Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

6 Cafes of Confcience. l.Booke~ G6d, concerning thein11ermanJ bml fee Another A 'as the making of ll grauen image)the taking law mm; memberJ, rebe!lmg ag4inft the lnwoj the name ofGod in vainc,&c. m7 mi~dc, a_ndlMdmgmucaptme tD the law of Now a tinneofCommtffion is, when aman (im1e,which tJ in m7 members. cloth any thing that isflatly forbidden in the Thechrrd ground or fountaioe of Cinne in Law and word ofGod: ao when one man k1ls man,tsAtfcCt:ton,from whence doe proccede ~nother,contrary to the Jaw,whichfaith,Thou twokindes,namely, !innc:s of Infirmitie, and Jlu1lt not kjll. A finne of Omiffion is, when a iinnes ofPrefumption. man Ieauerh vnpcrformcc.J, fame duty which Sinncsoflnfirmiticarcfuch as proceedc the Law requircth:ao for examplc,the preferfrom thefudJcn paffions of the minde, and uing of hisncighbors hfc,orgood eflato,whe , the frrongaffcdions of che hearr,as from hait lierh in his powcr(o to doe. Thefealfo are rred, gn~tC,anger,forrow,&{uch like. Tht;:fe truly Gnncs, and by them as well as bytheo- Mat.1f.-J'• fins are commonly thought to be in all men : thcr,men lhalbetricd in the lalliudgement, 11· but the truth is,rhcyare properly incident to Sinnes of Omillion haue three degre<a. the regenerate, For in6rmitie cannot beefaid FirH,when a man cloth nothing at all, bur oproperly to be in them, in whome Gone harh B mits the duric commaunded, both in whole: tirmicic or fl:rcngtb,& where there is no powand in parr;as when hawngopportUJ:Jitieand erof grace at all. Againe,rhe man chat is reabilitie, hec dorh nor mooue fo much as one generate,linnctlt neither when hewoul~, befinger,for thcfauing ofhis neighbours life. caufe hee isrcllraincd by the grace ot God Secondly, when a man performes rhc:duthat is in him: norinwhatmanncr hewould, ticmioyned,bur failcs borh in the manner & partly bccaufc he finnerh not withal his hart, meafure thereof. Thusthc Heathen failedin rhc flrength of hi• Aen, bcemgabated by the .Joinggood workes, in that the,things wh!ch Spirit;and partly for rhat beelllgfallen,helie. they did,for fubilancc and matter were good not fhll, but r<coucr. himfelfe by fpccdie reand commendable, becing t.loncvpoo cimll pelitance: An cuident argument)that the1 lins and hondl refpech,and referred to rhc corn• whcrcinro hecfalleth,are not prcfumpruous, mongocd ;yet in truth tb~ir actions were no but areordinarily ofweakenesand Infirmity. better rhen linnes of omiflion, in as much a' Smnes of Prcfumptlon are fuch as prothcyiifued from corrupted foumaincs,hu us cecdc from pridc,arrogancic,wilfulneffc,and void offaith:and aimed notat the mainc cnd 1 hautinetfcofmanshea(t. Againllthefe Da- c and [cope of all humaneaCltom, the honour uid praierh, faying. Let uot prefornptuom finncJ and glorieofGod. ha~~edominionotur mt,P[J.l. I !).13.Andofthem. Tbirdly,when a man cloth things in a right there be threedegrees. manner,but failcs mthe meafure thcrof.And The fir(! is: when a man wilfully gocthon thusthechildren of God doe Gnneinallthe in hislinnes,vpon an erronious perfwanon of , dmies ofthclaw.For they dothegood things Gods mercy, and of his owne future repenthelaw commandcth, in Iouing God& their rance;rh1sis thefinneofmofl men. " · neighbour: bur rhcycannot artainero that Thefecond is, when a man Gnncrh wilfulmcafurc oflout,which the law rcquiwh.And ly,in contempt ofthe Law ofGodahis is ea!. rhus the be[! men lining doun meuery good Num.15·3o. ledbyM'fu,alinne withab~~h hAnd, and the worke they doe,fo as ifGod flwuld enter into punilhment thereofwas:, by prefant death to iudgcment, dcale with them in the rigour of becut off from among the people. hisiullicc, &examinerhem by theflrichule The third,when a man finnerh, notonely ofthe Law, he might iuaiy condcmne them, wilfully and cootemptuoufly, but of malice cucn for their bcfl aClions. And in this reand fpite againI! God himfelfc, and Chrifl gard, when wee pray daily for the pardon o Iefus. And by this wee may conceiuewhatjs ~ our Hnnes,the befi workcs we doe,mtlll come the.flnneagainfl the holy Ghofl:wh1ch is not D in thenumber ofthcm:becaufe we faile,ifnot euery finne ofprcfuruption,or again!l knowin fubOanccand maner,yet ar the lcall,in the ledge and confciencc:but fi1ch a kmd of premeafurc ofgoodnelfe,that ought to be in the fumptuous offence, in which rrue religion is doingofthem. Wcmullalfohauec.arerore. renounced :ar.d that of fctte purpofe and re· pent vs,euen ofthefc our finnes ofOmHiion, folucd malice, againCl the very Maieflie of as wcii as of the other of Commil1ion: beGod himfelfeand Chrifi,,>?. caufcby leaning vndonc ot>r duty, we dooftSe&. 4· ner etfend 1 then by linnes commitred:and the Now follow other D1tf~rcncesof finnein leall OmHTion is: enough to condemne vs, 4lf regard ofthe obieChhcrof,which is the Law. it!hvuld be exaCled atour hands, In refpctl ofthe Law,finnc is rwo-fold:elthcr Sdl. 5· o~ComrnHiion, or of 01D1mon. I fay, in re· The next difference ofSinnes maybe thisc fpeCl of theLaw, bccaufe God bath reuealcd Some arc Crying finnes, fomc arc finncs~f tn h1s Law two forts of precepts : the one Toler.ation. whercinfomegood thing is commaunded to Crying finnes I call thofc, which arc (o bee done, as to Joue God with all our hearts, hainous, and in their kindefo grieuous, that I and our ne!gbbour as our (clues : the other they haflen Gods iudgcmenrs, and call for wherein fo;nc~uill is forbidden to bee: done, fpcedic vengeance down vpon the finner.Of this