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of Sa!uationand 'Damnation. 49 haruefr,and other the like.Exod. 34· zr./n the fi••enth d") Jh•lt thuu reft, bcth in '"ring time, •nJ in harutjlfh.Jtth•• rtjf. . y. To vfc id\:s, fports, banquettmg , or any other thing whatfoeuer,which is ameans tohinder or withdraw the mind from that fe– rions attention, which ought to be in Gods. feruice: for ifthe workes ofour calling mufr not be exercired , much Jelfe thefe, whereby the min~e is·as wdl di!lratted fram Gods fer– nice, as by the greatclllab.,ur. VI. Ao external! obferuatioo of the Sab– bath, without the inward power of godli– nelfe. Efay t·l•hf 5· My (ou/e h<mhy01JTnew M(lones.,aml}Q!4r11ppoiflftdftafls,tht) Are• bHr· thtn vnlo me. I Am .,.,,Arie to beare them: t~Nd ll>,h<ri)OHjh.Oflretcb forthycur bands, I wil hide mi1u eyes[ramJDH, •r~d thguth yss tnflk! m11ny pr•yers,l willnot heArt: for 'fOUr ha,ds"''/uft Df bt.od.z.Tim.;. 5.Which h••••jhew ofgodlines, but deny thefcrce ther"f: filch therifure auoid. VII. The manifeft prophaaation of the Sabbath, io pampering the belly, furfetting, aJultery,and other like prophanenelfe; which i• nothing elfe, but to celebrate aSabbath to the diucll, and not to God. CHAP. XXIV. Of thefijihCcmm••tlemtnt. Hlthertow.e haue fpoken of the Com– mandements ofthe firfr Table:now fol– loweth the •· T•ble, which concerneth the loueofourneighbour. Rom.IJ-9· Thonjhalt notcommit tUIHIUrit, thou jh11lt llfJt kf.O,thottjh11lt notflea/e, thaujlJaltnot beare[4/fo wilnejfo, thoH fh41t nat _CDHtt:anJ if there be ttny othtrCBnlm~rndement,it~ rriefiy comprthuuJedin rhU [.e-ying, namely,thot~ jl,./tlouethy neighboRT ..u th,Jfilfo. Our neighbour is eoery ono , wh1ch is of ourowndldh.Efa, 58. 7• Whenthoujiejlthe wai;ed,couer him,•nd hidt mt thy folfofrom thine own<flejh. The manetoflouing,is'fo to loue our neigh– bourasour fclues,to wit, truly and fincerdy; whenas contrarily, the true man<roflouing God,isto loue God without meafure. The fecoad Table containeth fixe com– mandements: whereofthe firfr,and in the or. dcrofthe ren Commandements,the fift,con– cerneth the preferuatJon of the dignitieand excellencie ofour neighbour. Thewordsare thefc: H!....,. thJf•ther ...,dthy mothtr, th4t thty "'~1 proung thy d•ies iw the L•nd, vvhich the L.,.dthjGodt,i•tth thet. T be RefoiHtion. H•mur] This Word,by a figure, Ggnifierb a~!~hat'dury, whereby o~rneighbours digni. tte ~· P!ef~f!Ied,butefpecullyour Superlours. Th1Sd1gnme~ro~edeth of this, that euery man bearerh m h1m fome part of the image oflllod , ifwe refpcatheoutward order and A decency , which is obfcrued in the Church and common-wealth. In rbe Magi!lratet!Jere isa certaine image ofthe power and glory of God. Dan.z. 37· OKing,rhcH<rtAKing •f kings, fol·the Gcdof heourn h.rhgi•en thee• kjngdome,po'Wtr,<l1fdj/rength,andglorie. Hence itis;rhar Magitlrates arc called Gods. Pfal. 8:. '• Inanoldmanisrhefimilitudeofthe – eternitie ofGod : in a father,the likendfe of his fatherhood. Marh. z3. 9· And .-11••maw 7our Fttther 11pon the et'lrth: for there i& bHtsne, )OJJr Father which U in humen. Jnthe man is the image of Gods prouidence and authori. tie. t.Cor. I1.7.For,cm.moNght nottocrn:tr hU he•d, brc•ufi he u the imageoftheglcry ofGctl: B bHt the l!>om4nis thegl•ry ofher hmb•nd. Final– ly, in a learned man , is the likeneffe of the knowledge and wifedome of God. Now ther– fore that perfon, in whom euenrbe lea!! title oftheimage of God appeareth, is to be ho– noured and reucrenced. Thyfather J Bya figure,we mull herevndcr. llandall thele that are our fuperiours: as,Pa. rents,and fuch like ofour kindredoralliance, which are ro vs in !lead of parents: Magi– R'rates, Minillers, our Elders, and thofe that doe excel! vs in any gifts whatfoeuer. The kings of Gerar were called .Abimeltch,my fa– ther the Gen.45.8. qcd h4th mAde me 4(~ttber1Jnto PharaBh, And Lordouer aBhishoHji. r.Cor.4.15.Forth•ughyeh•ueren C thoufondinflr•Ciersin Chrifi,Jet h•ueye not ma– ny F.rhers: for in Chrij/Jef,.. I haHebtgctttn )PH. 2. King. 5• 13. B~tthit{trN4ntJcamt,4r.d f}•~"mtohim, andfoid, Father, iftht Prophet h11d cormmmdetithee tt grtatcr thing, ~sHidefJ tbDHflothaJiedomit? 2.Kin'g.:.z2. .AndE/i. fha fow it, andhe cryed, UWyfather,myfather, tht chariqr •,anilthe horjimen th'Teof. Andthy motller J This is add<d, !ell wee lbould defpife our morhus, becaufe of their injirmities,Prou. z3· zz. Obey thyfathtr which bath beg9tttn tJ;ee, .end d'fPift 1Wt th] mother old. Here we arc put in minde to performe due honour to our !lcpmothers, & fathers inlaw, as ifthey were eur proper a!¥l oaturall poD renrs, Ruth 3.1.and 5• Ajitrw4Td Nacmi her mcthtrin law[aid vnto her.,;My da•ghter,jh.O not I jit~e rejl for thte,thA< the~< m•i•JI proJPer? Andfoe anfwmd htr, .AU that thoubiddejl me, ll!>illdoe, Exod.t8.,8. B•<Mo(esf4tberin lawfoid vnto him , T hething ll>hich thoud.eft is not VPell.verf.t7.He~tre uotv m_}110JCe~I willgiue tbte <omtfeU,and Gcdfha//1, ~>ith thte. verf. :4. S• Moftsob'Jed the v•ice.f his fathtrin t.,., anddidaOthathehadfoid. Mich.7.6. Forthe fo•••reuiletb the["her, the d••t;hter rijith vp ag4inj/ her mother, thedaughttrin lal!>, •g•injl htr moth'tr in la':V. That ih'J may prolong] Parents are faid to prolong,the liues of their children, becaufe they are Gods in!lrumenrs , whereby their childrens liues are prolonged :foroftentimes the name of the attioo isattributed to rhe E4 mfiru.