Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

\r6o J Cpmmentarie "9pon . . Chap.r. l A!ld where P•ul faith bee wascalled by le· A ued.AndPARIm thiS place vfeth confent,not fus Chrifi, &not by man,that is; meere man, towo.rkea faith m the Galallana, but only to bee gmesapregnam tcibm·ony that Chrifiia U11 vp a hking ufhis dothinc. Two errors of both Godand man. .. • ' thechurchot Rome-mull here beeauoided. And whereasPaul was called byChtiil rai-l One, that·confcnt iucertain~marke<if tlie fed from the dead,hence I cachet the dignity church, It is falfe: for eonfefit miJ. beamodn ofthe ApolllePA•Iaboueall other Apontes, ,the w.-ked, in the ktngdome of Arlnchnlf, in tbat hcwascallcdafterthc rciutredion Of ;Rell.I ~.t6.In thekmgdodi~OIdarknes,alhs Chr~U,when hee was enfred 'into hit king1 .r.n•peace. Ag~itrl:,dillenr!onmaybee. am.·ohb dome. 1 ,. · '·' the 'godly jas.&e~weeneP••i~8!irn•GIU, ·n:t . · • , lu T.lietcNt~ :1 .. 1 1 &.Petcr~·lnthechurtln;,J Corintl1th~:'reMHc ' · Andm/ the6,ethrtnthat .re.tithm<,tdllu , ' fe.hif~••J•.'C:or•It.Confent therefore fimply, Churchuof G•lntill, ,. ·' J., vnlellcubeetoyiledwl<h twe faith, and true , " , 1doo'lrtnc,ts nor oftorce todeclare vmo vs the "L· .. T.h< Exp•fition. "' • true Church. Th(!Jecond erroria,thauh~ciBy brethren wee are to vnderllandJuch as B thohkeconfenr of bdeeuertin points of rchfepa<aJed themfeluesfrdrn the Pagans,& re· gwn,•s.thenueand hucly Scripture,and that ·<OIUed the faith of Ghrifi, l .Cor.) .ll, And ' the Wtlltcn word is but adead letrer to it and hcre.'!D(>rc (pc~ially fuch as taugin and pro· to be iudged by it lor his fenfe and mea~ing. felled the fatth, tliat JS, both pat10" and pc<>: But alhs contrary.For thcwtittenwordia the ple,whecher ofAnrioch(asfome rhinke)or ol rirfi, and perfc€t pattcroe ofrhe minde and Rvmc,asothers. ., " ' wtll of God: and the inwzrdconfenr in the And i'•Hi writes hisEpifile as well in their hearts of men iabut arudeandimperfet!txn.a.Q-,cs,a.sia hisownt, andwith their confenr, rraellanddraught of1t. forr~ocaufcs.One was,that he might nor be 1. The fecond pomt is, wherein llandsthis rh'!ught tod~lmerany priuate dechine deuiconfenr1 itmufi haoe his foundati6 in Chrill fed ofpt~mvnehead, And this care bee had and thence flow to the members, asthniyl~ alwates: and ther.efore taugllt noth<ng but from Aarons head,tohts garments.P/•1.13'3'. •J'!'!t whichw.u;,;he wririn:,ttFM •f" ••a the i And'' lland•.in tbt~e thlflgs, confcur ih one Propb"s,.Atl.~6.zz, And thts was the care of faith and doCirurc:confentin·atfct!ton,whorChrifi: wh~ faith, M y.J.a,;,,isnos mine, bHI ' by men be ofone heart, dU, 2,47· confent in hi11hat (entme, lohn7.16. Am! at thiS day1 C fpeech,t ,G"·or,t,IO. · · this mu£! be theeare of the Mtmllers-of the' T be third point is, where it is now to bee Gofpell, to dcl(uer nothmg of.their owne. ' found1ThePapr0sfay,thattheyhauetrue& Fir(~ therefore, their doCirmcs mofi befoun· pufet! cuofent among themfclues, and that dcd m thcwmmgs oftheProphets and Apo· Farhersand Councclsbeeon theirfide : and !lie..and fccondly,tbauhey may hce fureof ' that wee haue no con(em among ourfeiues. this, they n)ufr haue theconfcnt ofthe true I aofwer firil, that theyhaue not the confcm Church, fpecially of fuch as haue bcene the whi>h they pretend, forthe proporpoints of ReClorers of the GofpcU in this laO age.Thts Popery werenot knowne to the Apo(lJes nor rol~ PAHigiues Timothi(>to conrinucintht.thingt to 1l\eApofiolicall churches, bur were r~ken wb"hbee b•d learnedof P••landtherefl of vp in theagc•followmg by lideand Jide. Sethe Apol!lcs,z.Ttmothte l·''l· Hence trap· 1 condly, (uch doctrine auhe papil!•makeat· rpcarea to be a fault mfundry pnuateperfons, tidesof faith,are bu(op10ions& conieCiures ''l'~en they reade theSwptures,togather prt· 1 111 the Fathers and Councels. Thirdly, ·the 1 uotc opm10ns, ro broch them to the world. things which the Papifis holde, are thefame 'f'hts praCitfc hath beene the foundallon of petarlUttlture in name, but they arenot the heretics and fchtfmes mthe Church. D fame indeed,with thatwhich the fathers hold, ' Secondly, P••l writeo with confent, that neither are they hc.ldenin the fame manner: he mijlht the better mooucand perfwadethe •• for example; the purgatory which theFa· (>alarians to recctuc his doCirine whtch he is thers hold~,is a thing farce differentfrom the is now tO dcliu<r. purgatory ofthe Papt(h,&fo all rheieil. 01 . H<nceit appearcs, thattheconfentofPt· cCJntcnt they may brag,but thcycannor/hew '!_oroand peoplc,is of gre•t excellencie. For tt,As for ourfclucs,wc all confeJ>rin the founthe betterconoetuing of 11, and the meaning dation of relig10n, Thereis differenceabout ofthe text,I wil handle threepoints.The fir{I the dcfccnt ofChrifi into boil. Thethingwe is,what is the force ofconfem/wherein Cland• •11 hold,nlmely a Jefccnt: thedifference isin 1t ?and where it is now eo be found~ For rh~ the: manner,whcrherlt be verruaiJyorloc:UJy, firU:ConCcnt isof force to preparo the heart, There is dttfereceabout thepaines of Chrill & to moooc it to bcleeuc: as AHg•ft••• faith, in hts agonieandpallion:yetall acknowledge I h4dnot belteuedrhe GofPell,txcept the••th.,ity the infimte merttand tflicacie ofthe death of ofthe Chrsrchhadmoo•"dm<. And this is all it I Chtifi. Theriisditfereneeaboutthegouern1 can doe. For it is the word,that is theobteCI mentofthevifible Church on earth.Fouhe and the caufeofo~r faith: the ~ord it fdfe fubtlance ofgouernment all agree, but for workes rn vsrhar tairh. whereby it is bel cc~ , rhcmanner of execution and adminifiration 1 ----~----------------------------------------------------t~~