Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

the Epi~/e to the Cj._a,-la_tz_·an_s_.____1_61 they doe not. That Con!lts prefer.< in the A cheotudgemencmaybeegiuen, char hee iaa Eucharill; and char his body and blood IS Publicaoe,and not before: much more then, tbe<eto bee eaten and druoken,all our Churtfthe Church fl>all erre,there mull fir!l bean chesaorec: ;~nd the difference is oncly tou· exammauon of theerror, and rhen fufficient chmg~he manner of his prefence; namely, coouiClion:and afterconuidion,followes the whether ir be fpirnuall or Jocall. And thiS IS cenfurevpon the Church,& iudgement then rhemercy .)( God, chat in all one dtffercnces may be giuen, and not beforr. AndPaul had the foundation of rehgioni• not rafcd•.Let nowonclybeguninthis Epi(!Jeto admoniflJ vspray for rhe contmuance, and incrcaJe ol the Church of Ga!aua:Grcattherefore isthe thu conli:nr. rafimcs,aodwanr ofmoderation in many,thac Thus much ofthe pccfonsthat write:now haue becne ofvs,that condernneour Church follow the churches to which the Eptll!e IS for no church, without futlicient conuidiPn [enc[tothuhtJrchaofG•l•ti•.]At thistimethe going before. Ifthey fay thatwe hauc bccne Ga!atiamhadmadeareuolrc,andwerefallen ado>onithed by bookes publithed: I fay afrom iu(hfication by th~obedienceofCht1!1: gaine, therebegrolfcr faults inComeofrho(c foasPaul "'"'aftaidof them, Cb•p.4. and yet ouokes; then any of the faulcsthat they rehe called the churches fiiiJ, vf!ng great meek- B prooue 10 theChurch ofEngland: and there• ncs &moderanon. Htsexiiple mull we fo1Jo1v tore rile boukes ar; not lit to conuince, fpeci- · in giuing iudgement ofchurches of ourtlme. allya Church, , And that we may the better do th10,& rhe betAnd thoughP••Icall the Galatians CburterrclccueourconfcienceiJ mark :hrc:rulc_s; chcs of GoLf, yet may weenothenccg.arhcr, The fir£! is, that wee mu£! rightly conhJer 01 tl'•at thechurch of Rome is achurch ol God 1 the f.aultsot.churchcs. Someare fau!ts in ma· Thename it may haue;burir dorh 1n truth o· Chap.I. ncrs, fome IQ doctrine. If the faults of the penJ.y, and obfimarely oppugne the mamfell Church bein mancrs,and thefc faultsappearc princtplc; of Cbrilhan reugton. both in the liues of mim£lets and people, fo If any den.aoud wbar rhe(e churches of Jongastruereligtou i>taugbt,it !sachurch,& Galana are? I anl•er,that they were apeople fo tobe clleemed: and the mini£lcrs muO be ofAtia tll< lellc:yccuow the country IS vndcr hcard,Mat.13.1,Yet may wefeparate fro the the doruuuon ot che T urkc.This iliewes,what priuatccompany of bad men in the church. Godnught haucdonc to vs in England long r.(.r.s.• J,an9 1 if it be in our liberty&chmfc, ago,tor thecontempt ot the GotpeJ. This aioyne to churches betterordered. lithe error s"'nethcwes,whar defolation ll'i! befall vs,vnb~mdodrinc,we mu£1 fir!l confider,whether C klfe weerepem and bring forth better fruites rhc whole church erro,or forue few therein. If ot rhc Gofpd. , the errour bccin iOme, and not inaiJ, it tc 4 3· Gr11cebnu1hJPU,IlndpeAcefromGodtbt FA.. maines a church lltU, asCormth did, where ther,andjum,nur Lor" le/mChnj}. fomedenied thcrcJurreC\u), bocaufeachurch 'I· Wb•g•ue---. "named of the better pare. Secondly, "ee Here "bid downe the fecond part of the mull confider,whcther the church crcc >n the Prctace,whtch is thej.luwi•npropounded in fOundation,or no. lfthcerrour or errours be rhe Jorme uf a prayer, GN~ce m"i peace, &c. betide the foundation of rehgion, Paul bath Gracehere menuoneo,,. notanygtkio man, g111en the fentencc, th~t they which b_uildvp· outgrace" God>,and 11. God.And itfignifies on thefoundation haicand £lubble of crroni· his gracoous fauour and good wll,whercby be ous opimon,may be faued, r.C•r.3.15.Thtrd· IS we! plealeu wuh hts clect,in,and forChriU. ly, inquirymu£1 be made,whetherthochurch ThusPaul dtlllllguifiJe>h the grace of God, me ot humane frallry, or of ob£1inacie. If 1t from th<gtjllh411Jbf grace,Rom.s.v.I s.and etreoffrailty, though the errour beein the fcts t;race before the t;ift asthe caule of ir. foundation,yetitis(h!a Church,asappeares Here comes the en our of the Papi!ls to bee by the example of the Galatians. Yet ifa D confuted, 10htcll dorh teach, that the grace church fhall cue in the foundation openly, which n•akcsvsgrardull ro God, is themfuaodobllinately, it fcparares fromC\1rilt,and tedg1ft ot hohm:tfc anud1arlty: whereas incea(eth to boo achurch,and wee may fepararc deedc we arc not fir!l fan<!ttaed,& then pleafe fromir, andmaygiueiudgement thatitisno God: but firfl"ec pleafe Go~ by grace 10 church. \"Jherr ell~ lewco refi£ledthe preaChn£t, andthcnvponthi•weoarc Jauclified ching of Paul,and had nothingto fay,but to and mdoed with c!Jarity. · raile, Paul then fcparatcd the Church of PcaceiSagtfruotmGod,butinvs:and it Ephcfus,andRomelrom tbem,Act. 19.8.& bath threeparts. The firflcs peaceofconfci28.28, ltmayberebcdemaunded,why Paul encc, wh1cll is quictnelfe and tranqutluieof wrJtesto the Galat1ans as brethren, andcals minde,arifin~of a fenl~.:and apprchenlion of themChurchcs,fc:eingthey hauc e~red mthe reconctliatiOOwuh God,Ron.ancss.verfe '· toundauoo,and are as he f~uth, verte6.remoo.. I he fecond ts,pcacc,vuh the creatures: and md tG otnother G~Jpell,l an{wcr,h.ccould doe no I a h:nh tiucJ branche~. Thefiril is, peace wuh otherw1fe. lf & priuate man J)Jail crrc, bee Angels; for man is redeemed by \...brill,and muit firO: be adrnomlhcd, & Wt>n the church by,of this rcdemptwn,linfuJJ man is ' n:_':_it be told o~ ~-~.Ifhe hear~ notrhecburch, reconciled eo good Angels, Coiotl. J. :o. o 3 the'