Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

Chap. r. the Epijlle to the (jalatians. 167 teacheththatmcnafrcrtheirconnerfion,mu(l A on,beGdethatwhichhetaughr, t.l)m. 6. 3· !till rcmainc in fufpence oftheir faluarion: And rhereafon ofthi• Gone, is,bcc~li!e God and rhac pardon ofGnne,is necetfarily annexharh giuen thiscemrnaundement, We may ed ro coofeilion in the eare, and eo fariSfacbnot depart from hrs word, to the right hand on for rhe temporal! punifhment of Gone in or to the lcfr;ncirher mayweadde there to, or thislif,,or in purgarom. rake rhcrcfrom,lofu.r,v.7.8.Deur.4.and u. On rhecoorrarie,rhcGofpell of Chrifl(as Before I gather any doctrine hence, this here it appcares) troubles nouhe good con. ground is to be laid dowoe, that Paul preafcience , burit brings peaceand perfect 10y, ched•Vthewm(e/1ofGcd,Act. zo.z;.And that Ioh. xs. 11, Rom. 1 s. 4· And ihereafon·i• 1 which hepreached,beeingnecelfariero faluaplainc:for it miniflers aperfect remcdie for crion,hewlorc,or fomc orher of rheApofll<s, uery finne, and comfort fuflicient for cuery Ioh.Lo,3t. This beeing grounted(which ts a dr(!retfe.And rhisis anote whereby theGo[- ccrten rrurh) rwo maine conclufions follow. pelis difcerncd from al other doctrines what• One,thatthcScripturesalone byrhemfdues, ' foeuer. W!Cbout any other word, are abormdantly(ujfiThc fecond crime whewvith the falfemntto(al,.rltion, whether we regard dochincs apoflles arccharged, is, that they ouerrhrow B offaith,or manners.For he that deliuers any r!Je Gofpcll of Chrill: the reafon of this doctrineoutofthcm,andbeGcethcm,asne- <harge mufl be conGdered. They did not ce!Tarie to be belceucd,isaccurfed. reachadoctrine Aac contrary to the Gofpel The fecond conclulhn is, tharvnwritten ofChnfi:bur they maintain-ed it in word,and Traditions, ifthey be tenderedrovs,as apart pur an addttion to Jt of their owneourof the ofGods word, and .as neceffarie ro faluation, law,namely,iutlificarion 1 andfaluation,by the they are t~6omin•tiont, becaufe they arc doworkeS<hereof. And by rcafon ofthis adduictrines bcfide rheGolj>d that Paul preached. on, Paul g1ues thefenrence, thatrhcyperuerr And the ·Romane religion goes to the andtumevplidedowncrhcGofpelofChrill. ground: b<caufcitis founded on Tradition Vponthisgrmmd it appcares that the Po· outof,andbefidcrhewrirten word. Learned pifh rel1gion isa Ratfubuerfionof theGofpel Papills,to helpe themfclues i make a double ofChr~fl: b~<;aufc it io)lne• iullification by an(ivar. Onc!S,that rhey are.accur[ed which workes,wirb free iuflificationbyChrili.The preach otherwrlethon Paul preached;and not cxcufe,thar the workes thariuflifie,areworkcs they tvhich preach othcmrfnhcnhe writ,But ofgrace, <nJnotofnature, wrllnotferuethe ltl!falfc which they f•y, for that which he rurnc.For ifChn(l by hiS grace makeworkes C preachcd,hc writ, Auguiline hauing reiatlon roiu(hfic, then is he noronc:iyaSauiour, but rorherext in hand, faah, t/;;re he u 4ccu,.jeJ al(o an infhumcorro makevsfauiours ofour whiclipu~che:h 4"] thing • hefiderhAt .,.,hich'wd •Przter: (dues : he beemg the firll, and prmcipall Sa. h•uerecrzuedmthr l~gAU a11d EHange/Jcallfcrip- quam.Con. UJOur,and wefubordmarc: fauburs \tOto him. rnru. Againe, he f,mh, thAt hemHji • n9t uach rra Petili~ ButifChnll haue a partner in the worke of any more, or ~tnyother thing, the, thAt which anl3.c.6.. ruflificatlon, andfaluuion, he is noperfect it in the .Apof/le, who(e "'"'d" ht muft ex- ?'}0~0"' Ghr1Lt. pound. ~u;;~~~·1~:1• ·8, But tbottgh we, or•n .Angel/ fro"' heaum, The fecond anlivcr i•,thar to preach 0rhtr- ud quid preach vntoyor4 otherwsfo,thmth~l whichwe hllN~ u1ife, is ropr~achconrrarie, Becaufc(.;~ th~y ampltus, prtacbtdvnto1ou,/cr.bim !J~ accHrftd, fay}precepts and doClrines)maj be dchuercd 9· A; we(ud 6efore,(ofaJ I now agai•" if ••1 ifthey bediuerfe, and not conrrorie. As the »M.,pnachvntoyou otherwiftthen;t haH~recei· Gofpelof John, :and the Apocalyps, were ued;/et htm he acc•rfed. written after this Epiflic ro the Galot~ans, An obiedion might bemade againfi the which are diucrsro 1t, rhough not conrr~rie: formet conclufion,rhus: But the mof! excelrhclikcthcy fay of the Canons of Counfels: lentarnoog thcApollles,Iames,Peter,tohn, D and tharP•ul,Rom.t6.tS.pu!(""f' <J><(idc for (byyour lcaue) teach an orher Gofpell thco contrArie.I anfwcrrlms.Thepra:pofitlon (""foJ that which Paul had preached. To rhis obierranflared,befideorothcnvrfe, tignifiech rfiUs Cbon he makesan(werin this verfe negatiue~ much properly: and we are 1lor tb depart ly,rhatwhofoeucr teacheth another Gofpell from the proper fignification of the words, is accurfcd, wharlocucr he be. In thiSanJwer vnletfe we be forced by the text, And the three things arero beconfidered: a finne, the placein the Romanes in his prop<r and firll puniOm1enttherof, onda fuppofirion feruing fen(e, mui! be turned thus: Ob(eruuhcau. to ampJifierhe finne, tbors r;foffincu, h4idethe doClr~e WhichJe h~tu The finne is to preach in the caufe ofour leor•<d. And Pauls mindc is, that they =i;, iu(hficarion,anyothcrthing bt{iderh.tordilhould be obfcrued, that teach any other u~notluo<t which Paul taughtthe Galatlans, diucrs, or dillinCl: dodrme, rhounh it be though it bcnot.contrary.Thusmuch rhevcnor direClly contrary. The Gofpcl'ot John ry~ords import : and the fame words area.. and the Apocalyps, \vritten,afiCrward,, pro~ ga~n~vfed in the 11ext verfc. And·Paul brds pound not any d1ucrs doCir10e, pertaining Ta~othie,auotdethtmth+"lttr,;chotherwifc,that to rhe faluation of the foule, but one and ~s,an.)(diut:rs duClrmeas necelfarieroftJluati· 1 che fatr.einfubflance, with rha_r -~~h:ch Paul \vrore.