Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

Rotn.I..f lr. The right endsof fa. .iling. 2.Booke. Cafes of Co'nfNence. . .IOJ I i• humiliationandprAycr,doeC'oni'inue.Ac,d A :rihg and drinking, rhebooieis mad;bcl;u;e; , tl;ouoh ;he b<oimi!ng •nd end thereof be che hcorcoppreiled,the fen{(·, dull ~ ·~IJd the free t~vs', ytcitls mott mecfe aii~.'co~!Jeni~ whole man vnfir fo~ fhC1du:1~s o( humili~!i4 cht rliacfoleuf)le fa~• Otouldh~g• •n toe 1 on1prayer,and hearmgof clie ward, Luk.-11, M~rnin" and la!l till the Euening."This Wa>·' ' 4· That therefore chts vn6rne!Ic may be ea: rhc'vfuat'l'cufioine 'o~theChuroh in the old ken away,not onely rhe body,ir feHc, but the Tcllamenr, : vnruly lu(!s of chc fleili' a<e<-rb be mortified · tl, .Q.Hillion:Whetherin thtday of a fo. an1 fubdueJ,b.r, this cxercifeQffa(\mg. /emtiofal!, aman may eate any thing or no 1 'f!jc fcc,on,d'end tl , to fitrue yp .our ~~uott. and ifhe may, what/and how often! '1n, &; to'confirme rhcattention ofour-minds An(,. I;Vemay eate,and that(ifneede re· iq hearing,arfditi,pr yer.-Tt>lhis ptir-pplC~n qu're)onccor twif<, Yet here we lnufi take the Scripture, fa fling and prayer ar<; fqrc~e w1thvs two caueats. F1rfl, concerning the 1 mo£lpart,ifnotalw:lics.ioynedrogct'het~S~ qoaotitic ofour meate; it mufl be lelfe then caufe,whc~.~he flomackc t~ full,t\<e body and 1 ordinarie, andonely that "h1ch IS necelfarte miiJdcarcl'ile a&lc to doe any good oiity 1 1 to piefcruc:nature,and no more:(or ifitbe o· dnd c~nr_rariwife, \l/hc?.ab~ql1n;.nC~is~vf~d;.t~:c thcnvife WCabolifh our fafl. se, ondly' COli· B heart IS ltghter,the af!ccbon~mbetrcr ,bril~, c~rning;hcqualltieofthi\! we eare; ir mu{! the~ho1efu~n _ry10reqt!iC~e._ ~~,d-Jiucly1 in~ih,e notbed•intte and pleafant, but the meandl feru1ceofGoiJ.•For'thls vc:ryJ aufe A:lirill'ls food,and fuchas 1\ath lean dclightfonine·s& f•id,roworfhip God niy,ht Anddd! rrli'hfajrilii_~11· delicacy in1t, Thus D.lniel fafled for three pr-y,-,Luke 2.3 7. Aod thc'ihtent oft he hofy \Vcekesofd4ies.frommcrmng to cucoing; in Ghoil there, isr_oco'mmen'ciher•forcheTef! which timehe eatc bur a [mall quantiue at u<ncieofhergray'<:r , whicfi'llfo'c"refbfied,'iti mcarc,and that whichwas none ofthe dainti· that by fuch exercifei·, tb'eelfiPreavp,ai\.ll'fr1 efl,DJn,Io;;. · · creafcd theattention'oflie'i''hillldc}1 '·' l . Thefccauwsobferued, a man may law. ·,'Thethir~endis, to te~(f!~ th.~ ht'jn'tilit./9 tully take fame Mlenance,euen rn rhettmeof and contrtttonofour he~rcs,t).i'at ls.tqfay,oi ir a folemne fafi. For there imo kinde ofmeara. inwardlimb'~ and griefc follirm<',and our re. but may then bcearen, quantitieand qualttit: pentance arid itfcttuall tuf'n il]g vnto Go~ beeingobferued. In the old Tefhrnent , no WithouNhis end,thcfafiis'&uravaihe ~e're. cl eane bcafiwas forbidden tobeeaten in 1he monic. And thereforetheProrh<r,I 5el't ail day ofa fafl.And iritheNew,T'drhepure, fail~ ~·pan the people to rurne vnt'd tlieLotd with 1 Paul,Tit, 1.1 ;.allthingrarc ptm.Andrh~ ki•g· C all their h~am~with fafiing,w~epi~g,!l'.m~~!·, dfJmeo(qodJiandsn!Jt mmeatu a»d drmk!s,.bHt mng;tormt th~1rhear11, and'nat thezr garments( 1 ill righuoufnef[e,peace, and ioJ in the h•fJ Gh.jf. · &c. Iocl,z.I 2.13. ThePropb,c,t Efay inl';ke Ill.~eft.Whether all perfons,are bound manner, reprooueththeie~es,r(caufe when, to keepe the forme pre[Cflbed' in the day of they farled,thcywould n!f!ifl theiJ- fo:rtn"f'r• the folcmne (all r da;,and bo:v'downe ihe;r beadi·~ tl /mlrrtjb' Jnd .An{. All that are able, andcan abfiaine,are l"d"'"' in (ack!dwh ;,.d~a[tn :·bur'iiiaqrn'o bound. YetbecaufeGodsworfilip(l.mdsnot confcience to turne 'from tft~ir euill *iit?, in eatingor not in eating, fome perfons are Efay.;8,;,G. Thereforeth' outward·llti~ll· here exempted. hationwaSbut hypocrifie. ··"11 ' . • ,,·, Firil;all tho(c that are weakc,a•childrcn a· Thefourth end ofa fafr, is to adm'oniflt v1 gcd perfons, and thofe that ardickely, Se. ofourguiltlncsbclor'e'the-Lord,:i36 toptltl!3 condly, they that, byreafoll ofthe coniliruti· in mind of the acknowldgeihlnto,four lihs; O!lOfthcirbodie•,do find themfelne•vn6t to whereby we becom~ vnworihybf aliy BfiC pray,andhearethe word cheercfully, when D fing,gift,ormcrcie,yca,vnwot;lhytogoe'vpoh rheirllomacks areempty.Thefcperfons may theground, to breathc'in die -airc;'to e<te 1 cate in the day ofafolemne fafl, fo that rhey drmke,Oeepe,ot cn'ioy any otHer bcne6t,In a ·obferuethe caueatsbcforeremembred. It is word,thatwe. haue deferucd byourlinn« all not with vs in thefe countries, as it was With rhe plagues itnd puni!hments threatncdfn'rh~ thefewcs: They could fafi one,hw,orrhrec L•w again(! !inners. TheMalefaaor'in rh~ daies·rogerhcr,w_ithour :my inconcen.icnee_;we day ofAillfes,cannot gi~.greater refiiru~ilir! cannotdoe the hke. And the reafon IS plalll<. ofchetrue confei!ion of his guiltinc!fe, ihen M. enthatliue in thofe hatte countri«, haue by comming before theIudge; with the rope COld !lamackes,&(o mayfaft the fonger; but abOUt his·nccke;ncitbercan we bringa me;>re I mcolder clunates,fuch as ours "'Ill rc(pec1 of notable figneof onqrue humiliation befo{e theirs,men beeiilgof ho~rer flomackcs, arc 9od, .then bycornrning before him, in the' not able tocontinue faflmgfolong ·~they, day ot the folcmne,fa!l,wuh open coq(cllioh' Sell. J. ·' and proclomation 9f our guiltinelfe, both of The third poiht is, conccrnir.g the Right finneand pumf1unenr. HchC:c-it w'as that in endsofareligiOlkfafi,and they arcfoure. rhcfall ofNineue, hat'Onely men, buteu~n The fir (lis ,to fubdue the flcilt, that is, to the beafls were forbidden to feede or drinke , hrinp.thebody, ond fo the bodily lufis,into water;forrhisyery end, ill-at rhe'Nineulm fubieCl:ionro rhc will and wordofGod.By eamighracknO\\•fedgetheHrlirlnes ro befdgre'af, _ . L4- ·, and .··· ' }3 . l: