Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

\ 114o Cafes of Confcie.nce. 3.Booke. ~~ F.ifdy, there is a great iudgment threatru:d A vg, Therefore mcete and litterecreations doe ogam(itlliSCinnc,ECayz.u. u.Zeph.). JJ, (land 111 the v(e ol thmg• mdifferent Thcgrearnelfcofthis vtcc;, weareroin.deanli not in things either commanded 0 ; uour, by all meam ponible!, to redrelfe in our forbidden. Hence I deriuethree conduCions, lelues.Forwhichpurpofc,wemu(ibe carefull thor may fcrue for the better anfwer ofthe to [cc& fcele, and withall ro bewaile the fpi- ~e(iion, rituall r:akednelfe ofour foules; which is ad<- ma7 not bt in th<v(eofh•l; tl;ing1· prauation ofthe i~ageof ~o~, wh~_rein.we 1 that is, in the v[e of theWord, Sacra'mcnrs; are crcated,accordmg to h,rn,mhohnesand Prayer, or in aRy aCt: of rclioion. Fo'rthefe rtghreoulilelfC:, the want whereof makes vs . <hing<are{acredand diutne ,brhcy dodland vgly and deformed in the eye•ofGoJ. And , by God1 exprclfc commandemenr andmay .the truefcnfc& experienceofthis, willtUIJ10 , not be applyed' to any, common ~r vulgar our minds and thoughts from'thetdmmio~ vfe. For rim cau(e itiswell prouidM, that ofthebody,andmakevsefpecoallytol~bour , the Pageants which ha(~ebeene vf<din fun~ for therig_h<eouGoelfe ofChrHl imputed, ;as driecmos ofrhisland,are.put dmvne; becaufe the oncly couermg whoch wol kce.pev&warme. they were \1orhmg <lfe•.bm eirhor the..whole;\ and fafe from rbc l'iormesand rempc(isof the 1\: or partefthehi(iori~ofthe B•bleturned into wrath ofGod. • • aPlay. Andthcreforethclelfetobeallowed, 1 s ,a, 4 • conCidering that themoreholy the matter is. In thcfourrh place, wecometo the hand· whlchrhey reprefent, the more vnboly arc. the piayes tbcmfe.lues. Agai,ne,allfuchiells, ling ofrhofe Qudlions • Iflat concerne <h~ ' •s are framed outofrhcpbrafes andfentences Moderation oTour App.Eri"re in the Vfeof f h o t <Scripture, are .apufes o(holy things, Pleafures &Rccrcariom, ~f\.nd fhe~eare fpc· and thereforecarefully ro be auoided. Tfie ciaiiyrhree. •· 1' common faying may·teach vs thus much, •Non ell J. ~ellion. It i&,nofa(<<ourfe to play mJhbof,rthing,,La(!Jy, bonumlu– v-ponth.c formcrconelufion, we are t01ught that-i~ 1s no,tmec:te·, c'onueni.cnr, or latfdabJe Sana13 • for men. ro mooue occafion oflaugbtcr.iil' Sermons. ..,. ThefcconCJ ConcluGon. R(CretltWn m4Jnqt bt tmtde ofthe {inncs 01' offenus of m(tt. They AnfYea,and ihat for two caufes. C ·ought tobe11nto vs themaucr offorrow ond For(l,Rdl from labour, wi'rh the refrefl1ing mqurning. Dauidft"dri•m ofteam, beca•fe "Whether~creationbe law– full for a()riflian man? ofbody andmind, is necctlane;becaufcmans men brak...e the commatmdmJenls of God~ PfaJ. nature is likethebovl, wlm;h beeing alway 119.136. Th~rtght~tnnbelfrtof.Lctw:u vexed, bent and vfed;is•foone. b'roK.I:n in peeces.Now '«'ith het~rit;g t.h~ n!Jominlftion of Sodome, z. Pet. tharwhi'Ch i• necelfane,is lawfull. And otre(i >.8. . be la\•full,rhcn" recreation alfo!awfull. Vpon rhis,it folfowe<h lir(l,rbatcommon Secondly,by ChnOianlobertie, we areal. playes,wbich'arein vfc in theworld,are to be !ow-ed to v[c the creatiJrcs ofGod, not onc:Jy rcprooued, as beingnorrncctc&conuenient for our neceilitie, but alfo for n~eet and con~ matter of recreation. For they are nothing uenient delight. This is aconfdfed truth; and clfe, butrcprefenration ofthe vices and miCtherefore to them, which flJall condemnelit demeanoursofmen in the world. Now fuch andconuenientr:ccreatlon(asforneoftheanreprefcotations arc not to be ·approoued. dent Fathers hauedone, by name Chryfo.. Paul [aith,FornicAtiotl)cDuetoufoeffe,!et 1h1m not (iomcand Ambrofe)i! may be faid, Benot too b< narmdamong JDU,A&b<comm<thSainu,Eph. righteous/JenottiJo wije,Ecd. 1· 18. 5.3.And ifvices of men may notbenamed,vnD lelle the naming of rhc tend to rhereproumg 11. ~eilion, and lurther condemning ofrhem, muchJelfe · may they be reptefented, for the caufing of What l.inds of<])ecreations mirth and pafllnJC. For, namingisfureleffe, ~ .L ~ then reprefe11ting, which isthe reallaC!mgof dncJ !ports,are/awjuffandconthe vice. lndeedeMagillratesand Minill<rs ~1 mayname them, but rhciroamingmu!lbero uenient,andwhat be"JJnlawtu/1 punilh, and reforme them, not ctherwifc. • , ~ Againe, it isvnfeemely, that a man lhould and "Vnconuement·' pur on the perfon' behauiour,and habit ofa Anfl will6r(llaydowne this ground,rhat, Alllawfull recreation is onely in the vfc of things indiffCrenr, which are in themfelues neithercommaundednor forbidden. Forby Chriflian liberty, the vfc of fuch things for lawftJli dd1ghrand plca(ure,ispermmed vnto woman;as it is alfo fora woman ro put on the perfon, behauicur, and habite of a man, though it be but for an hourc. The Jaw of God forbids both, Deut, • 1. J.And rharlaw, forequi.tie,isnor meerely iudiciall,but moral. Nay,oris thelawd nature and common ho– nellic. ·------------------------------------------------~~------------~H~e~r:_______