Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

(12.0 Cafes of Confcience. 3.Booke. · ofoa<Ure, norrhepofitiue lawesofallcoun- A doe,Jtisa flat tempting of God: and rhisi• I tries:bur it dorh eGablifh rbem. Now, it isthe done in euery combatc. Thirdly, •fMagiLawofnaturcaud natiom, that a man may flraccswillpermit fuch fightsasrbasis, then I defend hislife&health, in Come cafesvpon they arc bound ro defend and faue theiJfe of iull occarion. SecondJ_v , th!t is Gqds Law, the innocent. For by fuch permilfion, often· 1 Exod. zz. z. l(ath«fev<Jotmdbre•"-.ingvpa timesinnocent bloodJSfhod, and the more 1 hoH(~, ~~~~db~fmirun rhathe dic,noh/fJodPJ~IJ l{c harmcletfe partlegOcsbt the wora. : foedfor him: Abraham was a firangerin rhe Bur it will be,and is obied:ed. F~rrl, thata 1 land ofSodom, and yet he rc~kued his broCombatc ts atnal of•nnocencico/ is not ' thcr Lor,and recouered all hisfubrl•nce that fo. For he that is llronger v(uolly ouercumes he had !off, by for<e and •rmes ,,Gen.••P4· 1n the cornbare, not he that harh the more and h1s aCtion was approoucd of God. For righteous caufe. Agam,thcre be orhcr means Melchifcdeck met him, at his returne from to try atruth,bdidcs this; as by c:xammation, thelhughterofrhcKings, and bletfed bun: and byoarh.Laflly,rmllbythccombare,JSot yea, & blctfed God for hJS cieliuerance,v. r9· rhe fame nature with the rriall ofa murrherer zo. Anainc,infomecafes aman rnaygmeh1s by the bleedingof aco,ps touched, or hand. life forl1is brorhcr.Sofaies S.lohn 1. lob. 3· B led; whlch is very doubrfull,andofall other 16. w~o$1g1Jt a~o:o l~rydownc our btttJ for the moll vncertaine. brethr-.. Secondly, it is allcadged, rhat ifa man rake FP. Caft. When may a man defend himnotachalenge,heJSdi!graced forcuer. A•(w, fclfcby force! There is no ••arrant in Gods 1<ord, for a pnAn[.Not a.lwaics:md vpon cuery oc-:afion, uate man to accept achalcnge. No1y, iris ra~ butonely in th,{ccaf.:s. Firll, when violence thcrfiatagainlt tt1eword. For Godfaics)R(/• offered is fo (tJdden& vnexpectcd, th<\t when tungr iJ mint. The priuate man faics the con· ltcomes, therecan bena cfcapc, cuhcr by trane,The wrongi• mine,Sd will be auenged yeelding,or by Aymg,orbyfomefuffering.Seofhimrhat bath done Jf, Againe,irisbetter I condly,wheorheviolcnceoff"ed;sopenand for any m>n, toindurealltdc reproch with , manifi:fl,Co as rhere is no other way ro rcskue fame men, then to lofeor hazard hJS life. our(elucs,but by llrikingor killing.Thirdly, · ' Thirdly, frisobied:ed,rhar the PhiiJJtims when vioknccisoflcrcd, and tl':c Mag1rlrarc offered to rry the vid:ory byalinglecombarc abfent; cirherfor a time, and his lhy be danwith the Ifraehres,and appuimed Goliab (on gerous 1 or alrogerhcr, fo as nohclpecan be . rheirliJc)togiue rbeChallenge;and char Da· hadofhim,nor any hope ofhi•comming. In C uid(on rhe lCraelires Gde)acceptingrbeChalthiscafc,God putsrheJword into rhe priuate Jt:nge,encountred wilhhim) & hadgoodfuc~ mam hands. Fourrhiy, when rbc detence is cetlc. It may feeme therefore, that combats lull and done in aright manner. arcJawfull.Fur Jt J! bweuharone man flJOld A lull defence Oands in rhcfe things. I. It periih in warre,rhcn that a wholearmy fl10uld rnu!l be done incontinent and forthwith fo mlfcari!!. A11[. Thar.was; fpcciaJI and extra~ [oone as cucrviolencc isoffered. For ifthere ordmaric example of triall, and Dauid was a be delay, at>d ll comeafterward, Jt lofesrhe ch•mp1on in that fight, not byordinary apnameofaiull defencl', & becomeii:a rcucnge, poimmenr, but by extraordinarieprophetip ar1fingofprepcnfed malice, as the Lawyers call inChndofGodsfpirit. Againe, inwarre, vfe to fpcakc.II There mufl bean intention, though rhere be letiC: danger in hazarding not to rcuangcpr1ncipally,orro kdl, but• one mans hfe>thcn awhoJe armie:yctagood ly ro defend l11mfelfe. 11I. There mull be a and iuflcau[cJsto be maintained,with all the iurl and equal! proportion ofwc•poos;rhercrlrength that may be made, and nor to defore ll is n0 iu(l defence to fl10ore a naked pendvpon the power & courage ofone man, man through with amusker,ororhcr peec.of who, in probabilitie, vnlelfehe be fupporordmance,whcn he offers violence. •D red by fpeciall calhng and arii!lance from V. C•fo. WherheramanmayreskuehimGod, may be ouercome and lofe the v~ fclfeor c>thm by Combarc? d:orie. An(. Ir bath bin ofancJcnttimes,an vfuall Fourrhly,ir is allcadgcd,rhar an army may mannerofdefence in f,>me cou1~tr1es, that in fight againll an armie, therefore one n1an acafe ofdifference, beN•eenepcopJe, and peo· gainfl an other~ An[. The reafon isnoralike. plc, in matters ofweight, two men ll10uld be For warres and armres arc GoJs ordm.tnco:s, choten o~t amongH cherc:G, who by fighting 1nd foarenotcombates; and it is nor Gods hand ro hand,and killingonean orher,O,ould will rhar men fhould deuifcand cOabhnnJCw end thecontroue[lic.Bur c!Jiswayo(defence~ wo&ies andmc:anes of rriall,not allowed byhis howancic:nt[oeucritbc,isvtrerly vnlawfu:J. word·, but rather reil content with thar he Rca(onsarcrhcfc. F~rfl, irisrhc exprelfe ilarh appointed. ' · commandcment o'rGod, Thoufoalr norkj_lf. In Filrly, lonasdidh~zard his life,bycafliog which,all priuare men areforbidden to kill or lots;thcreforea man may by combat<. An[w. fiay, hut in rhcca!eof iuO: and necetfat~edc· Tofay that Ionas did pur his liic in hazard tCnce.Secondly,wc may not hazard our liues, byJots}is an vn!rnth. For there wasoncly a without fame fpec1all wan·.ant from God:ifwe conictlurall triallmade, who fhould be rhc caufe