Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

50 rhe order ofthe catfes infirumcnt,wherewith the atlion i! wrought, A J 8.13· No'ttDnthe morrow,whcn MDftsf•tte to Luk.16,9, M•/,f_youfriends l>iththtri<he10f iudge th< peoplt, the pt9pleftooJ•bout Moftsfro iniqNiti.e, thl# whenyeejlu10 ~4nt, thty111") re. m~rning vnro eum. To giue thr;m thec~iefe ceiutyDu into entr/djJingbabitlltUns. 1. Tim.4. rea Ie, I . King••. t 9· .AndheJmdoJrntonhu I 6. For in aoingfo, thou flu<it bothfo•erbyfolfe thront,ll'fu:l he c~Hfrd tt fi•t to befitfor the Kings ,,a them th4t he~tre thee. m•thcr, tmd{hee fou dt'"'ne at bU right h11nd. But parents doe prolong the liues of their Luk. I+·7,S,9. He fP•kt•lfo • p•r.blev•totke children in commanding them to walke in gu'.fls, when het nMr~etihttvthtycbooft oHt the the waies of the Lord , by exercifing iufiice chie.(t roome;,(Sj~t;d1.mtothem,Whcn rho1 1 J! 111 it an~ iudgement. Gen. I8. 19· For being bebt bsddtn-f•nyman to • rredding,Jct "" shyf~q come godly, they haue the promifeboth of d•'Wnt ;, the chit[fjlp14ce,lefl4 mGrt hor.osm1b!~ this life,and the liferocome. y.Tim+8· mRn then thiube biddenofhim, nr.d hethRtb 11 d Further,they dretl the fame thing by their both him t~n:Jthee,comt~tld[tf)'to thee, q;He tl:is prayer• made in the behalfe of theirchildren. nMH roome , ~tnd tl;ou thmbcginne withflumlt t• Herebyltplainly appeareth, that thev(uall B ta~ the loweft roomt,G'"·43·3 J.So shryf•tt btcufiome ofchildren faluting their porents, to f()re hon, theeldefittccording to his A_ft, tfndrhe ' aske them their blefsings, is no light or vaine yont.tfl ACC()rding to hil)'Duth, ttndthe menmer~ thing. ~.tiledamong thtmftlHts. To Jet our fupcriours Moreoucr, in thefe words, .the reafon·to fpeake~eforevs, IobJ>.6,7·'7· Tokcepe mooue vs to the o&edience of this comman. filence mcourts and mdgement places, vnriJI detnent,is drawne from the end,•.vhich reafon we bebidden ro fpeake, All.24.1o, T hm P••I is a!fo apromife, yet a(peciall promife, Eph. R[ter that the qoutrnour h•dbtc~mtdvn11 him 6.1. Hon••rthy[athrranathy mother,~>hichu th•t hefl,.ulafPe•kt, Rnji~ered. Togiuerhem th•Jirfl<omm••dementWith promi(e,I (ay,fPrci- (uch their right and iufi titles1as declare our •lly b<eaure the pro:nifc of the (econd cornreuerencewhen we fpeake vnro them, x.Per. mandement i~ generall, ond belongeth to all 3.6..As Saroh obrytd .Ahr•h•m,•nliulled him therefi ofthe commandements. Lml : owh•fi d••ghtm;·eart;'Whilts)·edo weD: And God promifeth long life not abfoluteMark. I0.67. G,.dmafler,wh.,fo•B ldoe,th41 ly, butfofarre as it isablefsing. Eph. 6. 3· 1m")p•Jfo!fi tttrn.U liftlzo T htn h< •nfl'per<d, That it mAy be wen 'i9ith thee, and thlft thoH a.JJaidVtflo him,M•f/er,a/1theft things h••• I m"itfllitte kmg on t~rth. For wee mufl thinke c •hftruedfr•m myyoHth. x. Sam.I.I4,1 5• .And that long life isnot alway a blefsing, butthat Eli(.tidvMto h<r, How long 1>ilt thoubedr•ok£! (ometime it is better to die then to liue. Efa. 'PHe •ll>•y tlry drsmkfttHtjfe from me: tht• Han- $7·'. TherighttoU< p<riflmh,•ndno m••«•fin•h~~~tfwmdandfoid,N•y my L.,.d,but 7 •m• dtreth it in heart: andmercifnO menAre tRk,_e, If~ wonu11 trou/;/eJ inffiirit : 1h111t1 drNIJk! neither "''!'• tJJndno m•n vnderjl11ndeth th.ct the righteWine norftrong drinkt• osu Utllktnaw9 from the euiltto come. . Se~ndly, towardsthofe that beourfi1peBut ifat any rime ;he Lord giueth athort r10urs maurhorttte: and firft, obe~bcero life to odedient children, he rewardeth them theircommandemcnrs. Rom.t 3• I . t euery againe .with erernalllife in heauen~ and fo the {Dult befubieCI to the higherp•wm. promife faiktb not, bur changerh for the We are to be admonithed to obedience : better. becaufe euery higher power is the ordi. · · Tht 4ffirm41iut p<rt. nance of God, and the obedience which Prtforut tht dignitie ofthy neighboor. performe thereto, God acceprerh itas Vnder this part is comrna.,ded: though it were done to himfe!fe & t<> Chrifi. FirCl, reuercncc towards aJI ou'rfupcriours: Rom. 13· 2, who(Dtotrthmfore, rtjif/eththe the atlions wh9'ofare; Reucrcntly to rife vp powtr,rtjijltth tht <rdinAnce ofGod, •nd they before them w!ien they paA'o by vs. Leuit.I9· D th•t rtjifi, Jh•O recei•e to themjilues iuJgemt/11. j l.Rift vp befort the IJoartNt4d, 41'1d h()niiJr the Coi._J• '3· .And~>h•tfotueryeed.e, doe it ptrfon ifthe oldman,•nddtt•dthy God: I""' the beaYtiiy,IU vnt() the L()rdJandn()t 'tiNt#men. 2+ Lord. To mectc them when they come toKmwing thAt fJj the Lordyee jiJ•N rtrtiut the I! wards vs; Gon.J8.!, .Andhtlifttd vp hi.· 'J"• reward •f the inbtrit,nce : for _Jet ftrNe tbt •nd look,:d: ond/oe, thrtt mmfloodby him, and Lord Chrifl. Obedience is ro bee perforl\:rhen hefow them~ herlfn to meettthtmfrom the med to our rupcriours with diligence and tmtdoore. t.King. 2. 1 9· When B~tthfl~tbA faithfulneA'c. Gen. 24,1. c.Abr•hamfoidvnto;peak! to k,!ng SR/omo11, the rcft to meete to hit e/Jejlftr•••t •f his ho•Ji, which had tht htr,andb,wtdhimftlfe "Vntoher. To bow the rAie ONtrtJOthAt he hffd: P11t noW th) b.tndv• knee-, Mark.xo.I7· And'(tlhmhewiUgenHUt der "')thigh, '"d Twill mak• thee jwtare by ofthew.a:y. the~e came ont ritnning ttnd~tt/td to tht Lord God•fhMuen, andGodofthe eMth, him. Gen.x8.z. Heraunetomtttethem, mtd thatthou Jh•it not tak,e • Wife vot•my fontll! of bowed him{tlf• to thegro11nd, To fiand by them thl JAughttrs ojthe CtiJiffllnittS, lft'110"lfi JVhDm when they lit downc. Grw.I s.,s .Andhe"'~ I d'WeO. 1 o. So theftrH41it IDol:! tt#llt Cttmtls bsztter andmil~, and tilt cP/ft thllt he hllli pre~ •! hismoftm, nwd dtp•rttd, 12• .And htt, andfet befortthem; ••dfi..d himftlfeby foid, 0 Lord God of my m•fltr oAbYRh•m, thtns vndtr t~ttree, Rnd thry did e•ll· Exod. 1 be[mh thee find ''"' g01d Jfttdt this d•y, •nd