Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

~· Booke. Cafes ofConfcience. Ifl Here alfo, the dauncing vfed in thcfe daics, / A blc. When Dauid fained himfclfe tobemad, istobe reprooucd; namely, the mixed daunbefotc Achdh _the kmg of Gath, markewhat cing 0 ( men and womcn,in number and mea.. the heathen Kmg could fay, H_aue _I nu de of filfc,(fpe:iallyafterfolcmne fea (!~)with many m•dmm, thAty<h•u' 6rMght thufdtow topl•J lafciuious gefiures accompanying r~e fame i them4dm!ln in m]prefence?Sba!lhr~ome into my which cannot, nc•roughttobciu!li6ed, bur hall(<.' r.Satn.21.15. coademned. For it is no better then thevery Againe, the Baytin;s ofthe Beare, and bellowes o(Ju(l & vncleanenes, yea the caufe Cocke6gbts, arc no mecterecreations. Toe ofmuch is condemned in the daughter baiting ofthe Bull bath his vfe, and therefore ofHcrod1as, daunc!ng beforeHerod,Mar.6. it iscummandcdby ciuill authoritic; and fo u.And in thelfraelitcs,thatfatedown to care hauc not thcfe. And the antipathieandcruanddrink, "ndrofevp to play.that is r~ daunce. elri~, w.hich one bcclfi .ilic:wet~ t~ another, is We rcodcindced ofa kindofdauncmgcom• the fnutof our rebellion agamll God, and mended in Scripmre,thatMofeg 1 Aaron and n10uldrather moouevs eo ruourne, then to M~riamvfed atthe reddefca. Exod.r5. >o. reioyce. And D•uid before the Arke, :. Sam. 6. 14. B ThefecondanC.vcr to the former Q!lelli· And the daughters oflfracl,when Oauid get 90,isthis, theviC!one ofGohah, r.Sam. 18. 7· 8. But Games may be deuided into three forts. :his dauncing was ofanother kind. For it was Games ofwit or indu!lry, Games of hazard, nor mixt, butGnglc, men cogcther. and wo· and amixrureofboth. men apart bythemfclues. They vfed not in Gamesofwit, or indu!lry are fuch ,asare • their .dauncing wanton geltures, and amo· ordered by theskill and indu!lry of man. Of romfongs,but chePfalmesofprai(e& thank(- chis fort areShooting 10 the long bow,!Shoogiuing.T11ecaufeoftheir d~uncing wa_s fpiriting in chc~alecuer1 Running,WraffJing,Fen- . tuall ioy, and the end of It was pra<fe and fing, Muflcke, the game• of Chells, and thankfgiumg. draughts, thePhilofophersgame, andfuch It may bealltadged,that Ecclefiauesfaith, like.Thefc,and all of this kind,wherein theinThmioatimrof m'"•mng, and atim"fda•n· du!lry of the mind and body hatbthechie• cing,Eccl.J.4• And Damd (aith,ThouhaP turfetl ltroke,arevery commendable, and not n'drnJiO)intodmmcing,Pfal.Jo. 11. And the tobedifl1kcd. Lord faith in Ieremie, 0 daughter SiM, tho• C Games ofluzard arethofe, in which hazard !hnlr goeforth )J"ithth~daunce of thtm that reondy bc:tres thefway, and orders the game, io;a. Icrem.3 1. 4. I anfwcr:fir(l,~hefe places and norwir; wherein alfo there is (as wcfay) fpeakc ofthcfacr<d dauncingbcfore named, chance,yea,meerechancein regard ofvs. Of and not of the dauncing of our times. Se· thiskind is Dicing, and fuodrygamesal the cundly,Ifay,thatthefe places fpeake not of Tables and Cardes. Now games that arc of i dauncingproperly, but of re1oycing fignified meerehazard, by the confent of godly Dibydauocing: that is to fay, a heartiercioy. uines arevnlawfull. Thercafonsare thefe. cing,or merrie-making.Befides thar,rbcPrc~ FirlJ,games of meere hazard are iodeede phet I.remiefpcakes by the way ofcompari· lots;and the vfe of a!oris an act ofreligion, (on,:i• if be Owuld f•y; Then fhall theVlfgin in which we referre vnto God,the determinarcioyce,aJmmaretto11t todo~ in thedmmce.And cion ofthings ofmoment, that can no other itisfometimes thev{cofthcScripture, to exway be determined. For in the vie of a lot prelfe things lawful! by acomparifon,drawne there be foure things. The fir(\ is, a cafualact from rhings vnlawfull : as in the Parables of done by vs,asthcca!ling of the Die. The fe· the vmigbteous Judge, the vniull Steward, cnnd is, the applying of this atl:, to the deand the thccfe in thenight, termination of Come particularcontrouerfie, The third Conclufion.W<maynot m•k! r<- D the endingwhereofmaintaines peace, order, creAtionsofGods mdg~mcnts,orofthtpuni{hment.r atldloue amongmen.The third is confcliion, of{inn<. The Law of God forbids vs tol•J• thatGodisafoucraigne Iudgc, to end and ifum6/ingblod;;b,fm th<bi>nd, toC4•[<himto determine things that can no other way~e I fa//, though Jt bf not done in earne(t, but in determined. ·The fourth isJuppJication,that fport,Lcuit.19.14.Vponthefameground,we God would, by the difpofition of·the lot, arc nor ro fport ourfdues with thefolly ofthe when itiscaCI,dete'rmine the euent. All thefc naturall foole.For thatistheblindnetfeofhi• aC!ions arc infolded in tbevfe of a lot, and mind, and the iudgcmentofGod vponhim. theyareexprelfed, A Cl. I.v.z4,25,Z<i. Now Iknow it hath becne thcvfeofgreat men, to then, feeingthc vfeof a lot isa folemne aCI keepe fooles in their houfes. And I darenot ofrcligion,it may not beapplycd to fporring, condcmne the fatl:For they maydoeit,to fct as I haue 01ewed in the fir(! conclufion. Se· before their eies a daily fpcC!acle of Gods condly ,fuch games are notrccreations, but iudgemcnt, and toconfider how God in like r_ather mattcrof(lirringvp rreublefomepa£. ~ort,m1tghth:tuedcalnytththen?.Andtl~J~vfc t.lotU, a~ feare, forrow, &c. and fo rbey di- " Cbr.!l<an.Neuerthclelfe,to piace afpmtual llc.nperthe body and mind. Thirdlv coue. recreation in the folly offuch perfons, and to toufnelfe i• commonly the ground ~f them keepc them one!yfor thiS end, 11 IS not lauda. all. Whereupon it is, that men vfually play for