Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

.3.Booke. Cafes ofConfcience• '145 In rhe oldelaw, if twb men Llriued rogcrhcr, conrrary corhisfortare tlranger,, to whom &rh• onebad wounded the othero; the otfenWC mu!! notgiue in this cafe.Fona ncgleth derwas enioyned, nor ondy ro pay for the ' maos owne,and tobeClow it vpon fortairlers, healing,burfor rhc Jolfebf bis rime alfo,Exo. vnlclfe rhere be iufi and neccrfary coufcfa w :1.19. And mlik:e maner,oughrfuchpenons doc,is a/inne again£! rhelaw ofnarure,. tobearc the punilbmenr, both of rbeir rhefr, Afeconddatfcrcncc of men is rbis, ·Some and oftbeJoll'eoftheir labout.And the truth arc of the houfbold offairh, fame are otheris, rhcythar giuero them in this their !oofc wife. S.Pauls rule is rhis, rhat weprefer rhcm life,doe main~ainc rhem in wickednelfc. before the other , Gal,6.Io. '])ocgoodvnt••ll Yer here one Caution is to be rcmembredt """ , bHt fPtcW!y m hemth.t arc of thd!•ufoo!d rhar,if fuch a man bee in exrreame neede,hec •ffaith, c ''.' mull be helped, rarber rhen hefhould perifl1. A rhird iliffercnce. Some are our owne Andthe Masi!lrare is roptinifb him for his poore,ofour rown~, Jand, andcounrrey;:and idlenelfe,and tocompdlhim io labour. The B Come be Uraogm in <hefamerefpcch: 'N6w Magi!Irate,Ifay, for priuatc pcrfonshaueno howfoeuct wee at~ debre'ro to all that wee can :authority ro anfuCl: punifhmcnt in rhiscafe. do good ro: yet rhofe rhat arc ncerer ro vtin I As for rhe orhcr fort, rhar arevnable to habira!lon or neighbourhood, arc ro oc reworke, rhey are nor allowed by theword of fpeCl:edand rclicucd beforcorhers. Thiuhe God,togatberthm almes themfeluesbybeg· Lord cornmaundetb, Dcur.Is.-;.-1/on<efrh_r gingfrom doorerodoorc,bur ro beteleeued brethrmwith theebcpoore, tll~thinany of thy gattl [I at homein rhe1r houfc•,D<ut. 1 s.<f.Thm foal/ inthy lam:/, which the Lordth7 G~dgiHeth tl1u ; ' wot be a beggerinthu"v. 11.TIHre fba/16eesur thoufoa/t.not h4Tdenthy het~rt,andfont thinehAnd fome f OOr< m the land. Here rhc hclyGhoil fr•mhim, Andthefe bcingrclieucd, wemay makesaplaincdatfcrenceberweene the poore in rbe nexr place affoard our helpe to:.othcrs. and the begger,forbiddangtheone, and camThus did rhe good Samaruane, iucafe of nemandingto hclpc rhe other. S. Paul hkewife ccliirie, pr~Cilfehischaritic vponafhang~Zr, da{iingualheth ofwidowes_.wherof Come hauc Luk.10.33· and is rhcreforccommended by rtch kandred, and rheyare robe prcu1dcd for !OUr Samour ChriU. bythem,•.Tim.s.<f. Orhersare dcUtturc of ' friends ang kindred, by whome they roay bee Ill. Q!lti!lion. releeucd,·and fuch he walletb to bee matntai- c ned by the Cburch.v.16.And thasisno talcHowmuch re!eefe 'mujl e~ ration or approbation ofbeggcrs, Agamc, the beggmg of almes is the very uery man giue? femmarieofvagabvnds,rogues,and !lraghng ' perfons,which hauc no calling, norare ofany An(. \Ne mullpura difference bcrwcene Corporation, Church; or Commonwealrh. the almes ofpnuare mon,alld oflncorporariYea 11 dorhproclaimc ro thcworld,dn rhe ons or churches, Touching prluate mens cares ofall men, rhc fhamccarherof theMaalmcs,the Scripture bath nordetermincd bow giflrate,who refiraines itnor,bauingauthort· much mu!lbegiucn,butharhlcftirto the difry:or of the wcalthicandable, that rhey haue creer confiderauon of eueryChflllian. And nomercy orcompaifion.It isalfo a great d1fyet ir mull beremcmbred,which theApo!lle order 111 common-wcalrhs. For the boldell fairh,•.Cor.9.6,7.that he thatJ(JivcthJP•ringly, and rnotl daruorousbeggcr,- carnes awayodJ /hAilr~ApejparingiJ. And againe, Let eu~ry m4n the almes from rhc reil : an'd fo rclectc u dt· giue,tU he hathdeurmi.nedmhid owne heart.Lafi .. ilr1bured barb vnwifdy,and vncqually. And Jy, hegiues ocommaundem_ent rouchinJ,lthe hwfoeucriris rhc good law ofour Land, a- D quanritleofgiuing,rhatcuery firll day of the gteeable ro theLaw ofGod,that none fhould weeke,eucry one lay afide by himfelte,and lay begge thar areabletolabour,and all men aro vp as Godh•thpro[pmdhim;thatis,according bound mconfcience ro fee it obferued, that to the abahuc, wherewith God bath blelfcd I liaue anycareofthe good ofrhis Church and him,J.Cor.I6.z. c6monwealth:yet lt is aplague ofour times, Bur rwo <aurions aro propounded,in the and greatly to bee bewaaled, rhar ir u negleword)rouchmgrhis quanntie. d:ed,and norpurin cxecutioil. FlfU,rhatwemuftnotfo giue:.Jmes,-rhal In the fecond place iris dcmaunded, whcorhers be cafed, and weour!dues gricucd, ;t., ' rhcrwce mufi pur a c!iffercnceberwcene per, Cor.8. t is-not Gods will, that wdhould Consand perfons,in giuing ouralmes? giue all ih,at we haue molm.cs, and kcepe noAn(, There be rhree differences of men, rhingforo,rfelues, bur that we kecpe a due thar.are in need. proporr10n in s•uang,ond doe thar goodtooThe firU, isa 'nansowne: And fuch are tbers, \\"hereby .wemaynotour feluc5 be hmthey' rhat be of hishoufhold' forwhach he dred or oppretfeJ. Our founraincs,and riuers rhatmakes nor prouillon, is worfethcnan mufl runne,to fcruc the ncceffity ot the a ranlnfidell,asrhe Apo!llefpeakcrh, r.Tam. s.S. gcr,invj(,Ptou.s.r6,17.Bur )'t! theright mull Thofe alfowhich are ofamans owne blood, remainc our·owo,we rnaynGtgiue al 'ay founasfathcrandmorher, &c. Now .taincand water, and all. Lul<. l· 11. 1-ldh•t N bat \