Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

2.Booke. (4jes of Con/cience. 891 t_:i:._nt o"""'fv"Ii""o_u_n_t H"'"o-re'b-,-,~. ffi'('":Jn:-;g:-. ~,9;:-·-;3--~A;;-g;;:a~m;;:e;c,C:AOI'·~o~r ,;;; ·m;;;fl:ilc;:;i;;u:-. 7o')p;;;e;;n;-;c:;:o;;;n"'fe;ri!F.:i,o:;;n;-;ic;-s,-::w:<h;:;e:;;o-:;a--;m;;:a•r, in the newTdlan 1enr,our Sauiour Chr:O beboldlyconfelfedl his faith before the Aduer· intJ in dan"er,\vitJ3~f8w1htmfdfc, loh. 10.3 9. faric,c-ucn ro the death. as the greatell & at~d ihat Ji,;,dricliit~C~ till the hower of hJS highd! degree ofco,,fdtion;anJ in 1t rLe hopafficn w.a!comc..Ua0T 1 when theliwcscookc lylVlarryrs jn former tunes continue.., , cucn coun(cllrogerherro ktJI him. u·ai let downc mthe Iolfe of thi!Jr l1uc:s, '-•ndergoing rbe fU· by the brethren in a basket through a wall m niOHnent of dearh, inA,Cled vpon themby D•mafcus,A/1.9 •·5.And whentheGrec~ans the AJuerfariesofChrifllefus,for rhe mainwent aboutto flay lum, bee was brought by renanceufthc truth.lmphcite is;"·hen amah the brethren ro Cefarca, and feot toTarfus, to kccpe his Religion, "content ro forfake verf.:9,3 o. Againe,bemg in d~ngcr,hc vfcd his counrrcy,fficnds,aildgoods. This is afcChrilban pol1cietofaue lllmfelte. For by C1ycond degree,inferiour to rhefornJer, and yer iog he was aPharilie, bee made adiuafion be11 is a true Confeflion, acceptable to God. rwecn hisacet~fers,thc Pharifics &Sadduces, And vnder this kind,comcs Aighfin p~rft'Ctl· andfo cfcaped,AcbJ.6,]. And it that were rion.VVhence it appearcs,that [awfoll flight lawfull for him ro do,then IS it alfolawfullfor in times ofdanger,~> no deniall ofChrtil,•nor aman,by Hightto fauc h1mfelf,in ca(eofdan- B yetagainflconfcllion. For lomctimc•it pleager,whether he be a man,or aPaUor. feth God to call men to profclfe his name oYet fur rhc bertcr clearing ofthe Anli.\·er, penly,by fuffering: fometimes againe,o,m o.. Comeallegations to the c~ntrarie, are to bee penly byfuf! by Hying' and this Jar· examined. rcr way, though it bee notfo high adegree~ as Obiect. I. Perfccution isagood rhing,and 1sthetonncr,ycr iris in deed·eand in tr;;th, in that which is good, m<~:y not bee cfchcwcd. therncafure,a rrue profcfiionof ChuO,and An(. Good things areof two forts. Some plea!ingvnroGod. are limplygood,10,anrl by themfelues;asvcrOb1ect. I V. Our Sauiour Chrill com• tucs, and aU mor.all duties: and rhc[earcnot maundsvs, 'Fearenot them t!Mt c~nkJ.IIthe body, robeefchewed, Some againearc good oneMattb. 10. 28. Now ifamanmul!not f<are ly in fomerefpcCl:s. Oft!us fort otrethings in . thcm,thcnhemull nm A1c. dlff.:rcnt,wllichbe ne1thercOrumaundcd nor Attfwtr, Therextfpeakcth nor o(aJifcarc, forbidden, but are good or euill,m refpcCl of butot fuch feare a, rendcth to Appflalio,aud C1rcun1ltanc~s. And thcfc may be cfchewed, cauferh men tv rcnom1cc fa1rb)and goodcouvnlclfe weeknow that they bee good forv~. fclencc.Agamc,ir fpcakeaof that fcarc,wber· Now pcrfecurion beemgof this kindc,rhat 1s C by man fcareth man more r}'en God.Third· to fay)nor limplygood, but onlyby acctdenr, ly,itfpzakrs of fuch fcarc,as by which aman may beauoided;becaufl! no man canfay that isvrged rorempr God, bydoing fome thing lt isgood or bad for him. .>1 (hat IS r~pugnant ro h1s wdJ, and rhar out ot O btect. li. Per[ecut!On isfentofGod, lm call1ng. Now when rhe ~eflton is of for the triall andgood uf his Church. An(. A1ght 111 perfecurion, we vndert!andnot filch F1r!l, eu1Jl thwgs1Cm of God, may beeauoi· aH1gbr a;s ~codeeh to ApoGa_fie, or arguerh deJ, if hee!hc\l.·cs amcane or way, how rhcy rheteare of rnan,morethcnot God,or rhat IS may be auoided. For example: God fended1 repugoam to Gods wd 3 but that alone,wherelicknclle, t'aminc,rhc plague,and (word; hee bywee vfe the mcancs offered, according tu fends alfo meane•, and remedies for the prehis appointment ; lefl wee fl1ould feemc to ucnting, and remoouingof them,as phylick, rcmpt htm, and l:rmg vpon our fducsvnnc.- and food,&c. And theli:we may lawfully vfe celfarie danger. And thusrhd,{fpart ofthe forthe faid purpofcs' and in likemaner may ~el!ion is an[wercd. perfccmioo bcauoided,if God offer meanes s,/1, :, ofcfcape. Secondly,tbereis arwo-fold will of The fccond is conc<rlllngthcTime,when God)hisreut>Aird,and his(ecrtt wlil.By his re· D aman may f'liC., MmiOer, or other? And for uealedw1ll he barb appointed, that mcafeof b~trerrcfohmcn' r:1crcof, wcearero reu1em~ prcfent danger,whcn meanes of Cfcapebeofbcr,thar there bcccighrCondirions required fered,they may bee >fed. Now bccaufethey in Chnlban A1ght, efpecially rhatwhichperthat fl.1c Ja,vfully, arcalfundof Gods reuca.- utnc:s ru thel\tlrnirtcr. led will' therefore In obedienco thereunto, The firfl is, If there bee no hope of coing rheyv(e the meanesto faue themfelues Iron> good by his aboad in that place, where the danger.As for his fecretwrll,becau(cit isvnpc:rfecuflon is. Bm while bee conceiu('sany known(',and rhcreforcvnccrtaine vnto vs,we hope of d?rng good, byrcaching,preacblng, moy not ralhly prefume thereof, and aga~nfl or oth<rw1fe, he may not fl1e. ThiS tbcMinihisexprciTc wdl,refufe the means offcrcd,but llcr lhall eauly difcerne in Chflnl3n Wlfevfe them rather,tiiGod reuealethe contrary. dome. To tfus purpolePaul, AI1. J8, 1 o. ha· Obiect.II !.To Ay in perfecution,i,.'kind u10g a while preached at Corinth, and finof denial! of Chri!l, and againl! confetlion: dmgthat the Jewes detclled hi ill and his mihcthcrfore thlt fHcs,Ccemcs ro make no con~ nincric, imcnd~d aprcfentdepa:turcrhem:e. fetlion,burratherro denie Chrifl. But th~ Lord appearing vnto h1m by mght _:!IJf, Chnfiianconfcnion is double, open, ma v1lton, worp~~him to llay:f.r (faith hee) H 1 -. --- --~