Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

I.Booke• Cafes ofConfcience. . . 45[ HJw tHhatl"Thqughthe r.ckeo~·weakcchild' A words, hedoqonguolherh·b'etwecne his ow!!c beeing eomm•rndcd fomebufines, goeth ~-/ ,perfon, and hone ~hato! on hom. Foron man/1 boar 11 very vn'h~nd!Omly, aNd forhe deeda 1 'fegenerar~, ther~be three thing•, thebodi!', be done to lirleor no purpofe: yetthe fa~herl the~oule,an\1 ~~goft of Gods omage rellored cceptSit as well done,ifhefeethecholdyeeld agame. Now rouchong rhe corruprron ofna. ~nro hi•commaundem~nt; and doe hfs en- -ture,rhat is in hi,sper[on,and fo !"•Y be (aid to deailour,ro rhc vrrernlOil ofhis p3wc!r: Euen 'bt hts; 'bur lrBflbngsnor ro rhe man regene. fo'will'God delle withthofe thar'be hts chtl·l 1 tate:ttt~ troll'>rr1~becaufc tt ts nor tmputed (<1 dren lhou"h 'ficke ~n8weakem obedrence, 1um,and fn'thd.t>idtts,as though tt were opt 111 JIDt ho~,will fo,mefay, can G~daccepr a! ·h!m.'l'h'eJo.:jo~J·e, 1. Thelf. 5· t 3· praies for 1 v<lfk'e<ifours that it itnperfett'l '}lw[.So larrel dieThe!falontani, rhat God would fancli6e fort!i\!ls ihe obedience is done in tiu'rh:(o •r!temmmighollf, 'and ~referue their wholefpi· f&ihf(!fod acceprs,ir, beca»fe .it is lfis owne rit,foule,~nd?lidie: 6rwhich place(amongll work in vs:and,as it is ours,hepar~ons irvnro '~'>.ny)rhts exportton may be g1uen, The A· vs bebaufe we·ar~ltl Chrill. · polllefpeakingof men re&~nclare, and fao;. l 'A (econd Ruleis laid do,vne, Rom. 7. I9. B ctilied, makes ·r!u~e pms .in them : bodie, where p.,.lfaith tothi'spurpofe,thegood ..hsch foulc,~ndfptrtt:ana by fptnt,we are to vnder• f.,•MfdJar, I d~i»ol~ .rndrht e•i/J whieb l would Cland,nor the confcience, butthegift ofrege. 111t',rha1 doe I. In th<fe words is fer downe the netation,&fanC!ification, which Is rhe whole £late ofall regenorare men inthislife:and rhe new man inbodie and foule, oppofed to rhe meaningis ibiS:The good thongs which God Bea1,which in ana~urall m~n,iscalled the old haih commaumk d,I doe them, bur not as I man, Rom. 7: And the prayer which P•ul would 1 and rhe euill forbidden'I auoid, but makeun the beh~lfe of the The!falonians, n·otasl would. This we !hall fee robe tru~ by reachcth ~sin effect rhos milch; that though cofl'Paring rhcvoices of three kihdes.or m' en corruption remairrein'theregenerate,afterrerogerher.Thecarnall man faith, I doe not tb.z geneution; yer In tefpeCl ofdiuine acccptari- •ht'Cb iJgarui~neithtrwifl (dot 1t ~ on,he ii 2CC~~nJ~d·as r.i&~~~oU~,Iind fo conti· u6killf'doe,~ttd £,.oulddoeit, Contramvofe,rbe nuerh, his hnn~ {by rhe,mercie of God in roan glorifi.ed,he faith, T,b•t.whichugood I"·~· Chri!l J. n?t hc~fn'g ip\puted fo.him tO COil· .andwjl/doe st;andt~at J~?.h~r:h u emU I 4~enot,~es.. d_e,mna!IOO.A~,fomuch for tnar pmnt. rbtrwiU1doe it:T.He regenerate man,m amodNow rbKe · l>Unds of comfort, &orb er; die betwe'ene them both he faith; Tht good ofrhclike nat fe' may lerue to lirllaineand ehi.lgu•mmanded.l Joi,Gutnot .ul,.•uldl tbee. C fPiiold _rh~'hparrs' of the children ofGod, ui/1 tbingeforbidd,.Iauoid,GutMt"' /would, when they !hall b~prelfed and troubled, in And rhis is the e£lateof the child of God confideration ofrheir ellatC'in thislife, which in thislife,who in this regard,islikcvnro adif. cannot till;dearh, be folly freed from much eafed man,who loucs his hcalrh, and rherfore weaknelfcand manifold imperfection•. obferues both dierand phyficke: and yct he oftenfilsinro his fit againc (though he be ne– uer fo careful! to obferue the rulcs,of the Phyfitiiln)by rea[on ofthe dillcmperarureof his bodie:and hereupon is faine to goe to the Pbylirian thefecondtime for new counfell.In hke manner, Gods children haue indeede in their hearts acareto pleafc and obey God; but by reafon of fiml'e that dwdleth mrhem, they' fai!t ofr~n, and {o arc faineto bumble themfclues againe before bun, ~y new repen· ranee. Againe,rbeferuantsofGod arelikero a man, by fome Cudden accidenr cafl into the (ea 1 WhO in firiUing fQ faue himfdfe frOIU drowning,puts to all his nrength, to £\o·rm to the lhore,& beeingcome almoll vnoo tt,rhere mcetcs him aw~ue or·bilJow, whichdriuci himcleane.baclceagainc, it may be amile or further, and then rhe former hope and ioy conceiued ofefcape,is foreabated, yet he re. urnes agalnc,and llilllabours to come to the and,and neuer re£ls till!Jeattaine vnro it. I I I.G•o•nd.Herhattsindeede regenerate, hath this priuiledge, that the cormprion of nature isnopartofhim, neirber doth it be– ongro his perfon, in re(peClofdiuinc impu· tarion.Paulfairh ofhtmf<lfe,Rom. 7.J 7; it is Homor~ J,bmfinn~thAtdweOethinmc. Io which CHAP. XII. OfthefiftJPtcillflDif/rel[e,a~ljingft•"' 4 mAnsowne Podie. THeliftandlalikinde ofTemptation or Trouble of minde, ariferh ftom a 111ans owne bodic. D Before! ente;iofpehkerhereof,one~e- (}ion,1n themeane time' ruun be anfwercd, n•mcly,How the body beeing an emhly fub– £lanc~, lhould 'trouble or annoy the minde, confidering rhar rhe minde is nor bodily, but fpiriruall:for nothing can worke aboue it own power1and it is agaioll reafon,·that that which "bodily, lhould eitberalrer or trouble alpi· rir.For anfwcr hcreunro, thefe rhmgs mu{! be confidered Sell, I, ' FirCl ofal,rheaelions ofman.though rhcy Howthe beftmdry,yetthey all proceed from one one. bodyrro•– \>' founrame, and common caufe, the foule; blcs •he and are doneby the powerrhcreof. The bo· mmde, dyofir felfe,ISI\otanagentin any worke, but astt werea dead inllrument, in and by which thefoule produceth all aClions and workes, Second!~