Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

Cafes of Confcience. 7.,Booke. p,o(c.Thiste~t ~ereforegtues no warrantfor A damnable idol, yea worfe then an idol of the bdc)tlyptefetice,intdolatcous a!fenl olies. .' , Gemilcs;and rhc Adoration performedtherTh~fecon"'Obtcct. Ichu openly profef- ·therein is mofl abominable, and bath more fed the .;orOup ot' Baal, and ycr bee dt!fem· aflinitic_with!!ro!feGentilifme,rhenwith tht blcd;meaning norhingle!Te :z,King. 10. 18. ln!lttutton of our SawourChrifl,_ ~nd.c-he Lord.;:ommcnds him for his dtli– g.'cr;.~(Xecmirm iftba[,whichWIIJ right in bil t]U, I,I I. ~eGion. li,(!fl.s39· 11".1 ~. v./M· , lchu iscommendcd, nor for his difTf' hether any man etrpeciaf~ Whetbcr i1 fcn•bling, butfo•his dihgence in ddlroying >'}, be l•wfu)j J\9~Qs iloufc, his.religion, & the·Priefls,with ly a Minijler > may With goeJ to flie ~ ' alJ-rAat belonged vn[Q rhcm;thoughin orher . 11 . mattcrsbelongingtothefaraiceofGod,hee conjctence t•ie in perjecu&tOn l dcpartednotfro:u,tlle!inneso.flcroboam. and tfhe ma"fiie,-hen "· ' . ',.J'hethirdOoieCl. Dan. J. 6. Nebuchad'- "J ,w nez~a.r }llad~ adecree,tllatwbafo~u:r wouiJnot B • l fi.lld~""'""dwor(biprh•Koldm lm•g•,foouldth• s,IJ, ''· f,..Pf~Wu"b• c.jl i;,toth• mjdd•fl if•• bot fi•ri• Thio~eGion conGGcthoftwopatts.Tou- '(lfr;_!~.ta. Now·w~danotreade,th<Itanymorc chmg~hc_br:fi: Sundriemehareof opimon, !"el~fed lo ,cb~_y_)>ut three, and therefore it thatutsvttc•fyvnlawfullto fliein perfecuri· fccmesthat-Dani.e.l did wot!htptbelmage,u on; as Tmulli•n, who bath written a whole ,.~i•l others. ,.~ booke oftbts argumeot: and beude.bim,cer- ~dff~ ... ,Danielwas not accufed asthe three teil Hererickes named CirGHm&(Qiqnn,in that 1 ~!lren were, and for that caufc there is no part of Afrikc, which wee now callBarbarie, lJ1~9JIG11 made of htS refufall. ·,Again<, pur and fome alfo ofthe fe{l of the Anabaprills. ,tbe~,aJe )J~e·had beeneaccufed, yet theKmg But the truth is, thatfomctime< it is laMull to fO~e no knowledge of his accufation, be- • Hte,though not alwaicr. For proofewhercof, ,.~f~pcewas i11 fauour, bothwHh •him, and! conliderthefcreafons. " thepcopl<. - Ftrll,CluiGscommaundement, ". The fourth O..biect. Paul togither with 15.Whenthq ptrf-cuuyon mon_,;,;,jlidnto•- : fotliem<n,<ltat had madt a v-ow, yeclded lo ""' noth•r.lfit·be faid,that tl!ls ccmmaundement 1 pu;;ifie htmfeJfe,accordingtatlt~ law of M6.1 C -wa• limHed to the times, wherein theApo- •feo, b~cau(e hecwould.not,offcnd the weake !lies!><'<ached in lewry,and therefclte is temlew~,ACl.z •·~4- And yet thar Law concer-' perarie: ·"I anfwer, No: for there cannotany . !Y11lUI~I)ficattob,. asalfo the wholC.bodie of 1 text.of Scripture bee brbughr, to!hew that it .~ri:O}Ontes, w~s abrogared Ill the death of • was eueryetrepealed.And thcApo(l]es(wh 0 Chri tl. Now tf he might do£ that whith'was I had receiued rhiscomroaundcment, euen ~fvJW.wful!, forthJ:.•uoidingof offence; why terChrWufcenfion,andrhegiuingoftheho· mayjjota mon gqe to Matfe, and fo preuent ly Ghoil,)being per(ccuced,did flie from one r\l<' fcandall, wpichmay beelakea-onthe beplacecoanother,aswctmay rude, Act.9.>s. halfcoftbe Papills? [ • 30. >.Cor. 11.Ifit bee allcadged,that if this -Anfw. true, thattbere I!'as an end put be a commandementto flie,then allmufl flie? v 0 ro_the ceremonial! law by Chrtils death; 1-anfwcr·al;aine,that though thecommandeletit W"> notat the fir(! 1vholly to bec'aboli-, ' ment be gcherall to all perfons,and therefore !bed, butl>ylittleandlittlc. Againe, the vfe <uery ChrtUian may lawfully ihunne appaof cercmoni.cs, remained as a thing indiffcrentdanger: yet the fame isparticuJar, in re~ re<X io"it felfe, ,till theTemple of lerufalem gard ofctrt:umilances,oftirric and place. For '¥.3' ddlroyed by Tttus, and the Church of 0 'though all may flie,yetthe~e beefeme piaces th~ new Te(!anr..ot throughly planted. And and ttmes, whereinmeAntay notvfe ihat littl! both thefe wer£ accompl:!hcd, th!'vfe of . bcrtie,asOJallappeareaff<r\Vard, ·, rheHremoniall Jaw was no Gone; prouided, Theiecond reafon istaken from ~heexth;!r it were not holden, or vrgcd, aoa thmg ample of mapy won~i~ nlen r~cdrded·in necetfarietofal~ation. • Scrtpture.lac'ob theParri~rch fled~e from the .Nowwhere~sit is faid,that we may be pr<· pre[encc of his brorhcr Efau in<bHar~n,•to fent at theMa!Te,for the auoiding of offence; Laban, Gen.z7. and agalllel from tli'epe'e to it m<yfurthcr qeeanfivered: firil,that "eare the land of hu fathers; Gen. 3'· Mofd,after IQ P.Qoq~r.duties, though men bee neuer fo hec had flart\e the·Egyptian, fledde outofE- !})Hch-offcnded ;/or trwas the ruleof Chrill gyptinro Madtan,whcrcheeliued4o.yeares, to hkecafc, L~r them alone, the] 6t.ethe h!mde Exodus 1. And rhiswas no rafl1 Aighr, buta leaders<>[;h•6(ip4•.;March,Is.I"F Secondly, workeoffatth, Hcb. 1 l.2'j,.Obadi•h thegoI'Cought not to doeutll,that~oodmaycome. 1 uernour ofAhabs houfe,hid •lmndrtthmrnof 11ter~e;f. • th' Lords Prophm, by fif11e in a caue,and fedde The fift Opie~. TheMallei• Gods or-· them with bread &watcr,wll<li lezabelwould jlitun,c, appo" by Chrill, though now haucdcGn?yed them, 1. Ktng. 18. '3· Elrah ltbcecorruptcdpy.p1en. Aofw,. le is a moll hemg in fcareof h:s ltf<,Heddc from Iezabd mro l I i I .