Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

-I.Booke. Cafes of [onfcience. whenthereis no Unnccommitted, but obe· A dience to God pc:rformccl : and then there cannot beereodrcd any rc.1.fon of it:,eirher m man or our of man, fdue this, that God will haue'ir (o ro be,And the rrmh hcreofis plaine by rhe examples of lob and Dauid before ment!oned. s,a, ;. God hunfelfe, his recouene was made by huwblmgh1mfelfewhen hee faith,Iob 39·37· Beholde 1:Rmvtlr:agam,Now Iabhorrem) jelje, andr~pcm indlfjl andaft.Jes. Th:clfelh The elfcels of rhis temptation are many, of chc cCJ>· anJ very Change. For outward!~ If w~rkesa tation. change and alteration in the bod1c, as lt were abuming ague, and it caufcth the intrals to nfe, the Jiuer to roulc in the bodtc, and it fcts -Some may here demand, If it fall our,that the perfon 1limfeHc cannot"performe any ·good dutyof lumfelt,by reafoo ofh1s diClra– c.'lion in foule and bodie, what mufl t•hen be be done/ A•[. If the partie can but Ggh,•nd fobbcvnro God for mercie,and comfort: 1t is no doubt aworkeofGodsfpirit,and apra– cltfe both of fairh, and repentance. Wee k,now not (faith SaimPaul,Rom.S.t6.)wha~lo pray M weough1, (namely,m our dillretfes,) bu1 1he Sptril it(dft mak,fsreq•efl for VI, wi1hfighs that agreat heatc in the bones, and confumes the ftc01 more then any ficknelfe can dce, And that it is fo as I fay, befide experience, 11 is ckare in the word of God. Dauidin this di- B llrelfeaftirmeth, that hrJeyu JVtreeaten a~ it werewitb wurmer~t~nd[tmk_e irJtfJ his ht'ad,PCal.6. 7.tbat his moyftr~re /gcame a& tiJedrought in(um– mer,Pial.3•·4• And lobf•ies,Iob 30.30. that his 1kjnw.u !J/ack.fvpon him, his bonuw~reburnt withhrau;yca,rhat bymeans ofthis dillrcJfc, he w.u How full of wrink.Ju,andhiJiearuneJ!edid rife vponhim,Iob t6.8,It is aprinctple which Phylitians do holde,that 1he minde follorm the temperatrtreof the 6ody, 11nd i1ajfeaed according to the Rood or eui/1 conflit:4tion thereof: which though it be true, yetwithall it is as manifef! on the othcrlide, that the body doth often fol.low the fiateandconditioo of theminde: For adifliclled heart, mufi ofnece!lity make afaiuting;and alanguin1ingbocly. Sel"/,4, cannot bucxprej{ed: and therein l1es our com~ fort, Thus Mofes at the redde fea beeing in greatdifirelic, E.~od.14-15. and not knowing what tofay,or do,fighed andgronedinwardly to hisfoulevntothe Lord,for helpeand pro– tec.'lion: and hts •·cry defire was m!lead ofa loud criein rhecaresofrhe Lard. The fecond thing is, that triall mufl bee made, wherherthcparty bathmhim any to· kcns ofgrace,or not r T hefc tokens are the [mall beginnings of grace, which before! hauedeclared. As for .xample: agricfc becaufe wee cannot grieuc for lmne as wee fl10uld: afcrious will and de– ure to beleeue and repen" a purpofe to linnc no more, and fuch l1ke. If thclebee found in the partie, then by them, ashy furc pledges, ·r heReBut the principall rhingro befought for in thisfClllptarion,istheRfmedic thl'Tt'if;whcre– umo there be fiue things required, which arc C hee may be alfurcd ofthe fauour of God to– wards him:and where any of thefe be found the faying of God to Saint Paul mufl bee vr: ged, grAceit(ujjimntforthee, and therewith mull the di!lrelfed partie flay b1smindc, Yeawe aretobe-content wtth any condition 10 this life, bee it neucr fo mifera· ble, fo longa•weearc inthctauourof God, though he lhouldlayvpon vseuen the paines of hell,till the rimeofour death. So dtd Da– Uld, who when heewas purfued by his owne fonne,vttered thefe words vnto God, Behold, if I pleajrtheenot)doe'H'ith mee what thou wilt,l, Sam,15. z6. Andthelikcwas the mindeof Paul, who beeing alfurcd of the (auour of metlie. to be praCllfcd asoccalion !hall be offered. Firfl,choice mun bee made of rhe mofi6t and pr~eot rcmedie, and that mufl bee vfed tnthc fir(f place. Now the mo!l fit and prtfent remcdic is, to bring the partte tronbled to the perjon•ll exercifes o(faith and repentance, br, nnd in htmjelje. Forthisend,hee mufi eNamine his CORfcience mofi flraighrJy and narrowly of allthdinnes of his heart, and life, Secondly, he mu(! humblyconfelfeagainO himfclte,all his knowne linnes: and withlll acknowledge D the due condemnation,that he thereby harh deferued,Thirdly,he mull we ro heauen for rncrcic, intreating the Lord moll tnflantly for pardon, and forrhe refiraint of hi• wrath ducvnro him for his finne. Dauid beeing in this d1flrelfe, performed all thcfe duties, a' we may rcadeio the fixr Pialme: and helaith furr)ler ofhimfelfe,Pfalm.3 :.;->.that wh•lrf/ beconce4!ed hisfir.nes,thc handofGodwa~hctJUic vponhim: 6tJt vpon hisuirneftconfejfion, and dc– prccation,herel:eiuedmcrde. And ifwe reade the booke of Job, we (hall finde tha!the prin– ctpallfcopethereof isthis; namely, ro01cw vnto vs,that Job was tbroughly cxercifed with this temptation, and that in the cndc haumg beene rebuked both by his friends, and by God,was eomcm fOr hisg!ory,and thefalua· tionof rhclfraclites (itit had beene po!liblc) to becfeparated from Ghrifi, and to endure the very pangs of lrelf,Rom.9.3· The third thing in this cure is, toapplieto the f•id difiretfed partie, fuch promifes of God made vt>toaffitCled perfons,as aremofl large.,ldcomfortable. For exampi~, that the L~ra i:r~Aretsthrm that are of Rcontrite heArt, andwiU {Atle fuc/!1114 beAjMhd inJPtrit,Pfal.34·I8. Againe,ItAme nOI (fa11h our Sauiour Chr1fl) bnt to the /of/ (l"'P"{Ihehou(eof lfrad, Matth, 15. 24. Hee faiesnor, to the lfraying01cepe, but rofuch ~ as are now in thcpir, r.cady to be drowned, or in theLyons mouth, ready to bee deuoured. Againe,%' SpirlfPf thr Lordis vponme, there- Luk, 4 , 1 s, fo~e ~f8~alhlltm~;nudmee, tiJat Jfoouldprtach I C ~ the