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Cafes ofCon(cience. I.Booke. and to the making awayof himfclfe. A Ill. Thtrdly, thep•rtieindiflrefemuj/~ tlltJzht)not r~ ttjl vpon hit owneiHdgement, bHta/.. rutesto(ubmit himftlfe:and be co~unt to be~tJHi. edb1other1,thataremm of,vi[edome, iudgment, ••ddifcrerion. A thing to be obferued the ra– rber, becaufe thevery neglect thereof, flarh caufed (undry perfons to remainevncomfor– tcd for many yeares. I V.Fourthly,tiiC p.rtydiflreffed,mll~neuer heareteUof~tn} (earejnflaccidents~ oro(any th~t hauebemrin Ilk!, orworfe ~afe thm h~mfelfeu. For vpon the very report, the di!lrelfed con– fciencewill fa(ienrheaccident vpon it felfe, and thereby commonly wil be drawne to dee– per griefe or defpatre. The minde afHiCled is prone to imagine fcarelull things, and fome- B rime, rhevery bare namingof rhediuell,will finke terrour and fcareinto it. V. Ftfrly, rhe partie that is to comfort, mu(\ beare with a! rhe wants ofthe di(iretTcd; as with rheir frowardndfe, peeuilhne!Te,ralh· nelfe, and wirh their diflempered and dtfor– dered attcCiions and a<lions: yea,he mull pur vpon him{as irwere)rheir pcrfons,beingatfe- . Cledwirh their mifcry,and touched wtrhcom– panion of rheir forrowes, as if rhey were hts ov,:ne, gric:uing when bee feeth thc:m ro gricue, weeping when they doe weepcand la– ment. VI. Sixrly,he rharisrhccomforrer,mufl nor be difcouraged,rhouoh after longlabour and paines.rakino,rhcre follow fmal comfort C and eafe,rorhe p~rry diilreffcd. Formenwill often bewray their fiiffcnclfe in temptation, and v(qally iri•long before comfort can bee receiucd- and 1\-hy lfurely,becaufeGod harh rheorea:en (irokein rhefc di(irelfes ofmind, anlbriogs men through allthe temptations, rhar hee bath appointed, cuen to the la(! and vrmo(i, before hce opens the heart ro receiue comfort. The Church in rhe Canticles feekes for her bcloued;bur before lhecan findehim, lhe goes about in the ciry,rhrough rhe flreers and by open plaas, paning byrheWarch– men themfdues; anc)afrer il1ee harh vfed all meanes wtthour helpeor hope, at lcngrh,and nor before,lhe finds her beloued, bim in»hom herfoule ddighteth,Cant.3·4· · D Thus muchforrhe gonerall Remedie of all Diflre!Tes, nowI come to the particular Di(ireffesthemfclucs. CHAP. VIU. Ofthe frfl flmi•llDif/reffe,arijing of adiuineumptation. THe fir(! Dtflrctfcariferh of adiuinwmp– tarirm,~hich is acombarewirh God hlm– (elfe immr '.rly. And rhis Di(lretfe is,when theconlde, cc fpcakes fame fearefull things ofGod,and wirhall rhe parrydt(ire!Ted fecles tome eu1dent tokens ot Gods wrath. Sefl. I. Examples hereof wee fhall findemanyin Example.; the word of God. One is, the example o rtghteous Iob,whohautng beenelong in out· ward allliaions,was withal exercifed with rhe apprehenfion of the anger of God, and in that !lare hefatrh,Iob. 6.4. thatthMrrowu oj tbe Alm•ghty were mhm•, thllt the venime there.. ofdiddrink!vp hisJPirit,thatthererroursof God did fight aga1nj/him. Yea further heeaddcth, lob 13. '26. that qodwaJ hiunemie,andwrcu bitter.thingt agai•fl him:andmadehtm,. poJfeffe the P"""'f h>~youth. And ar anorherrfme he complainerh,lob 16, 9· that Godt »r.thhad to~neh~m, thnt beeh11t'd him, gn11/l.ud vpon him w~rh ~~~tceth,a'ldhAd foArpen~dhitl)tl Againft htm:; ea th11t hehad t11k.;nhimh] theneck;, and beAt~IJ h~rn_. and fit h~rn tU amnrk!for htmjdfe. In a, 1whtch, and dtucrs orher places it appc:ares, rhat h1s confc1encc was cxcrcifed with the fenfe ofrhewrarh of God,which had now euen feazed vpon his foule. Another exampleweehaue in Dauid,who alfowas excrcifedwith this tcmprarion and trouble of mindc,asrhe firfl wordsof the 6. Pfalme, and rhe whole rcnour thereof doe e– uidenrly lhew: For fir(!, he delires the Lord, Pfal.~. not to rebulze him in his wrAth, 01nd afterward complainerh, rhar hisgriefe was fo grear,thar his very AeOt confumed, his bones werevcx– <d,and his body brought ro fuch a nare,as no licknetfe could haue brought him vnro. And it is nor vnlike,rhar rhefame Prophet did often fall into the like kind ofdt(lrelfeofmind, as may begathered ourofPfalm.77.and fun– drieorherplace•. Now as ir farcdwirh rhefe, and diuers o– ther {cruanrs ofGod,in auncicnt rimes/a are wee not without fome in!lances thereof in our daies. Among(! many, rhar 1\-orthy man Maner Lurher, writes of himfelfe, that bee was in rhis particular remprarion,and rhar he learned in it, thedoClrineofrhe Iulli6cati– onof afinner,,byrhemeere mercieof God, wirhourany merit of workes: and vpon rhe fenfeandexperienceof rhe nature and pro– perties of rhis dt(ire!Tc, hee wrote a notable expofirion of rheflxrPfalme ofDauid, the [cope and intent whereof,hee wrirerh to bee nothing elfe, ;but a foueraigne rcmedie of this, and the like dillrelfes of the minde and confdencc. Sea. 1. Ifit be demaunded, what is rheOccafion The Cm– of this kinde of rerupr.tion1 I anfwer, that 6on, it arifeth fometimes,vpon the com'lnitriog of fome notorious fin, which dorh wound the confcience, as In Cain, Judas, and Saul, who forrheirgrcarand capirall finncs, tha! (linged and wounded the1r confciences, grew to afearefull flare, and confequenrly,perilhed in rhis tempration.Sometimcs againe, itcomes • when