Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

I I i 'E , xpara~ phcrnafi. bus. 144 Cafes of Conjcience. 3· Booke, bound in confdencc to releeuc and mair.- A ..o ,.,,. '· .• ,,,, taine,uoncethey were to mamtaine the J\1II.. Q.!!a(fion, · ... err. tar.S2int Iohri commenda vnto vs Charitic, _~. · ~o:\1.:1 . . .t:: r.ur. 1 nCI!thatwhichcpnG!lcrhinwords only, but ' • To·, 'Whome hY: _,,u.'a•. al_rn,,. e.s_,.l•.• -.:~ w.hich fhewes it[elfe in adions, _I , !oh.;. 18. 'J.". ...: , _ teaching that the one is no way.(uffiden.c ' tuenrC•,..,·· · , ,- - ,..-. • wirhouahcorher. LaUiy, all mankind i• di- , · ' ..;.:;·"; (,J ; ~- •• !lmguifhedintothefe two forrs:fomearc giAn(. To.t!•cmthat~i~in1 nefd~~pl1:.h;~: · uers,Come are receiuers ofalmes :there is not 1 For th~ P«ter,cqoceiuiugQ( ~hi~ anfwcr; we a third kind tobefound in the Scriptures. 1 muil rem•!llber ,,thatthcr~P,e.threq q~gf~! ·Ye: her~an,cxceprron muQbea<!dcd, that ' ·ofneed.Thefirll i§ e.wr.ll''ll'r!l~c«ffity11Vh!l))l tbls dodrine be not rniilaken.There areCome man io Vtt~rl,y dellitqte.ll(WeijlC~q,csgpfpkC: pcrfom exempted from this duty,andthey b'ci fcruationot lif<. Thef~co.ud i~gr«•!,JJ~~c. fuch as are in lilbiedion to orhers,and are not 10henaman.hath-veryltftl~rom~!ntain~b.illl7 . at their owne di(poGtlon. 0( this for-t are felfc,andhis. The third ,is co"!m••n.~~OJI'i.!'f children vndert!Jc gouerncmcntoftheir pa- B when he hath fomething, buryet not fuflicirents,aod fcruanrs !Ubiett to the amhoritie entorc01})petent. ---- and dom\llionqfth~(rmal!crs.Fprrhegoods Now thofeth.arare in l:he_firiland fecond wh1c)l rhe.v haue, arc nor thcirownc, neither degreeofnced,thcy are the perfons that muU w~y theydifpof~ of them as they lrll: they beluccoured and releeticd.For proofe herea therefore muG nor-be giucrs. conGderthefc places,Math. zs. ;s, 36. lw"' . It may Qc asked, wherher the wife may hungry,m1d;eg4:~cme mcaU1 ·lth)r{le(f;rlr~dle giue a]n,es w_ithaut the confcm of h~r busr.aHem-:dr.mky, lw!U·~J,Md), ~~11d ,.con.GU.ering th,ar O~ec is in fubiedion · I'""' (ic~,a>tdyevifiud mM"'·"•nprijun, •ndye. tv another,and trhcrcforc all rhat 0Jec bath is ,.• "'"'""me. Where obferue IV hat perfon 1 a(lathcra,ln~nGt hcrownc. A"["'· The wife Cl!riJlcornruen.deth vuro.vuo be releeu.ed,. may giu,c,a)mel of f9me things, but with tbe hungrie,t·hirllie,naked.,ii>:k.e, harb.Qildes,. t!¥ifHaurions: asfirfl, OJCc may giueoftliofe and thecapriue or p•ifoner. Ram. 11. 10. If' -l! gOQd1 ~-.:,Jb-',r Jpe~ harh cx,ccpr~ed from ma·,:t hJmger, fetde kim 3tfk~thirjl,git~e riagc.Secondly,Oiccmaygip~pfthofcthings hemdrin~. \Ne muilnot onely (upp)y the '!'fJ'h arc common to them, prouided C ncede ofou.r fricnd••butalfo our cnemi.,; 1., I i~ l>c with her huopands confenr,a:lea!l geTim.r.IG.l( JJ"} belimiut man or "'•m•~h••• nerall andimplicitc. Thirdly 1 fnee may nor widof"tt. let }Jim 711iniPer vntothrm, f!J"ko zh4t g(ve withoot or againU the confent of her thernnayb;f•fficicvtfor Jhcmthat•rewiJ,,,.,· husband. And the rea(on is. bccaufe both indude, Here widowesrhatare defolate,withtheJa.vofnature, and the word ofGod,comout friends andgaods,~r~commended t 0 1he q~ands hcrobecfjeuce to her husband in all hberaliry of.tbeChur.cb, Leuir. zs.;s. lfrhy - things. 6rother/Jeimpoufrifoed, AndbAthtlu tr;ml;jing _ Jf it be alleadged, that Ioapna the wife of b4nd,tbo•fluut relm~tbim,.ua{lrangerorf"-•rCim~a Herodsllewad, with others, did minrr,fofoaH heliu• with tbu. By tlie tr~mb/ipg 'nil!crto Chriilofrheir goods, Luk.8. 3• I anh.nd, is meanttheman thatworkes hard for liver:Ir is tp b~ pre(~med, th.rlt was not done bis liuing, and yet cannot by his lab~ur g~t· ·withourall con[cJlt. thingsne<:elfarie,but muil needes llretcb ou~ Agai(re,ifit befaid that Abig,ilbrought a his hand to oth<rs that are in better llare, for . prcfenttoDauid, forrelecfeof him and his helpe. ., 1 iwung rpen, whereofO,e made not N~balher HeretwoQ.!!eilions may further be-made, husband acquainted, 1. Sam.15.I 9. I anfwer, Fi•il,whether we mu!l.giuea1mes to beggers? ltiurue,but markethe reafon..Nabal wa.sge- D I mcane fuch as goe from doore to.doore: pcrally ofaclrurliOI and vnmercrfull difpoOfor they come·vnder the degrees of,nei:die tion,whereupon he was altogethervnwilling, perfons, t~yeeld releefe to any', in how great necelfiAn(.Bcgg<rsarc oftli"O forts:fither fuch as .tie foeuer; whtncc ir w.u, th"'t he rayl~don arc flrong, able to labour, and doefomewhat theyoung men, thatcametohim,and drouctOr rheir1iuing; or fuchas are wtakcan~imthem away,verf. I4. Agame, he was afoohfh potent,vnableto take paines for themamteman, and giuen to drunkcnoelfe, (o as he nanceofthemfelues,orthofetbat belongvnwaspot fit ro gouernc his houfe, or ro di(.. toth~m. pen!< his almcs. Ce!ides that, Abigad <vas a The 6ril forr, are not to be releeu~d. For I"'Oi11::tn of great wifcdomc 1 in all her atlions, touching them , rhe ApollJe hath grucn this jandthat vJbjch {he now did \\'as to (auc Narule, He tbAtt¥il1 not l116our. mujfnot fAU, :. bals 31Jd her,owne lite, yea, the liucs of his Thell:;. 10. u. Euery man mu£lliue by the whole fam;ly;forrhecafc was dcfperate, and jabourof his owne hands, and feede vpon his all that they had, were in prcfant hnarJ, ownebrcad. Againe,fuch beggersaretheeues l . That example therefore, i~ no warrant for and robbers, becauferhey flealetheir!abour .anywo!llan to giuealmcs, vnlcir<itbe in the from rhe Church and Common-wealth, like cafe. whichisa! profitable, as land and treafure. ~ -~~~----------------~~ In ---~-·-.,..-----------r-----------.:.~-