Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

Late of 4(-nrquan, 91 that his faithis perfe 1, Iethim examinebimfelfewhetherhe loue dielaw : and in likemannerifhewill knowwhether he louethe lawe,that is,loueGod and hisneighbour,thenlet himexamine himfelfe whether he beleeue in Chrifl on- ly fortheremifsion offinne,& obtayning thepromifes made in the Scripture. Andeuen fo let hint compare his hopeache life to comewith faith,and loue, and to the hatredofPinne in his life, \'hich hatred theloueofthe lave inl en.. dreth in him. And if theyaccoinpanienot oneanotherall three together,then lethimbe (tire allisbut hypocrife T,motheus. Yet byyour- le.:ue faithcannot make a man: iuí before -God without hope andcharitie : then they alto with faith haue forte:{Irokc in iuíli- fication. Euf6. I anfi'ere, though theybee infeparable, yet Ipraií'eGod Idoecon- ceiuehow t'hefe threehaue three reparable and ftndrie offices. Faith, which önely isan vndoubted and fire affiance inChrill, -and in theFather through him,certifieth the confciencethat the finisforgiuen,and thedamnationofthe law taken away. And withfuchperfwafionsmollifiedh the heartandmakethit loueGod againe and his lave. And asoft as wefinne,faithonelykcepeth,that we forfake not our nrofellìon,and thatlouevtteriyquench not,andhope faile, and only ina teth thepeace againe fora truebeleeuer tru flethinChrift,alone, and not in his owne works,noroughtels for the retñillionoffinnes. Theoffice ö to powre out againe the fame goodnes thatit hathreceiuedofGod vponhcrneighbotnr,tobe tohimas it feelethChrifl to beto it felfe. Theoffice oflone is OflCiy tohauecompaffion, and tobeamwith herneighbour thebur- den ofhis infirmities. r.Pet.4.Louecouereth.the multitude offinnes: (thatis to fay) confidereth the infirmities, and interpreteth all co the befl,and taketh . for no finiie at all a thoufand things,ofwhich the leaf+were enough (ifa man loued nor) togoe to law for,and totrouble anddifquiet an wholeTowne,and fometimea whole Realme too. Theofficeofhope is to comfort in aduerfitie, and tomake patient that we faint not, nor fall downevender theCroffe,or call: itoffourbackcs. Thus there three inreparablehaue feparableoffices &effe&s, asheate,anddrines,being inf.parablein the fire bane yet their reparable oppe. rations,for drinesonelyexpelled) themoyfines ofail that is confumed byfire, and heate onelydeflroyeththe coldnee. And it isnot allone to fay, the drines onely,and thedrines that isalone,neither is it all one to fay,faith only,and faith that isalone. Timoth. You are to be côinended,you are fo pereke in thrfe highpoynts ofreligion,bnt I knowyou fpeakofexperence,for inyou faith&hope towards God,andcharitietowards your neighbourareinleprable. &ufeí. I require no commendations: ilhame andconfufìonbefall me eter- pally,that all gioriemay bevetoGod. But let vs taike on furtherofour daietieswhich wee muff perforrne ifwewillhue Chriílianlikeamongmen. And I pray you tell me what doe you means that you glue fomuchvuto thepoore,cvfidering youare fopoore your awe