Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

-/-- 1 3.Booke. . Cafes ofConjcience. qr PauL and PrtBr limplyforbidden, but the a~ , A r ~·~en·i~ isto be worne;andth<.:we.aring,whcn bufeof them in riot and excelfe. For p<rfons ,·- 1t ts prepared. · ! rhat.werc in thofe cimcs called, were of mea~ Sell. 1. l ner ef!ate; and the Ch•rches in the daics of In the right preparation ofour apparell,two Preparoti· th: Apollles, connlled(forthegreater part) Rules are propouoded in Scr1prure for our onofappa· of poor.e, bafe, and meane meo:tnd women. direCtion. ~ rcll. 1• c". '· :8. Thefe rhings therefore are for· I. Rule. Our care for apparell, and the h1dde-nrhem, becaufe the v[c of goldc and ornaments ofour bodies, mull beevery moprctious ornamenrs,is nothingelre but meere derate. ThisourSauiour Chrill t~achethat r~or, inrhofothar arebmofameanecondiri· Jarge,Mat.<S.trom the the 31.v.Where, on. Secondly, that theApo(iles in commandmg menror•k_e'" thought/or •pp•rel, the:placesalledged, do reprooueagreat faulr, he forbiddes not allcare, but the curious and wh1cb was common and ordinary in tho!C The reafon is ;Lddcd~ be· daies. For men and women delited and aifecaufethey which walke in their callings, and <led d•e ourwnrd adorning and trimming of doe the duries thereof with dihgence, fitall their bodies, accounting the outward orna- B haue, byGods blelfiog, all things needefull ment, which confilled of golde, pearle, and prouided and prepared for them. Hee that colllyapparcll, to be the p~incipall: whoreos dwels ma borrowed houie,wil not Iall a rrim· in<!ccde the chicfeornarnents of a Chrifiian, ming of it, and fuffer hlS owne hard by, 10 be· fi10uld bethevmuesofMade!lieand Huruicome ruinous. In )tke manner, our hodielS ·litie, feared in the minde, and te!lified in rhe the houfeof our foule, borrowed of God , outward carriage. andby him Jentvnravs fora rime; and wee Obietl. II. The ProphetEfaycondemarebuthisTenantsat-will: for••eemu£1 deneththcferhingsinparticular. Forirfeemes, partour of it at his commaundemcm. And that he had viewed the wardwbesof the La· thetdoreourigreatefi caremu!loeemploied diewf the court tn Jerufalem, Cap.3.18, &c. vpon our foulcs;and the otherwhichconcerwher.ehe makesa Catalogue of their fpecmll neththeadorning of our bodie, mull be but attiresand ornaments, a.nd pronouncethtbc moderate. Agame, Gods inhis prouidence, iudgementsofGod again!hhemaiL clotheth the very hearbs of the field, thero· An[w. Sameoftheornamenrs which the foremuchmoreishecarefullfor man. And Prophet there mentioneth,are indeedmcere Paul faith,lJwe httuefaode andrAiment,hlt m11fl vamties,that were of' nomomcnr,and fcrued C therewith becot>Unt, J.Ti:n. 6. 8. that is, if wee to no neceifarie·or conuenient vfc or ende at baue foode and raimenr nece!fary for vs and gJJ. Again~, others of them were in them· ours, wecougbr toqui:tourhearrs, and haue fclues things la•{ull, and the Prophet doth no further care for ourapparcll. norcondemne tbcm at all, as thoyhaue meete It will wee [aid, How !hall we know what is andconucnicncvfc: bur hccondemnes them neceifaric? in thrs regard, bccaufcthey were madethe in· An(. A thing is neceffarietwo waies: firil, firumemsand!ignes,ofthe pride,wantonncs, in refpetl of nature, for the preferuation of vanity, and lightneilc of thofe women. The life and health: fecondly,;n rcfpeCl of place, trut~ ofthis anfwerwtll appeare,if wee confi. calling,andcondition, for the vpholding and dcrtne 16. verfe of thatchapter, where. the maimcnance thereof.Now we call that necefProphet fheo·e1 what bi'sdrifr was infpeaking farie rayri)cnt, which is nccelfarie borh thefe of rhofe things; not to condemne all ornawares: Fur example: Thatapparell is necefments,butthcpride of the daughters of Ieru. fary for the Schollcr, the T radelimn, the fa.lcm, and ~hair hauu:mJTe and wantonnefftt, te· Countrey-man, tbe Gentleman; which fer- {ltfied by d10ers pattlcular behauiours there ueth not oncly to defend their bodies from mcutioned. Againe,forne of rhethings there D colde,but which belongs alfo to the place, denamcd,wererhelikc,if not-of.thc (amel<iude, gree,calling,and condition ofthem all. wrth rhofewbich Abrabam fent toRebecca, Ifitbeasked,who fi>all determine&iudge, and whtch firoedtd wearc, Gen.'+u. And wharisnccelfaryro thefc pcrfons and purpo· ~hereforcwe may notthink)that theProphet fes ~ I ;nfwcr, Vainc and curious perfons arc lnt~nds to condemne all tbmgs there fpccifinot to beecompetent iurlgcs hereof; but in ed,bm onely the abufeof r:hem)a.srbcy were r:hefcthings, we mu(t regard the iudgcment & then n~ifapplied to wrong endS,~nd ferucd to exampleofmodefl,s,rauc,and frugal perfom proclat~ne to rhc ..:orld! the pnde and wanin eueryorder and ellate; whovpon expcri~ tonncile ofrhe hearts ofthat people. ence and knowledge, are bell able to deter– mine whac's neceifary, and whar isnot. AIl. ~cClion. g1ine, though wee mu(l not fceke for more TT)'/_ t · h · h. 1 ,r; lJ then necctfarie apparell; yet if God of his rr ~a 14 t er:g Jt, tall!; U , goodr;clfe; giuevs ability to haue and main• c;nd hc;ly 'JJfe ofatmarell.? tainemorc,wemu!lthankfullyrecciueit,and l rr v(cit well rothegood example ofothers. . An{w. In tbcvfc of Apparcll, ht·o thinos Burfomewill fay; ltfeemes that wcoughr / are to bee confidcrcc.l: rhe p-rrpararion of ~' nor to liaue much, thoughGodgiueabilttic, I --------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~b~e~c.~u~~