Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

1 116 Cafes o{Conjcience. ,.Booke. name; when they (aw the miracles which he A done, and waitthe Magiflrates plcafure. JQ had done1yet 1 he d1d notcommit himfelfe vn· rhe ludiciall law, by reafon of thehardnelfe ro the11J,becaufe he knew them all,loh.•·•4· ofrhe Ie"eshearts, (undry finnes couldnot And iris alto verified by the common pro· vnerly be taken away,as diuorcements,polyverbc! Firfltri:,4ndthe•rruf1. . gamie,vfurie. Hereupon, theLordmakesa V I I I ..Rule. We mu{/g1atpl•cctothcfw•J Jaw of Tolerarion,without approbation, and ofthoimu, wherein rvebue,(ofarforth a& .mllJ dtd not remooucthem quite awaY, for tha! ~otnd w11h k..~epingfaith, and11 good cdn{cunce. was not poffible, in regard of man, for the W~maynot be tcmporiz:crs,andchange our rime:but rcilraincd the euill, thatcou1d not Religion with the time: bur yet we may and be quitecut offand abolilhed orherwife.And mull giuo place to rimes, as we giue placer<:. herein appeared the great wifedomeof God, thellreame,(othatitbedonewuhkeepmgof mmakingaLawnot to allow of, nor yetvttriJc religwnJand good confcience. Thi~ r_ule re~ly totakea~ay, burromoderateth~ pr~· was pracbfed by Paui,Act.:8.lL whohumg chfe ofthcfcllnaesin the I ewes, fcrthe.hardamong the Hcathc.,,was confrrained to fpcak nclfc ofrhc1r hearts. In like manner , in this , as they,and therefore he faics ,rhat he deparourland there is the praClife ofvfutic; a Gnoe red ma !hippc to Rome, whofe badge was B that cannot, norcuer fl1~ll be rooted ourvrGa£lor ancl Pollux.Againe,ACl.19.Jo.hewas terly. For 1hiscaufe, the Scares of rhis kino. three yearesin Eph{'(Us :an idolatrous place, dome,haue out oftheir wifc:dorneproutdela where the greatgoddcl[eDiana was worilupLaw for thctolcrationthoreofaficra (ort,and pod; yet mall 1hat nme he conrained himthatvpon fpeciallcaufc.FotlftbeMagiOrate !elfe, and fpakc nothmg in particular again!! !hould haueenaCled a Law vtterly to abolilh D10na,but only mgencrallagam!l falfcgods, "• it would before this Un l•ke!(hood) haue faying, that they b(! no gods thac arc made growneto grc:u exrremitie.The fame was the with hanJs, v. 29. N.ty Alexandercould not pracllfe:of the Apo£lJes in theirtimes, who charge him with this, thathe had in all that yeelded to hcarewith ihev(e of Gircumcifiwhile, !)lalphenocd <heir goddelfe D~ana. onforarime, whentheycouldnotothenvife . Paul therefore was fainc toyeeld to thefway vtt<rlyautitotf. ofthoferimes,tharfohemighrdofomegood . . It. OEe£lion. in Ephclus by his miniilerle. vyhercas,ifhc J!Vhether a man mtt1J law~ h•d fpokenagam!l D~anad~reCl•y,ll had not . . . ::J' • binpoilibleforhim, tohaucdonctbatgood c fully amlwrth good conjczence by preaching, wh1ch orherw1fe he d1d. Ar; /' ·. . ,.{{; . gaine,inthePrimitiUeChurch,the.Apo£lJes 'l1,e To tcte m the tl;;atres of tUrthewc,kenelfeo~ thelewes·, did yceldto t·/; · J·;r; ? the vfeofCircomCIIIOn,andperm,med ab!h, ~IS IJC. nencc lrom blood, and that which ••as !leanAn[. There bee foure principall Gauears, oJcd,& farre forrh,as 1t Uood with pure re: which being obfcrued, Policie may be,vfcd, Ugion,and goodcon(ciencc: and if they had and ill not again!! Chrillian religion. I . Nonot fo done, they 010uld not hauewonne the thing mu£1 (in policie)be faid,done,or inrenlewes to thefailh,as they did. ded,to preiudiccthetrurh,fpecially the truth , I :X.Rule.f(,.cwmot doe rh'g"d things th•t ofthe Gofpei.I I.Norhingis tobefaid,done,. tPcde[irt>, ;, that c.t·quifitc manner that we would, or intendcd,againfi the honour and glorieof · wc,muPccnuntourj(/weJJviththe meam; 4ndin Gad, either in .word, indeed, orin01ew. , rhJngswhich ar<good,a"d to bcdon,,it uth'f.Jefl 11 I. Norh.ing_~nu!l bee wrought or co9tcicoHr-(ttof"tiJjic oHr(eluestndomgthe lef:, l:{i m uedagamUmfilcc,that19dueto man.IV.AII , v:ntringtodoethemore, w_hichcannot_bc, we<~~ow D aCl:ions?fpolicie,muil b_~ f~chasp~rt~incto ::: tqtbeextremitie,ttndfofat!e~roffondtiJOuraflton, omcallmgs, anp bcewrthtn the hm1ts and lt iu good and wi(ecounfell ofthe preacher, boundstherof. For ifanyaCiionwhatfoeuer to this purpcfe,Eccl.7· J6.B,not iuj/oummrck' be doneout oftharcalliog,wberin God bath ·and his me•nir,g m~y be this, Be not roo placed vs,oratleaO ,benptanfwerabletberllriCl or curious,in effecting that which thou voro,though it bee plotted and arremprelim ' intende!l,exaClly, when thoucan!l not; bur neuer fo greatwifedome andpolic1e, itisvn- ~e£lconrenred in this , that thou ball done lawfull and not warrantable. thine endcauour. and take to the lelfcw·hen Thefe Caucars obferucd,ir is notvnlawfull the greater cann~r becffcdcd.ln fame counro vfethat whieh we commonly call pal id~. tries Popilh Images eretied in Churchcs,'do And 1he ,.,.[on isthis; when any buune!fc IS !!andvndcfaced. The good defire ofthepeorobe done, we mu£1[nake atwofold inguirie. pleis,thatthey may bepulleddowne:bur this Firll,into the thingto be done, whether it be cannot be brought to patfc. What ehenare good or bad, J:nvfull or notlawfull,commanthey to doe mthiscafc?theymufl not grow to ded or forbidden. Secondly ,1nroo~r fcJucs, extrcrnitic,and pull themdownc rhemfclpes; whether rhc work in band beagrcable to the butthey mo£1 intrcat the la~VfullMagi!lrate calling ofrhedoer,or anfwerableto thatdmy For their remoouaJI fo to doe; and in the whichlicowestoGod&rnan. Now becaufe me~nes;imc,refl content with that tbcy ha.ue both rhefe are grounded vpon rhe former <.aurions,