Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

Thc iufl c.:~ufcof:t i'' 1ro:z. Cafes ofConjcie~ . l.Booke. ByF.jli,glvnderUandtheRel•giousFaC!, A hunfclfetofaC!mg, Dan. JO.J· ThusChnCl which is ioyned with the dutiesof Rehgton; faC!ed, and fpenr the whole night in ptaytl and namcly,the excrcifes of Prayer and Hu· vnro·God, before bee chofe hts twelueAI"" milianon. Touchingir,rhere are rhrce princl· liics,Luk,<i,Jz,And tnhke manntr,Paul and paiiG,!lcllions to behand!ed in th<ir order. S1las wben they were to found and plant ., Churches, vfed prayer and falling, Act. 14I. ·~.e{lion. lJ. becaufo in the[c ma!!ersoffogrear rm· If/hat is a1<_e!tgious Fajl? An[. It is a voluntarica~dextra<ndinarie abllinence,raken vp for a religious end: what thisend is,we O~all fee afterward. Fir£l, I call it vo/Hnt.:a:rie. bec:tufethetime, and particular manner ofFalling, is notim– pofcd, or dctcrmincd,but left free toour own hbcrtic. Againel I rearme it, to d1fiinguilh 11 from ordinary fafiiog, which Uands in the pratlife of temperance and fo. briety, whereby the appetite Jsrcflrained in the vfcof'mcares and drinkes, that it doe not exceed moderation.Now this kindeofta(l is to be vfed ofall Chrillians,aral rimes,where– as the cxrraordinaryjs not dally and ordina– rily to beprat!ifed, but vpon(peciall occali· ons, and atfpcciaH times, in as much as u is a more !hair and f~uerc ab Uinencc .then the other. II. ~crlion, porrance, they looked for fpeciall diret!ion from God hirufclfc. Lallly, Anna, that Ihee m•ghr be n]ore ferucnr in prayer,fafied night and day in the Temple,Luk.>.J7• s,a, 2: .• The fecond point is the Right manner of fa~mglwh1ch flandsin threethmgs. fhcfirfi rs,abllincncefrom meat &drink: ~or therein conf.ifierh the very nature of a B fa(!: •nd rf that bewanring, ills no falhrall. Thus EC!ercommaQnding the le~ves to laC! for her, btdsrhern neither care nor drinke for : three daies,E ller 4.1G. .How a~ligious Fttj} is to be ob{crued? c The fecond ts, an abOinenc'efrom all,de-' lighrs,whiCh may any way cheare and refrelh nature. In this fo;:t Danid fafied threewhole weekesof daies, abllaining from all pleafanr bread, flcOr, wine,andointmcnrs,Dan. to. 3· So when DaUid faC!cd, it is [aid rhar he lay all the n1ghr vp,on tbc: eanh, that he.ncither wa~ lhed,nor atmoinred himfe!fe,nor changed his appareli,>.Sam,r:.r<i.zo.In rhefolcrnne faCl of chcIc\n~s,rhe bridegroomeand bride nm_ft come out of :heir&hn.mbert, loel z. 15, 16. By thefe places it is manitell, rharin a 11uc faCl, there is required 1101 o;1ely abl!inencc from meate and drinke, butfrom all dcli•hrs re· • Anf. For the obferuatiort ofit,rhree things crcation•,and other things that mighuefreU• arc ~eqoired. the nature ofman. By this the Popilh faCling J. A iufi and weightiecuufe. ISiullly reprooued; wherein,though men""' .I I. A right manner, Cllloyned ro abClaine from flelh, yet there is II I. R•ght ends, giuenliberry rovfe orherdelicares. Se£1. 1. Thethirdthingin themanncrofaFaL!is, ·FaClingisrhen to bee vfed,when ainll and fo farrc forth toabClaine fr<>mmeate ando- . weig.btie cau[e or occaflon thereof is offered, ther delights,as the body may be rhe'rebyaf Thc•c be rwoiu!l caufcsof a fail. Jl>fled, Ezrap~oclaimesa fall,and heegiuesa ·T{1e firfi is,when fomciudgementof God reafon thcreot, that hi~1lelfe and thepeople hangsouerour heads,wherher lt bee publike, m•ghtajfZ.fl themfeltw,Ezra 8,z.Thisaffi•lling as Famine, Pefiilence, tbcS"ord, dellrudiofa mansfc!fe is expounded by Paul, 1. Cor. on, &c. or priuate. The Prophctfoelinthe ?. Z].wher~hcofairb,lbwedown<mJbodJ,•nd natbe·ofthe Lord,cah the !ewesro a firaigbt bring it in f•bitCiion, Now though wee mull &folemne fall, and rhatvpon this iuClocca·· D humble andafllit!our bodies by fal:ling, yet !ion,bccauferhe Lord had fenr agreat dearth we ought not to weaken, abohlh, or dcilroy vpoo the Jand,loel >. 14, 15, &c. Hl:ller and nature,or do thatwhereby the ClrengthGfnaher company fa(\ed whon i11ee had heard mremayberakcna.vay.Forfuchafllidingis ncwcs ofthe intended dclhutlio ofthe lewee, forbidden,Col.z. •3· And conrrariwifc,wee Eller 4.16.The pcopleofNiniue,which were arecommaunded by Cbnl! to pray for dailJ not Icwcs>but forreincrs irr regard of rhe Co6und,thac is, fuch food as IS fir rofuflaine our uenant,when the Prophcrcamc,aod dcnounfiJbrlaocc:s;and therefore we may net by fi1ch ceddeflruflionvnto thcrn for their finnes,thcy cxcrdfcs,ouerthrow thcfan,c, gaue thcmfclurs generally to falling and Yet for the berrcr vnderflanding ofthe prayer,Ion.3.5·8. manner of FaCiing,threc~dhonsarc robe The fecond caufc.offallingis, when wee anfwcred, • arerofue, and fecke by prayer to God for I. f!!!rflion, H01vlongtheFallmuClcon· fome (peciall bleiling, or for the fupply of tinue1 fomc greatwant. Thus,when Daniel ddired An/. The beginning and end of a Fall, is ro obrainc rhedeliucrance of rhcch1ldren of Iefr vntoour libcnie. Bur it isfo Jongtobee II~::_J,~~tof~ptiuiri~n Babyion, _he~aue_. -~P_.'!~~ princ~pall atlionsof the faC!,rhnt