Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

r 3 .Booke. c C-4erofC()n/cience. 14:31 ~~ .• ~.- .. -.-v-po-n~G~p- 02 ,,~,~.b~,=,;-o~u~,~~ffi~e~a~i~o:n:~~uJa~b"-e~AOI------------,s~,na'.-,~.--~----~~- I r~mpmdaod alla~ed<\Yithrhefeare of God. · -·,TheRemedie, is the v<rtue ofCHrifiian I [bus Salom 00 (aies, thatla:.ghter" m_"!n•fJ•, Libcralitie, conllfiing princip~lly in rhe pra• ' ~!.ttt\'?'f~rrS'f~!ffi·•~~ ha•b.~ot~lie feare .~Hcofloueand mercte,tn glujrig ofArmes, l•l'rcucrcnc< of r'h• nameotGodto_re£lra•nc .t For.the'bertervndcr(bndmg,whereof,fiue r:; Thi<~vaHhe 5nne ofthe Iewesr~prooued Q'!eaions~re bnefly to ~e propouncfcd·ahd b. the\'r!'pber, thattheygauethe'l'[c!Y;sto refolued. ' .. -- afl'nlaiineKi)f"!~a(ore,•nd a;d:noocdnfder t/1! ' . ' t 1\ ., '· ' ' · r"' h """' ' ' " d . , · , ~ttion. _, NH{t'of~:he B1rd :1t,f.actls, is iuu~~mcnts,an ~· c~m€ildRl;EC.t~t~il\!!(!lthll>if.Sjibrta'an·d :;;.;. 1_;" h · r} t!IJ" R~fdtioH'o' IJe1fo~•or11cred a'!J\I>gllided ac- , ,, ' W JJO, orw· at per onsmU. :01'!1lHgtbthis~njll'te oth~erf\ules•,':we9J1dl .f,JiJe /1/i:;,CS: , '. '. -"· ',_': 1, miRetil'ent>;~J.l'n6f.l_<>riely vnpw~rablo vnto' 0 •• v<;)b'btvcrerlyvnt::fWfull.AndCo"tfiuchcifthe ., ,. · ,. .. · r. veit\l~l)rf'cmperahee.·::•" '1 ."Hll'" 1 Ah{rP. Tlrcr-tbetwofons'ofnien,thara're; ~:..4-~ 'r ,.. .. ' ~. ltH·d ;• , ·...: .. :;: and ought tdbegiuersofAt"1rl.Cs. · .1 1 · <, .,.,_, ' B o The firfi fort arc Rtcb n\'o;,'i -whdbeildc• u ,_·,~t.., s:h C HA P. V. ·;~orb 1 : th~ng~ n~celfarie, haUeflfp&.fiUifi.Candabun ... ; z·.rh ~:. ~~ q ~tu -~1- .·-' danee,yea,much more then rlitngs'necellary. :H':;l:.-;tt: Oftbbtr•lttJ. •·i):::' 1 J. Thcfcarcfuchashauctlk'r'PO,/dJ'gaod,as S. \.l'[.C' ~ :hr 1 ...... ;, .--. Iohnfaith,whercby thcyareahlerogiucand Hitqertowehauetreatd ofthe6r(lfort 'beaow reieefevpon others,out of rlwr abun- .. bf Vcrtu·es, thatar<(eoted m the will, ,danc<, Thul Saint Paul [auh·; rhatthea6Hn· ,. wbichdoe refpetla mans owne felfe, .Janc~eft6e Ccr,-nthlanJ, mufl fHpplf tlu want of :na·mcJy,ofCic;uenc'ie, wbich£landerhin the .rh, church", z. Cor. 8. 14; Many other· rnotldation ot- the.niodmrefpe~ of anger: proofe•migbt bebrought,butthe[earc-Ciilfiandt'I'enrp·eraoce ,' which coafi.£letb in the dent in aknowno and confelfrd truth, rnolleratlon.ofdur •ppetite, iarefpect o6 riA fcaond [orr, are menofthe podrer fort, ch~s,appard,mcareahd-drinkc,plcafure.-and that hauc but things oecelfarie,ar;d [ometime roorea~IOBS, : '' .- · · wanrrhcm roo:Tbc[e rtmll [ometimesand ui 1 NO'wwecomei6thc[econdforr;whiclrre' Come cafes-giue rdecfe. And becau{c rhis Ifp«ft others bciide q_urCelues. A.nd<thefc be: poinr is not fo ealily graunted 1 thereforeI will ' long to the proai[e either. of Courtcheaod C prooueit by the Scriptures.· " kindnelfe, or Equiticand -ri~;ht, O f rhe fir(! The man rhotliues by his woiRe, iscoin= ki~d,uLtboraltty :-<>fthe fccond is•ldUice, in manded to labour in his calling, that he may• !he\ving:br grui11g:~Eq·urrze, or Fowtude in haue fomcrhing to giue to them rhutwanr, l{lJil)tatningrhe'order. Eph.4,18.Thepoore widOI' that ca£l:intorhe .. ··[ ibcraliric is a vcctue, feated in the will, Lords treafurie ofher penury, but twomites, ,\.he·reby we flmv or pr>Cli[ecourteGe& kindthat is,rhc eight parr ofa penny, is commennes to other$, The princip•ll Qo•eflionsrou· ded;and Cbri(l preferrerh he~ ·almes before chlno.tHis verrue,may be referred to thattext the greatgiftsofthe richer fort, Luk. !1, z. of"S~rlpture ivhich; is wmren, _Luk. J '·4'· The Church ofMacedonia, being pooreand Th~~'foragiu(a/me; oftho~thipg; whiohJChttt#, in cxtreaolc neceffiry,doth yet fend releefc to· .~d{;eholdAUthingJ lb~U6uieAne-"""you, other Churches, and is commended for lt by The words area ruleorcounfdl,deliucred Paul,z.Cor,8.z.Theirpouerrie excufed them bjrChri£1 to ·the PbarHies: and ltre true a!ld not from Jiberalitie,but they were liberal, nor proper fen(e ofthem,is this. You.PharHies, D ondy according to; but euen beyodd theira– g>aeyour felucs to the practiCe of triiuUicc · · bilitie, OurSauiour Cht>(t himfclfe liued of andopprcffion, imdthcreby you defije your almes: for Io:mna thewi(e ofCbuzaHerods fclues 1 & all youraClions. For redrelfc hereof, Uc.vard, and Sufanea, mini£lrcd vnto him of I propound you this Rule; Prael1fe Chamie their fuoaance, Luk.8.3. Whereby rheway, In gluingofyour.:tlmes,lctyouromwar.d good we nore, that h~ did no: liuc bybegging, as atlions., proceedc. from the mward fyncere thePaprlls aHifml",butby thcvolumanemj• . affection of your hc~rts toward your brcni[lracion andcontribuoonoffome 1 towhom thret);and then ntall y.ouauaineto a holyond he p~eachcd. Now, rhoogb he was (opoore pure ,·[eofyour goods. Thccoun[ell ofDah<mlelf<, yer he vied to giuo almes ofthat he niClroKingNebuchad[\czar, D>n. 4.14. To had 1 loh.rJ.29. Theublativnsofthe oldT~- hrea/zl'-"_ffhu(innes~J tht pratlt{eofiuftice, 1md llamenc, fOrrbc maint{'nance of_the Afta·r, hiJi;;iquJtitJ hJ mtrcinothtafflirlrd~ may be a wereamarrcrofgrcatcoll ar.dcharge, in fagooq Commentary to this Texr. cCI5c~s)and ~uch ltkecerernonics: and yet aU lothe words, lconGdcr tworhingst A rewerecharged with tbem,the poore, as well as medre, Thcre(areguu f/lmuof Thofe things you the rich. N~w 111 the new Tcltamenr,thc mah,..e,and thcfruite that(ollowes vpon rilererenal Altar IS}aken away,&yet we haue [ommedie, andhehold4/lthings for.t¥ be c/eane z;nlo rhing in tbc roo1netherof: namely,tbofc chat }ou. arc poorcand deflitutc, which 01ll men are •'------------------~~--------~----------------~~------------~b~o~u~o~d ________