Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

g and that many yeares,and altovndeferued,to nurture hiin,tomake himhum. ble andrncekc)and toteach himGods wayes, andtomake hiníapt and meet for the robme and,honour againe he carne to it ; that he might be thong in the fpirit to rninifier it well.Godpromifed the children of Ifraell a lande withri tiers ofM ilke and Honie , yet he brought them foorth the (pace offortieyears intoa land wherein no ricers ofMiike and Honie were,rlant where fo much as a drop ofwater wasnot,to nurture and teach them as a Father doeth his fonne, and to doe them good at the latter end to fubdue their cankred nature , to make them ftrong in the fpirit to vfe his benefites aright. l.aíilie, God pro- mifed.Dauid a king-dome,and immediatelie flirtedvp SSauleagainfi himto perfecute him , and to hunt himas men doeHares vvrthgray hounds, and to. ferrethim out ofeuery hole, and that for the (paceofmanyyears,to turne him, to make him to mortifie histulles , tomake hit to feele his ovine difeafes: in fine,tamake hire a good nian,and a goodking. Timoth. But howifit come to paffe that yoube tempteito anygreat fin,ßt theflefh ouercomethe fpirit,in what cafe areyou then? Eufeb. There is no bodie heerebut you and I, and I takeyoutobea Chri- flian and a faithfuil friend : therefore I will fhewalittle ofmy experience.The Iafiyearebyreafon ofthedearth , I and my familie wereput to great pinches, and moll commonly wee had nothing but bread andwater : heerupon 1be thought me how I might get fÙrnewhat torelic=my familie : it came into mmdc thatin our Townea rich man had a great flockeoffheepe, and that I might take oneofthem without anyhurt ofhim. I was veryloath at the firth but becaufe there was filch great dealing offheep, and I was in extremitie, in thenight I went amonghis flicep and took a Lamb ,and I tolde my familie That it was giuen mee : I prefentlie killed it, the skinne and the entralles I buried in my backude , the flefh wedrefl'edbyquarters, and did Bate it with .thankfgiuing (asmy manner is ) but fiirelieverie coldli e, and mee thought my prayer wasabominable in Gods fight. AfterI had thus done: we fared wellfor the fpace oftwodayes, but I felt my.heart hardened , and my lips were àlmofflocked vp, that I couldnotas I was woont praife the Lord. The thirde night after,I went with aquiet confcience (methought) to mybed, and then 1 flept foundly till three ofthecloche in themorning , but I dreamed that one came tocarie me toprifon , vponthat on ahidden I awaked,and beingafraid looked aboutme, and fell to confider why I fhouldbe afraide , and I remem- bredthat I had finned againfi God by robbing my neighbour: O then my feare increafed,andI thought thathell gaped todeuoure me,and the Law loo- ked vpon mewith fuch a terriblecountenance,and fothunderedinmine cares, thatI durfi not abide in mybed,but vp and togoe. Then the Diuell affayled me oneuery fde,toperfwade that Godhadcall nie away : faying, they that beGods,haue power tokeephis law-s,thou haft not,butbreakefi them : Ther- fore thouart acafe awayand damned creature , andhell gapeth and fetteth open his mouth to deuoure thee. AndI thought with my felfe that I had beene