Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

FJFÿ;;r .2 repït9bbat ee ,99 the weight andburden oftheir finnes, that theymayfee, and from theirhearts coufeffe,that in themfelues there is no way to efcapedamnation. e Thegood eMat.9.12; PhifìtionChrif+ lefuscannotbeakvs before he bathlancedour wounds to the Mar. r 5.24. verybottome : he neuer can finde anyofhis fheepe before.theybe quite lof+: Efi. .r r. 1,e neuer powreth into vs the liningwaters ofhis fpirit,beforewee bee barren `'Co jpa and Brie ground voyd of all moyflure,and that man inu& condemne him.. felfe,that would not haueChrifi topronounce fcntenceofdamnation againf3 him. Now this true humiliationofa firmer cannot bee wrought in any mans heart by the religion oftheChurch of Rome. Trueand foundhumiliation is wrought bytwo :n-canes : fira, by making a man to fee the greatnes of his fin and ixickednefre : fecondly, bymakinghim to acknowledge, that he isdef+i- tute,and quitebereft ofall goodueífe. Forifa maneither feenot thegreatncfl`e oihisfinne,orhauc confidenceofany thing in himfelfe,hecannot be humbled : butneither ofthefetwo things arc performed in the ChurchofRome. As tou4 chino thefira, theRomifh religion is fo faire from amplifying and enlarging thegreatnes ofmens fins, that it (lothextenuate them, and leffenthemout of nieafure: for it makethTome finnes tobeveniali,fwhen'as the leafi finne that fGaT. ;.r;. canbe againflGods law deferuethdamnation,; it teacheth that lcfferfinsarc g Canif. 0- done awaybyanhumble accufation ofamans felf,by laying theLordsprayer, byknocking vpon thebreaf+,and by fttchlike that greater finnes maybe done 49" away byalines deedes, and fuchlikefatisfac`}ions. But howcan any famebe great, that may bee done away with fuch eafie and fleight meanes ? Further- more it teacheth,that euill thoughts anddeí res,&moti6softhe heartwithout confent areno fins: and this opinioncutteth offall truehumiliation:forb Paul neuer repented,bcforehevnderflood ÿmeaningof the laff cómandement,& perceiued thereby, that thedefines and luf+.s ofhisheart,to which bee did not yeeldhis confent, were finnes damnable before God,and knowing this, bec then law hirnfelfe tobeemoil miferable,and renouncinghis owne righteouf- nes, he fought for righteoufi;es in Ch"rift. Laf+ly, i it teacheth, thatoriginali Cenf. Cefr» finne isdone away inBaptifrne,and that it is the leaf+ finne ofall other. 'What ionpa;.4.s.. is this but to extenuate mans corruption, for when the roote ofcorruption is kAnd.lib taken away,and it is madefo little a finne. ae$uall finnes cannot bee taken for Trid.con- fuchheinous matters. feft6.cap.7 And for the fecondpoint,theChurchof Rome dothto toomuchextoll the 1Trid,Con- feff.s.c« r power ofman,aud hisnaturallflrength.k It f ith,that all ao ionsoftnen vn-,,, Gabr.. regenerate arenot finnes,and thatoriginali finne needechnorepentance) that Bid. 3.fen. a man bath fouie freewill to (Joe fpirituall things,that m aman by meere na-- (lift 27. turals may loueGod aboveall things,eare God,belecue in Chtift, ifwee re- n Andr. lib. fpe6+ theveryaé+ oftheworke, tt that the Gentiles might gather outofPhilo- o Rñdr, 2a.292. . fophie knowledge fuf cient for faluation, that a manwithout the helpeof3,pag_xgo the bolyGhoiLmayperbrmc thinges acceptable to God, i' that the mmdc ofpCatecb. manvnderftaardethofit felfe many things which be fpirituall and heauenly, R oin P g 4 thatPrinr.