Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

4-6 ::[afes of Conjcience. I. Booke. Secon~ly, rhqugh all rh~ aClions of man A on in thepamofrhe bod)l,yhich ofrcnrimes come from the foulci, yet rh~ mo!l of them befallmen:in what fort welh~feeaftcrwards. arefuch, as be performed by the body, and For troubles ofmipdethus caufed, aremore the partsthereof, and ~Y thefpirirs that are . common,and as noyfom~ ~s the mofi of the feated in the bodie,as byin!lrl/m~nts. Indeed former. .,, fomeadions ofthefoulcand.minde,aredone Selil, :&, wi!hour the helpc ofthe bqdie_, !lut Ifay rhat1 Touching that which co'lles by J\1.el,an- Me!anoho'! the mollofrhem, are wrought by,.,the bodie,. I choly,[undnethingsarero beconfidered r,, ly. 'andfpirirs therein containe'd, ~ndyerno~- ourinllrt~Clio,n, andforth~J\em~dieofri)at withllanding the fpirits in rhemfe)ues,_are• eUijl. ·, .1 i· . • , ,., noagent9arall : burrhe oncly agent ln any I. And ~r!lof~ll.,i(itb~askedwpaiMeworke, is rhe fatile :it fe!fe. For example, lancholyWlanfwer;Iris'ikjnd,of£~t!hj;.. i)p the vung of rhe outward (enfes, as .of tight,• · blacke blood,fpccially in rh~fpleenc;~orJyp; hearir.g,ralling, rouchmg, fmelling,as a!foof red anddi£lempered1which.jQ_hc~ rhelf.l~ene the inward,astmaginarionl rneinorie, &c. alii "nopt,conuaies it fclferotJts lJearr' "1'4 the this is done by the braine, and die parts df brame,an~thcrepartly by his corrupt 1\lbrhc braine,as proper in£lrul"~nrs. All affeCli- B llance,and contagious qu~Yrie,an,d p~rdy by ons both good and bad,come from the foule, corruptfp,iri!s,annoy~rh both heart& braine, bur yet they are done and al!'ted iy,and by the being thefntes and in!lrumenrs ofreafun meanes ofthe hearr,and vital fpir11s. So alfo and afleClions. · the powers oflit~ and qourjfhment procee<fe · z. Thefecond is, what are rhc cffeClsand from the foule; and yet they.are done and operations ofMelancholy! Anfw. They are wr.oughr by the liuer,and oil)erhiward P•tll, !lrange,andofrc11 fear~ full. There is n,o huu in!l~urnents w~ereby rhelOule nouriU10rh mour,yca nothing in mans bodie, rhar ha,rh the bodie.In a word, rher.e is no Oaturall act(- fo !lrangeeffeCls,u thio humour harh,b~eing on in man, butforrhe eff,e~ing thereof, the once dU!empered. An ancient Diuinec~lles parrs ofrhebo~xare vfed as.!! were the hands it the Diutll fillu, becaufe the Diuellbe'd'~g EfcaDia· , and inllru,menrsofthe foulf;llf,all thiscomes well acqua!ntcd with the complexion ~nd bell. by reafon ofth'e vi1iori ~f .lns.bodi~ 1fith the temperaturebfman,by God• iu£lpermillion, B~lnclllll foule,whereby they malic ol'e,p,erfon. : conueyes himlelfeinto this humor, ~9dwar- D.abcl~ Henceirfollo~>es, that wljcn~hcbodie is kerb llrangeconcoiro. Ir isrccordcdin Se~·ip1 troubled,rhefou)e is alfotrQub~~1·· Now the rure,rhat when the Lord rookchisgoodfpirit bodyaffeClcth and h4rrerhrhe tau le &mind, C from Saul,whercby hedidcarrie himfelfewcl nor by takinga~ay, or diminill)\rig any p~rr in ihe gouernment ofhis peoplt, and an·euill rhereof:for rhefoule is indiuiublc.Nor by de· fpirircamevpon him, hec was in fo foarcfull a priulngir ofany power or facullie giuen irof cafe, that he would haue flaine him that was God: for, asrbefouleir felfc, .and the pam next vnrl>him:how fo1Surely, becaufeGod thtreaf,fo alfo all the faculties ofthefamc,rein iullice withdrew his Spirit from him, and maine whole-and entire, without abating or fulfered Satan, to enter into the humo4r of dimini01ing. Jlur·bycorrupringtheaction of choler,mclancholy,or both, &by this nieans the minde, er more ptoperly,by corrupting caufedh1m to offervioJenceroDauid. thenext lnnrumenr, wh.ereby rhe mind wor-, Now the effectsthcreofin parricular,areo keth,andconfeguendy rho af!ion it fclfc. rwoforrs. The fir(!,is in the braine and hoad. This may beconceiued liy a comparifon. For this humour beeing corrupted, itfends A•kilfullatti6cer inanyfcience, hauing an v~noyfornefumesas cloudes ormi!lswhich vn6t toole to worke withall, though his skill doecorrupt the imagination, and make the be good,and hiS ab•liry fufliciont: yet hJS inin£lrumenr cfreafon vnfir forvnder!landing llrument wherewuh heworkerh bteing bad, &fenfe.Hence followes the 6rlleffeCl,£lrange rheworkewhichhcdoth mull needts be an D imaginations, conceitsandopinionsframed impcrfeCI worke. Howbeit, theroole rakes in the minde:which are the fir!l workc ofthi• noraway the skillofhisworkmanfhip,nor his humour,notproperly : but bocaufeitcorruppowerof~orkmg; onely ithinders him from rerh the innrumenr,andthein!lrum~nrbemg fl1ewing his skill,and domg thatwcll,which ocorrupted, the facultie cannot brmg forth rherwife hee.010uldand could docweJI.Inliko good bur corrupraClions. . manner,rbc bodie beingcorrupted, hindoro Examples hereof are well.knowne, I wtll the worke ofthefoule 1 not by rakingaway the onely touch one ortwo. Oneu called theBeworke ofthefoulo,orrheabilirieof working : tliall or Bea(!Jike M•l•nchof;, a d1feafe m the but by making it to bring foorth a corrupt brainewhereby a man rhinkcs him to be a worke,becaufe rhe innrument which ir vferh bea[J ofthis arrha< kind,and cawos h1mfelfe ;, corrupt and faulrie.And rhus we mu£! conaccordingly,And herewith hauc allrhofe bm ceiue ofallt,hc annoyances ofthefouleby the troubled, which haue rhoughnhemfelues to bodie. be•wolues, andhaue praCiifed woolm£h be- .,~,,.••. The Temptation followerh. The bodie hauiour. Againe,irisfaid of NebuchadnezI caufeth thetroubleofminde rwo waies,either zar, Dan.4.30. rhat hewasdriucnffo~ men, byMelancholy, or by fame tlrange alterati· and did care graffe as the oxen, that IS, behauod j