Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

as ague e demnethno man for his finnes,ifhebeadopted inChrifg. For thenIofeph,A- braham,Dauid,Peter,MarieMagdalene,fhould becondemned. God is likea father : andafather if his childebet cke,and therefore bee froward,and refufe and eaf}awayhis meate,and having eatenit fpew itvpagaine,and inhis fit be impatient, and raue, and fpeake euill ofhisfather, yet I fay the father will not can him foorthof hisdoores , but pitieth him, and prouideth Poch things as may reflorehimtohealth,and whenhe is wholeremembreth not his diforde- red behauiourinhis fïcknes. T:moth. Whatmeanes doe you findemoll effecualI to firengthen your faith, to increafe Godsgraces inyou,and to raife youvpagaine whenyou are fallen ? E,Uf6. SurelyIhaue very great comfort by the Sacrament of theLords Supper: for whereasI am fpiritually difeafed,andamprone andreadie tofall, andammot}cruelly oftentimes inuaded of the fiend, the &fit,and the lawe, when I haue finned, and amput to flight,andmade to runne away fromGod myfather : thereforehathGodofall mercieand of his infinite pitie andbot- tomleffe companion fetvphisSacrament as a fignevpon ahigh hill,whence it may befeene oneuery fide farreand neere, tocall againe them thatbee runne away.And with this Sacrament he(asit were) clockethto them,as a hendoth for her chickens,to gather themvnder the wingsof his mercie : andhath corn- mnaunded his Sacramenttobee had in continual! vfe,toput vs inmindeofhis continual! merciclayd vp forvs inChrifis blond, and towitnell'e and teflifie it vnto them, and tobeethe feale thereof.For the Sacramentdothmuchmore liuelyprint the faith, and make it firedowne into the heart than doe bare wordsonly. Now,when thewordsofthe tefiament andpromifes are fpoken ouer thebread(this ismy bodie that wasbroken foryou: thisismy blood that was fliedfor you)theyconfirmethe faith; but much more when theSacramEt isPeenwith the eyes,andthe breadbroken, the wine powred out and looked on : andyet morewhen I tafle it and f:nell it: As you feewhen aman maketh a promifevino anotherwith light words between themfelues and fo they de- parted, he to whó the promifeis made beginneth todoubt whetherthe other fpakeearnefilyOrmocked,anddoubtethwhetherhe will remember his pro- mife, toabide by it orno. But when any manfpeaketh with aduifement, the words aremore credible : &ifhe fweare,it confirmeth the thing more,&yet themore ifhe fIrike hands ifheglue earnef},ifhe call record,ifhe giuehand- writingand feale it : fois he the moreandmorebeleeued, for the heartgathe- reth : loe,he fpake with aduifernent,deliberation,and good fadnes,he clapped hands,cailed record,and put tohishandandPeale : the mancannotbe fo taint without the flareofGod astodenye all this : fhame (hall make him abide his promife,thoúgh he werefucha manasI couldnot compel!him, ifhe would deny it. And thus wedifpute : God fent his fonne inour nature,and made him feeieor infirmities,andnamedhis name lefus, that isa Sauiour, becaufe bee fhouldfatehis peopleEon). their fins andaftexhisdeathhefent hisApoffiesto preach