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ofSa!uation and'Damnation. 17 nored;Firll,their nature. Angelsare (piritual! A and incorporall c!fences. Heb. 2.I6. For he in no fort tooke the Angels, b•t he too"ethefoede of Abr•ham. Hcb. r. 7· AndoftheAngeit,he foirh, HtrnJlk!_th theJjnrits hif· meffinger;, and hu M·ni.•?ers • fl•meofftre. Secondly,their q"~lities.Firfl,rhcy 3re wife, 2.Sa:n. 14- I7· MyLordrhekJ.nguenenasan .Ang lo[qodinhearinggood<ndbad. .z. They areof~reat rnight.z.Thdf. I·7·Whmrhe Lord Je(m Jh.•/1 ]hew himftifc from heaum With hu mighty Angels. 2. Sam. '4· I 7· Da11idfow the Angel th4tfnmethe people.3 King .I 9· 35· The fome night the Angel of the LordWent o11t ""d fmoteinthe '""'PtflfAjlmr, AnhHndreth,foHrt. ftore,•ndjillcthorif•nd. 3.They are fwift and of B great agilitie, Era 6.6. Thenflew one of rheSe. raphitlf vnto mee with an hot cole in his h,md. Dan.9. 21. TbemnnGabrie/whom/hadfiene before int~ vifion, cameflying 11nd tMchedmee. This is the reafon why the Cherubins in the Tabernacle were paintedW"ith wings. Third!y,they are innumerable. Gen.32. I. Nri'ib lacob \JJer.tforth on hiJ ioHrnry, andthe AngeirofGodmcthim. D,m.7.10. Thorifimd thou{ands mmij!red vnto him, and tenne thou– fond ehou(•ndrflood before him. Matth. 26 53. 7 ht;•k.::/1, thou rC4nnot pray to my F:~ther,4nd he tJJi/1gr;,_e me more then twelue legions if angels? H. .:b. 12. 22. To the compani~ of inm~merAble a11gels. Fourthly, th<y are in the higheft heauen, c where they euer attend vpon God, and haue focietiewith hi•n.Mlth.t8.Jo. Jnhe~tllentheir A•gels •lwaies behold the f•ce of my P.thcr whichh in heanen. Pfa!.68.r 7· The ch:riotsof Godare twentie thoufond t6ou[411d .Angels, trnd the LoraU"mongrhem. Mark.1l.l5". But are ,u Angels;,heauen. Flftly,rhetr der;ree.That there are d~rees o[Aogels,it is moll plaine. Col. t.I 6. By him were r~U thi-:gscrt4led,\'9hich are in he1111tn, a11d in earlh,things vifib/e and inrujible: whether they be thrones,or d11mi»ians, orprinciplllitit!J,orpowCHAP. IX. Ofmflll, andthee}late oflnnoctnci~. M. An,aftor he was createdofGod,wasfet in an excellenc ell:atc of innocer.cie. In this ellatefeauen things areci1iefly to bee regarded. ' I. Th< place. The glrdcn of Heden, that moll pkafant garden. G,n.t. I 5· Then the LrJrd toDk!, the m.·m, 4ndpm htm int~ thegttrden •(Heden. I!. Theintegrityofmansnature. Which was,Eph.4. i4.crwedin rightto•fnes •nd tru< h•lmr.f!i.This integrity bath two parts. The fir{! is wifedome, which is a true and perfect knowledge ofGod, .and of f1is will, illasmuchasit" iscobe performed of man; yea,and ofthe counfell of God in all his crea– cures.Col. 3· yo.Andhaue pHt on thfne"' malf, which is rme~eJin~o~/edge,lljier the imageof him th11t treated htm.Gen. 2.1 9· whm the Lwd God had formed onthe earrh euery be•fl of the ftrid, •nd eMeryfouleoftht htaHrn, h• brought them 'tlnto the m;sn,tofoe how he 'r\1uH!dea/ thtm: .for howfoeutr the mancalledthe /iuiwg crt4tHre, (i w.u the n•me thereof. The fccond is iufiice, which i!·a conformi~ tieofthe will, aff,Cl:ions, and powers of the body to doe the will ofGod. I l I. Mansd1gnitie, confi!lingof foure e~s. Ro11.8. 38. Neither trngels,nor pr;lfcip~tli ttes,nor po\llm,&c. t. Theff. 4.16. The L.,.d Jlnltdeftendwith the voice •f the .Arch•nge/1, andwuhthetrumpttofGod. But it is not for vsto who, or how many be ofeach or– dor ; neitheron?~t w~ curioofly to inquire ho·.v they are diflmgU101ed , whether in cf. fe. 1ce,gifcs!or offices, Col.z. 1S. Let nom4nat hu plcafure be<re rule.ouer you by hnmblencffi of m.lf~e, ~nd Wl jJuppsn~ of Angt!s, ttduancing hm1/. 1ft t.n tho[t thln[S \\lhich heneHer fow. S~Xtly,thmoffice. Their office ispartly to magn•fie God,& partly to performe his com. maude nents. Pfal.r 03 20,21.Prai[e the Lord, )'t:hu 4ngrb th4t txcrff itlj/rtngth, tbar doe his com'?'!ndemtNtinobtyingthevoiceof his \t 9 rJ. 'Pr4ife th~ Lord, 11/l ye his h11~es, yehisfem4nts th(ttdoe bHplecfore. parts. Firfl, his cornmanion with God. By 1vhich,as God reioyc<d in his owne image,fo likewifc man dtd feruently loue God : tbis is apparent byGods familiar cooference with AJam,Gen, I .29 Andqodfoid,Behold, I hnue gilmr vntt~ youeutry hearbbearingfoede,&c. t h11r fh.<R be toY'Hfor meat. Secondly,Ins dominion ouer all the creatures ofthe earth, Gen.2 19. Pr.8.6.Thou haft made },i, Lord oner the ,..,lz! ofrhine hands,& h•flfit al thingrvnder biJftct, &c.Thirdly,the decency, and dignitie ofthe/' body, in which, though naked, as nothing was vnfecm}y, fo was there in it imprinted a princely maiefly, Pfa!.S. Thouh•JI m•de him litle Ww:r then God,and croVPned himWithglory D and\llor.fhip.Gen.2.>5·They wm borh••keJ,& neither a.fh"'"d. I.Cor.t2.23.Vponrhoft mem. bers ofthe body, whichweehin~m•fl vnhoncjl, put wee mare honefly on; and our vncame!J parts ht~ue more e~mltnes t~n. Founhly,labour ofthe body without paine or griefe. Gen-3- r7· I9· 'Becauft thou hafl•heyed the voice of thy wife, &c.curfodis thee'Yrhfor thy fok.!, in forr•rv ]halt th•• we ofit a/Jthe d-.ies ofthy life,&c. I v. Subiection to God, whereby man was bound to performe obedience to the com. mandement of God: which are two. The one was concerning the two trees: the other the obferuation ofthe Sabbath. Seauenth!~ : Thee.flab!ifhing effome An– gels m chat mregrme, mwhich rhc:y were created. Gods cornmaundement concerning the trees, waJ ordained to be aproofe and tryall ofmans Qbcdience. It confifkth of•·pans: the firll is thegiuing ofthetreeoflife,that as afiitW,