Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

3· Booke. Cafet of Confcience, Il5 hUrighteO!ifn~JT~. ·A_nd li_nn~rs a~d vn~epentant perfon!, are_lrmdrre times mScnpmre rearmeJ fooles,as mmany other refpech, fo principally in this, beeaufe they fa ?le in this firll pomr ofw1fedome,goingon iri rhcirfinne withoutrcl?cnunce. The fiue virgins in the Gofpel are for this very caufe pronounced ["lifh,orfoo/n,becau(c they pr<iuidetl not for theoyleofFaith,butdid oncly contenrrhem. fehJe• with lhining lampes, tlut is, a naked profeffion ofreligion and vcrtue;and for want orwiJcdome and prudence in this point, they woreiurllydcpriued of accelfeinto thebride– chamber.Thus,the rich man, that had great reuenewcsand abundance of worldly wealth, is notwith!landing rearmedbyGod himfelfe afoole,beeaufe he gathered riches to himfclf, andwasnotrichinGod; that is, he minded earthly things, and placed IllSchiefe fellcitie in vaineandtranlirorieriches, not once fore– ca!lmg,how to come into the fauour of God, that he might beCaued. To this Rule.I adde that, which Paul by way ofcaueatcommcr.deth to the Epher.ans, Eph-;. t 6.Tak! heedethat1'walk!circumfpea– iJ,HOt Mvnwi(e, but Mwife, redeemi1g the time. As ifhe lhouldfay,Play the partofwife men; take time while timeferues,lay hold on the , mcancsoffaluation,vfeno dclaies itl hcauen– ly macrers,dcfcrrenotyour repentance from day today:for th~daiuarccui/l,andyou may be furprized in yourfinnes before you be a– ware. I I.Rule.Wemujl vfecontinuaOwatchfulneJf• agamftourmnnits,but fPtci•lly againfl o11rjpi1;t.. tua/1memiu. This watchfulnelfe our SauiOur commaundethofcen in theGofpel,but ft>'eci– ally in Mark. t ~- 33.Tak$heed,watch,andpra;. 35· Wacchthmfm,(oryek.<o,.,not, ·&,. 37. Thofo things that 1(aJ vnto J'"• I {ay vnto all mm, Watch. And s. Peter exhorteth inl1ke maflher,Befoher,and watch;f8rJOIIr treduer(arlt the VJue/1 tUt~roaring f.:yon,walk$tb 4b4ut,foekJng wh•,.hcmaldeuoure,r.Per.s.v.8. • · 'N~lv. tlus durle £lands prmc1pally in two things. F~tll, that'we diligently obferue the qan~er,wherein weate,by reafonofICI~prati· ons;Secondly,that weda1ly labour ro fcarch ~~d'6n\le out the fecrct counfels,practifes,and entej'prife~ofourenemies' ana withallfeeke tdpleu~nrthem. To this purpofe, we mull watch agairlll the corruptions ofour hearts, thc'remptations ofthe Diuell; arid rhe day ard houre ofour·a'eath, tharwe'oe not found vnprcparcd. FOrou'rowne fiflncs are many; Satan is Urongand (ubtillin his fuggerlbns, and temptations ;and dearh, though o( all o– ther things itbe modcertaine.,andcannot be audideJ,yetit is ntoftvn~ertaiOe in regard of tHelimew!Jen,thr place where, and the man– ner ahd kind, ofwhatand how aman 01all end hisdaies. I l'I.Rule. Eu<r]'man mnjl mtajiwc him/dfc h~ ~~ Qrvne flrength,and dtu nothi~g bryeng hi& a· h>t.r,, This Ruleisfet downe, tliough exA prelfed inorhertcarmcs,Rom,I2.3. J.Vomar. m'tf/prt(umtto vndaftand. 116011~ tha: whicbi& m~eutovnslerfland, b:~t ought toh~ wefe acctJr~ dingt~fo6rietie, aJ Godh~ttb dealt to ct1ery m11 n ""m-.fimofftith. An example ofthe tranf– grellion ofrhi~ Rule,we hauc mDauids three Worthies, who brake into the horl of the Ph!li(hms, to fetch Dauid the king water fiorn rhe well of Bethlem, z. Sam. 'l· 16. Which •Cl ofthelfi,wasaralh enrcrprife,and fuch aone,asD.ouid himfelfecondemneth in that Chapter,becaufe they •vent beyond their Urcngth, to encounter with awholegarrlfOn ofmen,they bemg themfelues but few,name– ly three in number. B IV. Rule. Wemufldij}ing•iO,bctwunct!Jt n~cef{ari~ rvork.!s ofos~r ct~llings,that pertaine to vs, 1tl1dotlurw~r~s that are out of otsrc~llmgs, 'at~d pertainenot -zmtovs: 1md we mt~/1 doe the other, thoughw!le.1Uethefevndone. Thl3Rule ts pro– pounded in I.TheiT.4.1r.Mcdlewithyour•wn bu(iue~ ,~that is, doerbc necelfuie wotkcsof your eallings tha~ belong to you,though you leaue the otl)er tor the rime'vi,done. The contrary tu it, is to line orro beh~uc himfclfe inordinately, z. Thetf.3. 7- And ~>e hauean exampleof the traofgreffioo heteofm-Peter, Ioh.z r.: I.whom when Chri!l had comman• ded to follow him, he would needsaske'him w[w Iobn llwuld doe; Chrirl g1ues him this anfwer,~."bat Mth~Jt tothee~ In which worHs,hc lt tcacheth rim not onc!y Peter, butalfo euery 11 C man murl attend vpon the necelTary and pro– p" er wOrkes oi his owne vocation, and not dcale wirh other mens bufines;which becaufe Peter 'diu, he is by rhor anfwer fecrcrly re– prooned; 'and iulliy condemned ofcuriefirre 10 that behalle. · · 1 V. Rule. Wemu/1 putadiffirtnce bctrmnc t bingshoneflandofgfJodr~port,andthin!s unhone~ andofbadreport,andth~(c rPeare to let p11J[e~ mrd onety to doe theotber.Ph1l-4-8. Wlwfcrucr things are trne, what[or::ertbi11gs ~rc'lxmefl,:whnt{otfier things11reiYft,rP'J;at(oerser thingJ'a'repHre,wh11t[o~ euer thingspr"rtai11eto/out, ~ht4.tfoeuc.,. thing~wr~; vfgoodrcplrt,ifti?erebe••) :Vcrtue,ifthcrebe~·i 'J praifo,thinkeonthefothingr.Torbis maybead~ D dedoneeaueat,tha~, O (twocuilswhkhare Eduobus borh finnes ,we tl'lultnetondy n6tchufe the malJSnon ICife, but wearc to t'hu[e neither. For.t_herr 1 fe~~~~',7fi damnation IS iufl, who affirrne""that men ma.y eliscn4Qm, Joe cuill;rhO.t good rnafcomcof?Jt, as thcA– porlle(ai!h;R:Om.J.8. · ,b.,.-., '· .;.. >< V I. 'R:<Re.. Things ofprojit·Md ple.(Hre;;)ujll !!,iueplaet/o thMgrtJ:~t6e/Ong tovert-ue smdhone~ {fi<.' "I:hi>conclufion the l1ghcof nature tea– cherl,.Worldly·menfay,whoiVili,fliew vsany gooJ'?Gut Daliids prayer is, Lordlift th•uvp thelight ofthy ctmiJrenance iipfftfvJrPfaJ.4. 6.Gid– lim_ff~ i& rheglcktgaillr:thcreforeallgaine mufi gJueplacew·goJlmeHC, J.Tim.6.6, V ,IL Rule. Wem"}nottm(rmm'vponf.ire preteiJr:et that rhqmak,.evnto vs, wit/,out.further wiaii.Thispoinr \vas pra.!i1fcdbyourSauiour Chrill, \.\. 1 ho, thoughmany beleeucd in h~s K-4 , namr,