Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

, Cafes ofConfcience. .j.Booke; it,and not to calli! away. Forthis purpofc we A appetite in the vfe of App~r.(/1. And of thio haue thee~amp!cof ChrHl, who commaun· ·1\mde there be t\VO pripcipa.!) Q.llellions ;the derh to gAthtrvp rht brok;nmtlfUh~tt rtmaints, former of them bceing qetbingclftJ,bucan <h•r-,qrhingb,lof1,Ioh.6. u. The reafoo is,be· (ntrodudLo'1.(oJbe latter. • · · qwfethcforeLquesandfrogments,atepattof ... . .... ,., .. ,, 1, · tbecreatures;yeatheyareaswellGodsgood ···; I. ~cflion; ." cr'catures, as the rcU were, and mufl be« pre• · ~- · . rerucdrothefamevfe. ·· lf!i,betheror_nam_· e_u_.tJ,·o·"'-atJ1,I ?·· Nowifrhefemaynotbee abu(ed, orlo~, 'J 6 IQ. mucb ·lelfc ought· the gifts cf the mindc, I ji._fue_ r; preCIOUS /IOlTeS, lj),he,r._,.·' which.aregrcatcr,and farre more prerio~Js;be 1 .J• ~ fuffcred to.mifcarrie, butrathertobcpreferanci .')Je/uets,&c.maj not la;iP.:. ued ahd incteafed. A good lelfon for luch as f. jf b d ? b~uqccriued any fpeci•ll g1[ts of na:ure, or I U ~ . e_ ')Jje • grace from God; rhat they mifpend tlwm • • • llOrJ' or fulfer them to pcri01, but carefully .. .J:;;/.Thcrdis.alawfull vfcof thefe things, m~Jn;a,ioethem tothe glory ofGod,and the B yet not rn all,bur only in rh<l)ltowhom they good ofothers. belong. Reafons oftheA 0 fwer arc tbcfc :, : T Q. condudethis ~cflion, 'l'ee are all to I•. Goldan:l·lilucr,&c.arothe~;iftoofG~d; be exhortedto makecontCtenceof this duty, aiJdl~rucn£'~On~y for ncccffir:r, bur for orqato vce the goodbldlingsof God mfuch fiJrt, ozcnfandcomdmctfc. -j .w~ 1 ~ as tbeymayalwaiesrcnde ro the honour of . II.yve,hau.e;lhccxamplc• of ro 0 d1yper· thf giuer,auoidingaH excclfe-and.rior. f~~s.m ~cr1ptme, wbich doe warrint thcyf<: Reafonsto moon< vs hereunto, may be of thefe cr<.rures and bi<Oingsof God, A- ' thefe..I.ExcelTc ddhoycstbc bodie, andkds braham by his rle!Vard fc!lds vnro Rebecca eueQtl1e-vcry natur'~llllrength & life thereAgoldinabil£mcnt, orrar·.,ing. ofh~r/{:4 1 of.II. It brirrgsgrcat hurt to the ful:lleofman, wa 1 ghr. ~tndtJP~frac~lttufrenpe {b:~4!J.wpight ' in rhat1t annoyeth the fpirits, it dulleth the tifgold~,Gen.z4.12. And it is faid,that when fenCes, itcorrurterb the natural! hc:ate, and fl1c rcceJued ir, fl1e waretbel~well of goldcin 1 goqJ rcmpor.of the body. Now thefe things her forehiad, and thebnccletsvponherha~ds, b'eipgthe he!pes, and nc<tin!lnnenrsof.thc. verC.47.Iofeph b~ingaduanced in Phara9hs fculi';ifthey be oncecorruptcd,and decayed, Cour~, had thr fignet of Pharaoh p11t vpon h". the (oufe irfdfe ~jjj nt..l('ngth bebrought ro e hard, #111d IIChaine ofgoldt abollt hWnrck.h i1nd the fame palfe. I Il. · Lqt this beconlidered, "'""""'!J'dinfineiinnm: all which were rhe Ol· thar aWoe belongs vmothem,rh~t eaee and nimentsof Princes in thofecounuics, Gen, drini<cimmodcrately,E(o.s.Il. And forthis 4'· fl. A_gaine, all the Ifraelites didu·eare very Gnne, the Lord led hisowtll' people into ear-rings rf golde, whirh af1eru-ard ti)eytook~ c~priuiry,verf. 13, Yea the drunkard and tLlc offfrom theJreares,andgauethem toAaron, glutton,O.all become poore,Pro. >3:z ',And to make thereofthegolden calfc, Exod.3 i.r. bcth ihall equally, with tccir pompcandc.- And they are not bl•med forwcarino them, <eifed<fccndiotohcll, Era.). •4· IV. We but becaufc they put them toidolat~ous v- !hould be willing to part from all for Cht~!ls fes. Sol! is (aid of kingSalomon,that he had fake, much more ffomour cxcetfc;& n1all \ve liluer in {uchabundance, that, according tq think it ponible for a man to forfak~all, ellen his flate 1 he gaue it inierufalem •• fioncs, :. hisewnelife,tbatwillnotfor[ak-eexcelfeand <;:hron. 9· •7· f\.nd Chrifl fpeakcth of the mternpcrancc, in thevfeofGod>ercaturcs? r~yalty of Salomon, as ofa rare and excel· It w!ll be faid offome, "~arcnot drunken, lentthtng,wbich himfelfcapptooued, howfo• though we drinke much. Aof. It is a policieof euer hce preferrcs ti)e glory of,the Lillies of !ha Diuell, to delude mcnwithall,.w_hen hee D the field beforcjr,Mor.~.:9.Thedaughter of pcrfwadcsrhem,Jbat much drinking is nor a· Pharaoh is laid to be brought vnto Salomon, mi~fe, if J1 man bee notouertaken therewith. _in a vtftureofgo/de of Ophir, that is, in agar.. For irisa fin to liue and Gt daily by the wine, ment ofthe finefl bealengoldc,P(.Um.fS·'o• to bcalwaies bibbingand Gpping. We know A!lthcfeexamples doe01ew.thusiiiuch, 1hat notwhen or wbcrewco !hall die, and wee •re thercisalawfull vfeofthefcthingsinthem to ~ommaunded to watchcuerour hearts, that \~bomc they apperraine. • webenorotJercome with furfCung and drun· Againil thJsdotlrine, fame things areob.. kennetTc. What 3 madnclfethen 1s ir,rogitte ieded~ ouC'r our fdues to [uch i Ill moderate exc~tfe ;- 06ita.1. In fort1e pf~ceso(Scriprure,wo1 whc•·cby wee arevl·terly difabled from thefe, men arc forbidden to weare cofily apparcll, l and allotbar dutiesof godlincifcl and gold. For Pa11/willcthTimothi,, 1hatthe women array th~mfelues incomely attirc,not I Sril 3· withhroidrrtdhairc,orgoldt,orpt.~tr/n,orcojl!y ' ' •ppardi,1.Tim.2.9. Aild 10 the fame purpole In th< third pfoc~,weecome tothofe Que· Ptt<r fpeakcth,J.P''·l·l· _f_!!~:_:rn~ the moderafiOOof our An/w. Firfl, thefc orn:;~mcnrs art nor by p.;;;/