeforsare inpart errlightenert,andtheirhartsareenduedfrithfilch afaithiás there is a maybringforth theffruitsfora time:& therforeherein theydifemblenot that ttuefaith, faithwhich they havenot: but ratherThew that which the have. Adole hereon- n'rcughc that a manbén inthis e atx .na deceive hire el e and themo Godly in the Gboil, very. world,whichhaw thegreafgiftesofdifcernini how theyand theirbrethren ikeCauing ,/land before the Lord: like u the tree with reen frame; deceivedourSauiour faith., yet Chriff ashe was ratan rforwhen inhis hungerhecame veto it to bastehadfonte ¡having; f site hefounds one. Iftbu befo,itmaybe thenrequired, how there vnjs<ndprofef/òrs differ from trueprofeörs. ranfvere,in this they differ, that theyhave notfound hearted to eleanevetoÇhrifllefusforever. which appeareth inthat theyare compared to fllonieground,Nowfloniegroundes mingledwithfume earth are commonly hot, andtherefore haueas it werefame alacrttie andhaflineffein them, andthecorn asToone as itis call into this ground ,it sproutcth out variefpeedily , butyet ftonesrvìllnotfuller thecorne tobe rooted deeply beneath, and therefore whe*' Summer conr,-etb thebladeofthecorne witherethwith routes and all. Soit with thetaprofelfors ;they haue in their heartsflume good motions of the holie, Gho.+ ,to that which isgood theyhaueakindeofzeale to Godsword, theyhavea liking togood¡hinges, and theyareasforwardasany otherfor a time , andthey doe bcleeue.7lut thefegoodmotions andgraces arenot lafling ,but like theflame andflafhingo ffiraweandRubble:neither are they fuficient to falugtaon. with the trueprofeffors it isfarceotherwife:for they haue vpright andho. fleahearts before the Lord, Luke 8.vea f r 5. And theyhaue faith which wor- keth by Ioue. Galath. 5. verfe. 6, end that (hriltian man which loteeth God, whatfoeuer (hallbefall,yea though it were a thoufand deaths, yet his heart can neuerbeefeueredfrom the Lorde andfrom his SaseiourCbriff : as thefpatufe fpealseth unto Chrift ofher owneloue, Cant. 8.verf. 6 Set me as a. feal_e on thyheart, as a fignet upon thyarme: for Ioue isas firong as death : lea- Ioufiie is ascrud as the graue; thecodes therofare fierycoales anda vehement flame. Much water cannot quench loue,neithercan the fondsdrowne it : ifa man fhould glue all the fubflance ofhis houfe for loue, they woulde greatly., c.onternne it >. n lses.,fere,