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of Salu_ationand Vamnation. any ocher way whatfocuer; be it fer ncuer fo A twrme the~tindhim lli'JNe:ifhe htare thu, thfJu great agood ro our neighbour. hajJ\Vonthy brsrher.Pro. I r .I 3· He thatgoeth y. To pronounce vniufl: fentc:ncc in iudge.. •b~UI A4 ~jl41mdtrer)dlfcouereth 4 focret: but he ment;to refl: in one witn~s; toaccufe another that i4 of 4 Jai~hfu~ heart)conutJ!ttha nMttcr. wrongfully; eo beeray a mans caurebycolluIX. All babling ul\c and bitter words.Eph. fion. 1 .Kin.l1,1 ::1. They proc/llimed a{t~ft, and 5. 3.'Burfornicatirm tind a! 'IJncleanntffe,let it not fit N•both •mon,g rhechiejofthe peaple, I 3.And be cnet n•med•miigyou-+Ntitherfiirhlnts;nti. rhtre camt twq wick!d mm,q,ndfore beforehim, iherfo,/ifh t~tl~ing. neither itjling,whichllre"'' andtl~ wick!dmm witnejfedag4in{} N~borhin come!J)burrath!rgiuingoflh4nl!,.tt. Ioh.9. 34· thewefince ofthe ptoplefa,inJ,N•both didbla{- Tl>ryanjwered& (aid vnto him,rhollartaltogtplume God& the ~ing:rhel'lthey c4rriedhm, atherbornc inJint, doefl tbou uach v;? fo they W-!J Qllf ofthe city,& jlomd him wi:bftoneJ1tht~r c11jl himoHt. This iefiing,or,as it is now rear~ he died. D:u. 1 7.6. At the mouth (Jfrwur thret rncd~wit) which Arijfot. the Philofopher ma. Witnejfos fh.O he th.e is Worthy ofdwh,die; b.t keth avcrtue, isby Pmrl the Apollie accoun41 the moutiJ of''~~' 'Witn~Jfe he.PJ:tO not di:. red avice:and that not without caufc: !.Such V I. Openly eo raifc forged and hurcfull B quips as !ling othcrs,though they b:e a great talcs and reports of0ur neighbour,or priuily pleafure forfo:se to hcare, yet are they very todcuire chcfame.Ro'll I. 29- Whi(Jmm.30offenfiue tofuch 2S arc ro gyrded, I !.le i$ veBac/;:foittrs,h£ersofG(Jd prfJIId,bu{ftr:,in;~'ittu ry hard to make Chriilian both godllnefl'e ofmiHthin;t. Leu.r9. r6. Tl:(J~Jjhalt 1J1t wal~t and grauity ro .2greewithfuch behauiour. •bout with r•l:samong thy ptopl<, tiM•jlMit not OGiell. But fait and tartfpceches are vruall {land againjlth< blood ofrhymighb•ur: I •m the in the Scriptures,1.Kin. I S.27. Eliah mocked Lord.I-Ti-n.s .I 3· ,A,,dlt~ewiftaifo being idle, the pridlsof'ZJ.-I.EfJ, l-fo9· thrylrante togot .boutfrom houfo to houfe: ye•, .Anf. Such rpccchesare not fpoken to pleare they"" notonelyWe; but .Ufo p>'1ttlm, ••d b>fie others, but are fharpely denounced agaia!l bodies,jpea~ng things Which 4Yt not cqme!y. To Godsenemies rohis glory. fpread abroad flying tales, or eo'faine & adde X, Flattcry,wherebywe prairc our neighany thing vnro them. Prou. z.6. zo. Withont botlr aboue that we know in him. Prou.27.6. T>mdthefire is q•••ched,&without •ta/e.6e.rtr Th· wouds of. louerarefaithful,b•tthe kfjfes of j/rifec~ajith. ZI• .A; ,,,.kfth b•rnin~ an,tmmy•rttobtjlmnneii.I't- HtthAt pralfith cu/e;.& woodaftre,fJ tlutontenti()ufman U~tpt hUfiiendwith aloHdvoice,rift,ge,:~r!y inthe •or tQ ~indleflrife.zz.Tht words of.., ta/e.bearer t~re C ning>it Jh•llbe countedtfJ him'" 111 Jllttlrjngr,4nd theygo do'?ln Uuo the bfJ'Wels ()f l:z.And thepefJpltganea fhout,f'!]ing,The VfJi&e thtb•Uie,z.Cor.u,to. F"' 1{tare left -when1 •fGod,.rnd t!•n.This is agrieuous fin in come,({haUnotjinie 'JDII(uch"' 1WoHid, & lr,1 the n>inillersofthe word. I .Thc.z.5.Ntither there btjlri(i,muying,wr4tb~contenti9ns)bllcl:f:idid Wl tuer vftj/4tttring WD~ds, tU ye ~n8W, NIT ti.'lgs, whijjJtrings,[weOings, tt1ddifcrm:i am~ng coliJuredco,efoMjius~God is rtcurd.Ier.6.Jj_.F6r you. To rcceiue or bdecue thof!taks which from the leaflofthem, t~mvnto tbe greatt{l of we heareofothers.E>.'fld. 2. 3 .I. Tbeu fh-t!t mt 1 1 tbemltHer) one is giut,; 'UntO COU!t011fne;,6"from rtceiue 4 f-'~lfo tttle ~ neitber jb.;tt thoH put thine thr Prophet, ellrn vnro th: Prieft, tht)' a/Ideale hand with the wicktd, to be a f•lfo wiwfle. I. faljly. I 4· They haoe he.ledalfo the hurto(the Sam.24. IO.And DauidjdidtoSaul,Wherefore daughtt'f ()f my people with[nreet wo,..ds, [4JiPg, giu~P thou a1Jtotre to mens Words, that foy, bePtt~._ce,peace,when thert is 1J() peace.Rorr1.16. t 8 holde,7J,Juid foe/:.!th euiO11glli·nft thee ! For they that areJuch, ftrue not the Lord le[ m V I I. To :4-Ccufe our neighbour for that Chrift)b11t theiroty1JtbtHits,&WJth [4i•·tjfc"h which i5 certainand true,through hatre3 and •nd {l4tterirtg.dtceiuethe- btart; QfthrJimple. withintenttohurthi~·I·Sam.22.9.Thcnan. 1 XI. Foolr!h andouerconfidemboafiing, fwmdDoeg rh: Edomlte (who "'"'"?POS•ttdo- D Prou.>7.1. Bo•fl ""thy(dfeofro """'"'• for 11erthejir.unts ofS•ul) & faed, 1{a<othe fon.J thou knol!olt/1 notllih4t •.1.4J ""J brwgforth, z,. J.fh~i '.Jihtn he cam~ to No~,to AbtrAelech the[on Ltt antJtbtr pr11ifethee,4ndmi thine oWn mfJNth, of.Ahetub I o.who tUk(dcounfeO ofthe L~rdfor l 4 jlrlf1lger,4'11dn1Jt thine ()~ni/ip;. hem,a'lfdga1sehim vlEtuals,4nd he g~tue htmclfo j X l I. Toaccufe,orwirnes 2gainfi one falf the f\vordofGol:ahthe Phrliflim. Ofrhisdecd ,Jy. t.Kin. 2I. I 3· NabothblaJPhemt.l. God 4 wd Dauidrous fpeaketh. Prll. ~2.I. Why boafl<fl I the k.!ng, thou thyfi/foi>t thy Wic~ednes,O m•n ofp•Wtr? Thcaffirmatiue part. the lo11ing kf:ndr.e; ofthe Lord tndxrcthfor eu~r. Prefirue thef.OfJdtume ofth; mighbour. Eccl. 'l-· Thy tongrst itn~tgineth mifohiefe, ~tnd U lik.!, a 7· 3.Agqod name i; betterthen agtJodeyntment. Jl~<rperafo>·,rhat tlllltthdeceitfully.J-Thoudotfl I' Here is commanded. \ l~uttHi8 more thengood: andlies, more then ro I. A reioycing far the credit and ~ood e. jfr«k,JIJ<r>'llrh.'r.ThouloMflah Words thnt may £\imaciorl Qfthy ncighbouq:>al.5.22.B~tt rhe deflr~~,O deceitfUl/ tongHe. ' Ifruit o(thefPirit~i; I~Nc,ioy ptace,ermlene;.l\om VIll, 'To open or declare cur neighbors I I .8. Fir~ 1thank! my G,d through JejmChrijl, I\ fecr<tS tO any 11130, efpecially, ifhce did it 0~ for JDH al,btcalrji )'OUY faith is p~tbiifhed throughinfirrnit:y.~~at 18.1 )• MorrDucr,ifthfbruth~r out the tvhole 'World. trefP•ffi •g•snflthtt,goattd teNhimhu f,mlrbe. I I. Willingly to ackno•·ledge that good. ----~------------------~--------------------------~G~----------n~c~ffi~e______ f·