Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

!I.Booke. Cafes of Confcience. 7 this kmde there are fundry examples in che Scriptures,princ~pa~Iy tOure.F1rfi;Caim finne in murtherino h1s mnoccnt brother A6~U; whc:rcofltwa~ faid, Tlu voia of thy brothers Gcn-4-to• h/oodcritthvntom~frotnth~ ~arth. The next is, the Gnoe o(Sodomeand Gomorrha, which was pride,fulnes ofbread,abundance of idle. nelfe,vnmerci[uH dealing with the poore,and all manner ofvncleannelfe, Ezech.I6.and of Gen.,S.•o· thi> theLordCa1d, tharrhecrieofSodsme and Gor:,orrha ll'a& gr6tlt ,' aml their (imus excudi-,g nrieuoUJ.The third,JS the linneoj'Oppr<(Jioa,co– durcd by the Ifrael1tes in Egypt, at the hand ofPharao,and his task·maO:ers.The fuurrh,is mercilelfe lniu!licein wrongful withholding and detainmo the labourers hire. Now are ~hey calk·d Crying finncs, for Exod. 3·7. &lids. Exod. ::z. 23·l7· Iam.5·i·4· thcfecau[es.Firfl,bccaufe rhey arc 1101.\' come to rhm full meafure & height; beyond which God will not fulfer them to palfe, without due punifl1mcnt. Ag~ln,rhcLord rakes more notlce,and inquires further into rhem, then into orhers,by rcafon that rhey cxceeJe, and are moCl eminent where rhey be com1n1tted. Thirdly,they call for prefeot hclpe of the af– flicted and wronged, and confcquently, for fpeedie cxcquutjon of venseance, vpon the aufhors andcommirrersof them. And la!lly, becaufe God is wont ro glue care: vnto the eryes ofthofe, that endure Co heauie meall1re ac rhe hands of others, and accordingly tu helpethem,and rew>Cd the other with dcfer– ued punin1ment. Next vnto thcfc, ~re finnes ofToieration, Ielfcr (hen the former;which thoughinthcm~ felue< rhcy dcfcrue death,yer G"d mhis m«· cie Otewes h1s patience and long futferance, vpon the committers thereof, either deiCr· ringthe temporal! puoillimenr,or pardoning both temporal! >ud eternal to his Eletl.Such a finne wa~; the: ignorance of the Genrilcs bcAd.!7·l0· fore Chn!ls comming: which God deferred (•)u "'111 ' to punin1,and(as wclay(•)win~dat ir. J'ov, More cfpecially, there be rime forts of Gnnes ufToleration: the fir!! is Originalllin, or Concupifcence,in thercgencrarc~.ftcr rcge. neration,and the fruits thereof: for it is not quite abolil11ed byregeneration,but remaincs moreorlelfemolcfling and tempting a man till death.And yet 1fwecartie acon!lant pur– pofe not to finne, and indeauour our (clues ro rcfiff a( tentacions}this concupifcence ofours, !haiJ not be imputed vnro vs,nor \VC conJcm:- tmS.t, ned for it.And to this purpofe the holy Apo– Cl:lefaith, Thtrt i& no condemnation to themtbar ar~in(hri{J. Yctfairh he not, Th~r~is nothing worthi~cond(mruttioninthtm:for Original !inne remaines t1II deaths truly de[eruing damnati– on,though it be not imputed. I · The[econd kind of linnes ofToleration l arcJccret, vnknowne, and hidden Onnes 111 the regenerate. For who e-r tcl//,,.,f, h" f– lfmdeth ?laith Dauid.vVhen a man thari• rite childc ofGod , l>ull examine his heart, and ' \hun1ble himfclfe eucn for all his particul>r A finnes, which heknowcth by hm1(dfe: ther 01all ycc rcmainc fome vnknowne finnes, of whtch he cannot haue a particular rcpen.. ranee; and yet they are not tmputcJ, when rhcrc is repemance for knowne finnes. A., for example, D~uid repentsof his murther and adultcrie, and yet afterwards (erring in iudgcmenr, by rcafoo of the corruption o( thwmes, )·heliued to his death 10 thcfinne ofpolygarl)iC, without any pamcular repen– tance, that we hearc of. In ltke manner dtd rhcPatriarkes, who may nor alrogcthcr be cxcufc:d:yCtthcy were not condrnu:cd tJlcre– of: neither were they faued without repen· tance for this !inne, but God 111 mercie acB cepted a gcncrall repentance for the fame. And the like isthecafe ofall the Elect, in re– gard of rheir fecret and hidden faults: for voles God 010uld acocpt of agencrall repen– tance for vnknownc (innes, feu: or none at all n10uld be faued. And herein dorh the endlclfe mercie of God notably appeare, that he vonchfafeth to accept of our repentance when we rcpem, though not in particular as wcoughttodoe. Neoerchdcs, thts mufl not incouragc or imboldcn auy man to liue in hisfinnes, without wrning vnto God. For vnlelfewe repent in particular,ofal the (innes we know,not onlyour knowncoflenccs, but cucn our fecrct finncs fha.IJ condcmne vs.,M.a– ny linncs arc committed bymen)which after~ wards in proccffcoft1meare qutre forgotten: C Orhcrsare committed. which notwithtl:an– dingarc not knowne, wherher they be linnes or no. And in doing the bcft duties we can, we offend often, and yet when we offend, weperceiue it not: and all rhefe in the rege– ncratc,chrough rhe mercy ofGod,are fionc:s ofTolcratlon,in refpect of particular repentance. 1 Therhird kindeof linnes of Toleration, .ueccrraine particular facts of men noc ap· prooueJ of in s~npture, and yet remitted m relpect ofpunifhmenr. Such was the fact ofZipporah, it) circumctGng her childe, in Exod,4.•S pre[,uce of her husband, he bceingable to hauc done If himfclfe, and D1ce haumg no D callmg, to doe that which thee dtd. For thougb the hand of God was again!! him, yet wa.s he nor licke, (as fome would excufc rhe matter)neither 1s rhereanyfuch thing in rhe text: bur it is rather to be thought, that lhce herfclfecircumci(ed her fonne in ha!!, ro preuent her husband : for the deode was doucin.fome indignation, and fllf~e call the fore-skin at hio feete. And yet becaufe this faCl wasfome manner ofobedience in that che rhing wa~ done which God r~quired, (though not tn the manner that he requi– red) God accepted the fame, and flayed his hand from killingMo(u. Thus God accep- 1. K;ng•..; red of A?abs hunulitie, though it were in h)'pocCIIJe, becaufe 1t was a fllC!v of obedi· enca: andforthardcferred a temporal! pu- a.King.I7• ndhtnent,till the daies of hts po[~erltie. God A -4------feiit