Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

62 Cafes ofConfcience. l.Booke. Son: and by rhea!furancc ofrbc holy Gho£!. A the Scriptures, as of Abrabam: who called Againe, hecrhat praies for remi!lion of his Godhil L._r.J, and himfelf a•ft «nd Afbtt, Gen. linnes ro Godrhc Sonne, mu£! pray that bee 18.:7: 01 the Angel•, Efa.6.z.wl1om inaviwouldprocure the Father to graunt his p~rfion the Prophet fawe £landing before God, don,and withal! a!Ture it by hrs Spirit.Healfo w~thone wmgcaueriog tbeir feete, whJch fig~ that rf.taies for the fame ro God the Holy mfied thcabafir.gof themfelues; and with a· Gho ,mu£lpraythatheewoulda!fure vnto nothercouering theirfaces,which betokened him rhe rcmillion of his finneo, from the Fa· their odoration ofGodsMaie£lie:OfDaniel, rher,by;and for the merit of rhe Sonnc. D·~·9·7·when he confc!fctb,Torhu, ourd, bdongeth righttonfntt itfelfe,b•t to vs (bameand CHAP. V. con[•Jionof[ace: La£lly,ofthewomanof Canaan,whocals Chri."Lord,&her felfe,adogge. Mat:1). ::.7. Of the focond part of Religion toll&hing tiJt Now m Adoratron, there are foure Ver· rues; Fearc,Obedien.c,Patienco,Thanktbl· ,.orfoip of 6'od,•nd firft rfthe I•· nelfe. wArdworfoip. B Fcare isagreat part ofrho worlhip ofGod, whrch I prooue by two places laid rogerher. II. ~£lion. Era.~9-'3-Matth. r5.8,9. whcreinFearcand Ho'W%rod is to beworship, Worfl1ippo, are rakenforoneand the fame thing:for that whicb EraycahFeare,Matthcw caliWorfoip. Now inrhis Fear< there bee two pet! ami erueJ~ things that ferue to di£lingurlh it from all othcrttarcs. fOr the ful anfwcr h<rcof,we mull remem· F11£l,it is abfolute:for by it God is reucrenberrhar the worfi1ipof God IS two-folde; ced abiohucly. S. P•ul cxhortcrh,to yccld Rom.I3·1· Inward, or Outward. Inward is rhcworlhip tributr, fcare,and honour eo the M·aoiUrate, of the minde, the heart, the confciepce, will, not for himfelfe,but for God, whofc ~1iniller and affections: for man by all thefe ioyntly hccis. AndourSauiourCairh,Marrh. ro.2lf. and feuerally performcth worfl1ip and ferFellrt J:notthunwhich~llthe6odJ, ttnd~trtnot uice tohts Creator.The Outward is thatw~r· 11ble IQ k.j_flrhe[o11!eimt T41/)(rfu~re himwhich~ fi1ip whereby the Inward is re£lr6ed outwardaMe to dej/roy6oth fcnleandbodJ inheU. As ifhe ly in thefpecch and actions. The former of fhould fay, I aHow and rommaund you to· rhefetwo, isthc fpirituallworflrip of the in· C fearemcn,onely for God, who hathktthcm ward man,and the very ground and foundatiouer you,but fca<e G<>d for himfelfe. on ofall trueworlhip of God, for God is a Secondly, it makeu man,~r£! ofall,to(eare oh-of.'+·· Spirit, and therefore mu£! bee worlhipped in thco!fcnceofGod,and then thepamfirment fpirfr, that is, in the mindc, confciencc, will, and iudgcment. For iris not a feare of theofand affediom. Indeedall the worfi1ip ofGod fcncealone,butofrhe offence & puni01mcnt isfpirrruall,cuen that which we call outward 1 rogetl1er, and ofthe offence in the fir£! place. 1 yet not of itfclfe,bMt by verrue oftheinward, If 1beAurd,,.hereismJft•re! Andwhcrcit Ma].,t,.S. tromwhich itprocccdcth. is faidHul1attbew,Mar. 1 o.z8.Bmr11th~rfrart hi.,that isaole to cap body andfellleint•heUfire ! SeEI. r. there is commanded afeare ofGod,in regard ) dbration. Theheads ofInward worlbip arctwo!A· ofhis anger. We fearc the livo<d<>fman,-and deration of God, and cleaning to God, For tbarlawfully; why then may we not feare the as rhey arc two dlfferenr adions of rhe punilhmentofGod IRom,I 3.4.lf it be{aid, ·heart, fo rhey may fidy be rearmed rwo drthis is afcruilc feare, ro fear< rhe puniflunenr, Oinlft parts of Gods worflrip. Thi•di£lindiand agreesnot ro Gods children:hnfwcr,lla• on is .in fome part propounded by Mofcs, D uifi1 feareis, when aman onely fearesthc puwhcreheecxhortcth rhc Ifraelircs,to feare lenilhment, and not theoffence of God, or at their Gl)d, to adore him, to clrAHtvntohim, lea£!, the punilbmcntmore rhen theoJfence. , ·andtsfwearehyhi4N•me,Deut.lo.:o, , The fecond vcrrue of Adoration, is InAdoration, is that parr of Gods worfl1ip, ward Obedience of the hidden mM of the wherebyaman, vponavileandbafc e£lima- , heart. The Lord preferres rhis obcdiwce betionofhimfclfc, as becmg but du£laHd alhes, fore all facrifice,J.Sam.r s.zz. This llandeth fubmits and fubicCls his !Oule ro the gloric in two things. Firll,in yecldingfubie&on of and Maic£lic ofGod. the Confcicnce to the commaundemenrs.. This harh two principal! grounds in the threatnings, and promifcs ofG0d,foas••• heart,which if they be wanting, there can be are willing rhar ir fl1oufd become bound vn~ no rruewor!hip of God. The fir£! is, Abnc· to them. Secondly, when the reil of the gation or denial! of o.ur fclues, whenwee epowersofrhcfoule, in their place and time, :(!ecme ourfelues robe meerely nothing. The pcrforme obcdiencevnto God. And by this fecond is, Exaltation, or Aduancement of mcanes doe wee bring inro c;aptiuitie, euery Gods Maic£lie, aboue all the things in the thought vnto obedience of ChriU, asPaul world. Exameles of thcfe we haue many in fpeakerh,,s. · The