Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

• I I I • I I 16 The order ofthew!fes ofall good·tbmgs, which either baue being A or moouin!?,or \(rhich arc done. Gods oP~ratiue permifsion , is that by I . which he oneiy p: rmitteth one and the fan1e workctobedoncoforhcrs, asiriscuill; but 1as it is good,he effctlually worketh the faRle. I Gen. 50. 20.To1' indeed h11dpurpoftd tHill ai•inft me,bHt God dterudth.itforgood,thlft he might, M h4 hathdane thUd~ty,prefeYtiC hM people ;rftue. Ai1d, Gen. 45. 7· God hathftnl me biforeyouto prefon:e)'OUrpofteriry i11 t hid /nnd.Efa. I o. 5,6,7· Woe vm1 fiJjhur, the rodofmy t;~rath, Rndthe fl"ffi in thw· h4nds in mine indi.gnfltion, I 'WtP. giue hit?J~chflrge 4.f.4inflthepeopleof my \\lrath to tttk!_ the fPoSle,4nd to Mk! the prey,~tnd to tretfd them vnderfeete bkethemyre m thejlreete/Bnr B he thinketh nat fo, neither doth hU heart eftetml itfo: but heinutJrmh to deflr"J, ~tndtoclft oJ not a['e»natz~m. God permitteth euill, by acertaine vo!nn. tary pennifsion, in that he forflketh th<'fe. cohd caof< in working euill. Aod be forfaketh his creature,either by detraCting the gr!Cc it had,or not be(lowiog that w_hich it w-,mteth. Rom.t,26 ForthUctt:tfo Godg~tu~thrthvpvn. tc V1leajfrrlio11s. 2. Ttm,z. z5,26. lnflrufJing them With rnukfn_ejfo that arc contr.:v-yminded, prov:diJgij·G~dat arrytime tvill gme reP,entance, thry may kpo\\.1 the truth; and thnt thtJ m:.y come ttntmendmentbHt "/r/,e fn:tre oftht fii"ell, whkh etre takeno{himat hU wiO. 1 Nei~:her mutl: we thinkcGod herein vniufi, C who is indebtedto nprte. Rom. 9· I 5,. /.,iU hflr~tmercy {Jn him ro tW!om"l "Will jhrw mercy, Yea it is in GoJs pteafure to bofto•" )ww much grace, and vpo\?Q.rhom he will. M.nch. zo.t5. lsttno' ltnvfnllforme :o doeaslwi/1 w;;hmir.e ()Wne? That which is cuill , bath fome refpeC!: of goodnellewith GOD: Firll, in that It is!h< puoifhment of ftnne : a.nd punifhment is ac. counted amoratl good,in thlt iris the part o~ a iun indgetopunifh finne.SecmrJiy,as it is a mcere aCtiO or :t<9:. Thirdly,as it is achafiife– mt nt,a trial! ofones faith, martyrdo•nc, pro– pitiation for J1n, asthe-de~th and pafsion of Cluift.AI"f.>.>J.aod4-•4-And ifwe obf<rue the(~ caueats,God is notonely a bare pertniC D fiue agent in an euillworke, bur apow~rfull eff.tCtour ofchc fame ; yet fo 1 as he nei[her in– fiiJiethanaberration·in the aCtion, noryet fup}3'0rterh,or intenderh the: farne, but that he mofl freely fuffcretb euill, and belt difpofetb ofit tohisownegJory. The likewe may fee in this fitnihwdc:: Let a man fpurre for"•ard a la~e horfe; in chat hemooueth foNrard~ the rider is the cauf(:; but that ht! halrech, he hi·n– f~lfe is rhe cauft:. And againt,we fee the funne bcames fhining through a glaffe; u•hc:re the lrgbt is frorn tht" Sunne, rhecolournot from the Sunne bm from the glaff<. CHAP. VII. Of Predrjlinattonand (:reation. G Odsdecree,in asnmch as i! conccrneth man, iscalled Prcdefiination: which is the decree of God, by the which he hathor. dained all men to 3 cqtalr:e tnd euerJajling ellate : th3t i!,either to faii.Jlition or Conderr.– nation,for his ourne glory. 1. Thr..«.s.9:-ror GOdh~tth n'tnppflinttd vs Vflto t-rr.ith, b!ll~oob~ taincfol11atim by the rr.eanrsof onr L~rd Jifll! Chrift.Rorn.9. I 3·.Asit i4 wrirun_1hshe lo 11 rd hrcob,•nd hifttd Efou: and vcrf. 'l;. What ~·nd :{God would~ tojht\\•his 'Wrath. and tO"mak._t his p9wrr k{}ot'f~t, J~~ffcr U•ith tat;gpafitncc rl~" vej– fi!s of wratn prrp11rrd to drjlr11aion: and that h:;t dtc!~Ye the riches of his gl9ryvpon the vrffi!Jof merc)r, which htehatbprrparedvnto glorie? · The meaoes of accomplifl1ing Gods Pre– deflin:ltion are two fold. Ti]e creation,and the fall. The creation, is thac by ll'hicb G 0 D ~n:!dc: all things verygood, ofuothing; thu !S, ofno matter whichwas before the creari0:1, Gen.I. I. Jn thtbegi,..ning <Jodt;·eRudtl;;e h<au:n,&c. to the ~"dof thech•prer. ,. Godsmanner ofcr<:.;.ring,as alfO Ofgou<"r. ni~g, is fuch, 2s tltlt by his word ~lone~ hec without any inH:r~ln"Jtn~,me:lns,'llf~i!lancc,or tnotion, produced attforr~ofthings : For to will any thing wirJ:l God, is botb to be able :tndto pcrforme it.Hct'l.t I .).By fi:zith \\'~ vn– dcrj/and, th.r th< \torid W& ordai~td by the wordoJGod,foth~tthedn'ng-; Wbich tvefoe, are not m•d< oftbmgs ll>bich dtd •pp<.r<.Pfal.t 48. 5• L" th<myraifi th< V"''" oftheLord, for he CfJmm.-nded,anrl.tb'~ \\i'tre cre~ud. The goodne!TG ofthe cteaturo,is a kinde of excellencie, by which it was v01de of alldefe8:,-whether punilhment or fault. . Thecreation., isof the wotld, or inhabi– tants in the workf. The world, is a moll beaorifoU pallace,fra. me,J out ofadeformed fubl!Jnce, and fu to be inhabited. The parts 'of the world ; are "the·beiu•ns ;m4 earth. . _ ~ The beauens ore three fold: the firtl"is the ·1 ayre,the fecond the skie,the third lto iuuiflble : and incorporall cffcncej created robethe feat ! ofall the blell_'ed,bothmen, and angels. This 1 th1rd beauen lS called Poradife. 2. Cor. I>+ ! The inha.bitc:rs, arc: reafona-,1 bte creatures~ made: according to Gods owne:l lmag~';tbey are either angCis or rr.en~ Gen.t. t6. Furthermore,Godfaid, Let vs mak!m11nin onr owne irnage, to OHY li~tniffo.Iob r. ; 6. Whentht chlldrenpf qodc.me4ndf/oodbe. forr the Lord,Satan&41f1ea!fo11mcng rhem. I • The I-nageofGod, is the goodndll: ofthe reaftmable creature, refembHng God in holi- : 1 n~fle.Eph.4;24- Andp;:t on thentw m.-m,which '4{ter Godwcrwed in rightto•foef!i .,-dtr{ftbo-· /iprfle. CH_A1.'. , v1 rr_. 'I Of A•gels. · i THe Angels each of them being crea;edj in the beg1~niMg; were ferled in an vp..: rightellate. In'whome thdetliings are tobe.\ noted: