Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

x68 A[ommenta~rie 1Jpon Chap. I. wrote. The Canons ofCouncels, aretraditi· A, fame. They thercforo,whlch inarage accurfe ons touchingorder and comeline!fe,and they themfelues, andetbcrs, dcale wickedly. We prefcribenotanything, as necclfaric to iu[liare called ordinarily to bleaing, and not to fication,andfaluation. Againe,thcEmbalfa~ curling, dour that fpeakes any thing belide his com· _The thjrd point is, thefuppot'ltion ofthinga miffion,is as wd in fault,as he thatfpeakes the 1mpollib!r,on thio manner. Pur thccafe,that contrarie:though notfo much. _ I Paul, or any other ofthe Apoflles,lhould The f<cond point is, the pumlhment [Let reach otherw1fe then I hawe taught you: ncihimbe accur(ed] Here .arc three thmgs to be ther I,northey mu(! be belceued, but be acconlidcrcd.Thefirfi,what is itto beaccurfedi , curfed. Againe, putthecafe, that an Angell A•fw. God bath giuen to the Church, the from heauen n10uld comeand preach otherpower ofbinding, and it bath fourq degrees, l'li[e then P~ul preached to the Galatians, dd,•nition, Suf}m(ion from the Sacraments, who mu(! be belecued? Paul, or the Angel/ tExcomnunication,AnAthema. And this la(! is a the anfwer is,not the Angel,but Paul: and the cenfurc or iudgcruentofthe Church, wherby Angel mu(! be accurfed. And the reafon is, a pfonmmceth a man fcucred from Chrifl:, .becaufe Paul in preaching and writing, did andaJru.1ged to eternall perdition,Rom.9.5· B rcprefenr theauthoritieof God, & God puts r,Cou6.l2.Andheishcrefatd \Obeaccurhisowne authoritievnto rhe word which he feJ,tha: fi,mds [ubiect to this cenfurc. The vttercd:andhewasalli(led by the extraordi~ fecond part ts,whoarc to be accurfed I A.fw. narie, immediate, andinfalliblealli(lanceof H•inous offendours, and dcfperate perfons, Gods Spirit. From thisfuppolition,fundrie ofwhofeamendment,thereisnohope. And things may belearned. The fir£1, that the therefore thts iudgemet!'t is feldome pro· word preached and writtenbyPaul, is as cernouncedvpon any. Wcfindebutoneexamten,asifithadbil;l writren by God himfclfe, pie m the new Te(lament: Paul accurfcd A· immediately. ltmaybeobiccted, that Paul lexandcrtheCopper~fmirh, z. T1m. 4· 14. faith,1.Cor.7.1Z. Totheremnant,ljjua/t!, not And the Church afterward accurfed luhan the .L.rd.Ianfwer,Paulfaith,l,not the Lord,nor theEmperour. Other exampleswe finde not ~ccaufe he was deceiued in his aduife, for he any. . ' fpakeby theSpirttofGod,chap.7.verf.4o. The third point, how the Ch4rch lhould but becaufe he gaue counfell in acafe of maraccurfeany man,and in what order/ An(w. In riage, wherof the Lord had made no exprelfe this action 1 there be four~ iudgements. The law. The meaning then "this, I fpeake by 6r£l isGods,which is giuen in heauen, where- C collection from thela~v of Qod, and not the by he doth accurfe ob£linare and notoriousLord,by anyparticulara.ndexprclfo law. offenders. The fecond iudgcmel)t, perraines Secondly itappeares hence, that the artito the Church vpon earth, whichpronoun~ des <>f faith, orrhe doClrinc of theGofpcJ,., ceth them accurfed,whom God accur[eth. It in excellcncie and autboriric, aboue all men may be faid, how comes theChurch to know and Angels. And hence it followes, that the theiudgementofGod,whcreby heaccurfethl Church and Councels, cannot authorize the .An("'· The word fcts downe thecondttion of wordofGod, in the rninde and confcienceof them,that arcaccurfed; and experience,and any man. Fur theinferiour, & dependent au· obferuation findes outthe perfons, towhome rhoritic, addes nothing to that which isthe rhefe conditionsa1·einc1dent.Thc third iudg· prineipa!l,and fuperiour authoritie. There· m<;nt isgiueninheauen,whereby God rarifies I fore,theopinion ofthe Papi!ls isfalfe,that,we and approoues the iudgernent of the Church cannot know the Scripture to be the word of according to that, Wh&tjomerJebmdeone...-th . God,but by therefiimonie ofthe Church: as jbalibeboundin hM•m. The !all iudgement, D though the letter of a Prince, could not be pertainesto cuery priuate petfon, who holds 1 knowne to befo,withoutthete(limonieofthe him in execration,whom Godhathaccurfed, I fubieas. T·he principall au~horitie isfullicl– 'llld the Church hath•pronounced ro IDbe. If en! in itfelfe, to authorizeit felfe, without extie heare notthe Church, the Church proternallte(limonie. nounceth bimto be as a Publican and heaThirdly, lincethe daiesof theApomes, then, andthm([aithChri(l) let himbeaPublifundrie doctrine• haue.bene r~ceiuedand becan to tbeeaThus rnufl: rbe text bevndcrllood. lccued,touchingintercellion or Samts,praycr Hence we are taught ,-to bccorefull in prec ro the dcad,and for thedead,Purgatorie, and feruino the puritieofthcGofpel: becaufe the [uch likc:and rhefe dodrincs haue benecon~ corrupters thereof are to be accurfed as the I firmed by fundry reuclations.And welearne, damned[plrits. Hence againe itappeareth,· 1 whattoiudgc both of thedodrmes,andof that theChurch in accurling, dorh but exeri the reuclations; namely, that they areaccur• c1fe aMm1ilerie,wh1ch ts,to pubhfl~and te£11~ fed:beca.ufe the doattnes are befide rhewnrfie,whoarc accurfedofGod. La(lly,hencewe renword, and the reuelatiom tend torattfie lcarne,that priuate perfor.s mu(! feldome vfc . and confirme them. curGno: becaufe God mull firfi accurfe ,and Lailly, hence1veJeorne, what to thinkc of the Church po~linithe fentenc,eofGod; bethe writings of Papifis, and Schoolemen, fore we may with good confcience vtter the whcrcoffome :arc calledStrAphtcllU, Cherubs· c•ll,