Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

Cafes of Confcience. cbon• whereby-Jtcamew pa-lfe,~har beeing A when the fuir is ended, ouer<~meby rhc Orcngth of thei• ownedcThe Moderarion ofminde,beforc the be- "••,vpo iniuriesoffered, rhcy were_vnable to ginningoffuits in law,!land• in rhree rhings, bearethem in any degreeofChnlhan modeFir!!, we mullconfider, that all iniuriea ration and·rhereupon ha!lily proceeded ro whatloeuerrhey be, doe befall vs by the prorhe cduruo~ Heathen ludges, for determiuidenceofGod,and that for our tinnes, Vp· nation of conrroucrfies and cont•ntions a· on whichconfiderarion, weougl.t to fubmir mong them. _ our f<luesro Gods wrll, to obey him,to arme It is further alltadged, thar when aman ts our fdues with puience, and to lay allde all any way wronged,ir is Gods will ir fhould be anger,cnuie,malice,and impatience. fo,& thereforeheought not ro feeke redrelfe, Secondly,- we mull confider before-hand bur to reil himfelfe in the will ofGod. that courts of Iullrce, are the ordinance of An[. IrisGods will wefhouldhauedifeaGod, inwhichitpleafeth him to re!lrfichis fcs,and yet iris no lelfe his will,rhar we fhould prefence,iullice,and goodnelfe;andvpon this vfegoodmeancsrobecuredofrhem.Soisit ground, wen,.Ube mooned ro depart with in w<ongsandiniuries done vnto vs. As his onrowncrighr, anJro yeeldour felues and will is, weOJOuldbcafBrded, foalfolurhhe B all therighrwehaue, inrorhehandsofGod, willed our deliuerance, byfuch meanes, as tn the v(e of the meanes appointed; in the hrmfelfe harh appointed. meancrime dependmg on him by faith, for Bot our Sauwur would haue his Difciples rhertluc and cuenr ofour fuir, robe .u lhup•am~m_p•oolues_, and therefore we And hence (by the way) it appearcs, that ought ro endureall wrongs withol1t reuenge. few or none doe v{e this ordanancc ofGod,as For the lheeperakesall wrongs, & doth not they ought, becauferhe greater fort afmen fo much as defend it felfe againll rhe woolfe. that commencefuirs in law, doe notconfider Anfw, SoChti!l commaundeth rhar we either thenarure,orendof ciuiliCourrs. No lhouldbe/imp!•.uJoues,Math, 1 o.x6. and yet man ordinarily will yeeld a haire qfhiorighr, withal!, hecommaunderh vstob•wif•asSrrbut euery one fixeth his eies wholly, vpon pm11,ro defe~d our owne heads, and to faue the euenr of his acbon by extremirie of law: our felucs. and fo fwarueth from rhar Chrillian mode- _Lallly,ir isalleadged,r.Cor. 1 3.;.thar/o11< ration,rcquired by the word of God in this fukunot brrOJ>n<: therefore looe mu!! not decafe. fenci her felfe. Thirdly,we mu(! fer downe with ourfelues An(w, Loue dorh nor fo feeke her owne C lawful! and iu(l ends of our aatons, norvnthmgs,asthat Oree negleaerh thegood of oiu(l and vnlawlitll. Thefe iull ends are; fidl, thers; bur feeking herowne, thee feekesrhe Godsgloriein rhe execution and maoifcllagood ofall. And rhispradrfeis nor againll, tion ofiu!lice: fccondly, rhe honcll defence bur according to thelaw of Chamie. ofour owne right: thirdly, poblike peace; I I. (a(<, How is a man to defend himfourthly, theamendmenrof difordercd perfclfe by!awl fons,and norrhe deiamarion or hurt of any Anfw. Forcherefoluingof rhisQ!!ellion man. we mull take 11vo Rule•. The Moderation of the mind in Lawing, The fir{! is this,We mull fir!ltrieal means, £lands in thcfe particulars. 1, Infeekingafrer anJ vfeallrcmedies that maybe, before we pcaccrorhevrmoii,Rorn.u. I8. lfitb•p•J!i. vfetberemcdieofLaw. IrisourSaufoursdl 4 Me,44mHchtU in you id, hauepeaceJPith,/l mm. rcdioo, Marh.s.:s. Agrwwiththin<aduerfa· z.Ir,loue ofour enemies, with whome wcare ri~quick!!y,wbiie thou Art iH the way, that is, beat coorrouertic 10 law. 3· In neith~:r vfing nor iorc the conrrouertie be ended by order of D lhewrng cxrrcmitie in cur proceedmgs,Mu. law.A__gainc,Marh.r 8. rsJ[th]brotl!<rmJP.ffe s.•s- M.r.t 8.:8. ag.ain{l thu,goandu/1himhi<foult betwun• thu After that the fuit is ended, the moderori- ""4hmsalo>u.AndSainrPauliothiscafe,preonofour m•nds mu(! be exprelfed, by our fcribes a courfe to be taken before-hand; behamout, in regard ofthe eucnt ofour adinamely, fir!lro beareand (ufferumuchas on. FortftheLawgoewirhvs,wearerogiue maybe, I,Cor, 6, 7; Why rather (uffr:ry• not God thank• forrhe manifellation ofhis iun-rong ?whJratherfuftain•J' not h.rm•?Then, !lice,in the courfe taken.Ifon the otherfide it tfbearing will not end it, tocommit ourcaufe goeagainHvs, we may cotrageor be difconto pnuare arbitrement ofone or two.v .s. Is it centedly gri~ued, but commend our cau(e (oth~rt there isnot a '11i(e manammgyou,no notom quietly to Gud,and accufeourfdues for our thllt caniHdgebttwemehiJ brethrrn r Law is to owne linnes,anilfaywithDauiJ,Righuom art : bevfed in thiocafe,asrhePhyfirianvfeth pot· rho~, 0 LAr4,•ndiujl 4 reth)i«dg<mmt 1 • Pfal. fon,and rhor is,onely indefperarecafes, 1 19,137· Thef~cond Rule is, That our patient mind I If, Caf<, Whether maya man defend mull be made knownero •11 men, Phrl.4. 5. himfelfe by force,when he is wronged1 In takrn~ the benefit of Law, we are ro vfc A.fw. Infomc Cafes, he may lawfullydegroat Moderationofminde,andrhatin three fend hrmfelfe by force, Reafons. Firll, berd pclh;befote we goe to low;i_nc.:lc.:•w_i"n-'!g2.; .:•.:nd:_!__!.:::ca:.::u:::(e:_:r::;h::e_:G:::o:::~~P:::cl:..:d~o~t~h_:_n~o~r~a~bo~l":' r,._.h_.t,._.h::_e..'L:::•~w of