Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

1. Booke. Cafes of Conjcience. Thethtrd yercucot Adorat10n,is Patience; A Gcdw~t~thtirjlrength, &themoflbighGodtheir which is, when a man on his affiiClions, fubrcdmmr,Pfal.78. J5.0f this kindcof prayer mlttcth histflll ru Gods wiH,and quictcth bis P.futfpcakcs,whcn he fatrh,Pray co;r;tjmMflJ~ 1. hcartthcrcin, becaufe God fendcth afl!ictiThetl.5.17- Far folcmnc prayerconcciued, · ons.This wasDa.uids coun(ell,Bujiftnt befo-re and vrrered in forme ofwords,cannotafwaics the L?rd; 41Hi 4/wases wflitt?Jptm hi1pl:ajitre,Pf. be v(cd: butwe are tol~ft vpour hearcs \'nto JJ.7.Aud his praClo[e, when in trouble he reGod, vpon euery occahon, <hat by inward& ligned himfelfe in10 the hands ofGod,& faid, holy maroons and affeCllons,they may be (as L'rd,ifIpleafe thee r:ot,loe Iam here,dtJewithme it were) knirtc him. aJfumtthgoo:Ji,Jtbinayes,I.Sam.J5.1.6, This Now to conclude thts point touchingInpatience is a pm of Gods worfloip, becau[eit ward worfltip, wee mufl remember that it aisa kinde of obedience. lone 11 properly, limply, and of it[clfe, the The fourth verrueofAdoration,i!Thank· worlhipoiGod: and the Outward is not fim. fulnelfe to God, which lhewes it fclfe in two ply the 'vorOlip ofGod,bur onely fo far forth thongs. Firfl,in an acknowledgement of the as it isquickocd by the Inward,and grounded hearr,thatourfelucs,andwhatfoucrwe haue, B vpon it, For God is aSpirir,and the<fore the i• Gods,& proceedcs from his bleffingalonc. true worfloip that is donevnw him, ruufl bee Secondly, in a confecration of our bodies, performed in fpim andtrutb,Ioh.4 24, foulcs,liucs,callings, and labours to the honour and feruiceo!God. Thus much of the 6rHhead of Inward worlhip,orrhefirCl acbCHAP. V l. on of thehearr,ll.ndiogin Adoration. Sf£1. z. Of tbruHtwardworfoipof qod, andth• The feccnd AClion ofthe hcar~in Inward firft.head thmif, Pr•J"· worlhip, or the fccond part thereof is Clea• Cte>e;ng uing vnro God. Now weclca"e vnro God by THus much ofthe inwardworfllipofGod. ioGo,\. fourc things: by Faith, Hope, Lour, and in· The outward is that which is performed ward lnuocation. by the body externally , either in word or By faith,I meane trueiuflifying faith,wherdeod.To this belong many parriculars,which by we refl vpon Gods mercy for the forgiueI woll reduce to eightfeuerallheads. netlc ofour linncs, and life euerlaUiog: and C I. P~aycr. vpon his prouidence, for the things of rhis IJi._,]'he hearing ofthe wordpr~ched. lite, Thus Abraharn,beeing Grengtbened m Ill. The vie pfrheSacraments. this faoth, and relyingby it vpon Gods proI V . .OutwardAdorarion. mifcs made vnro him,gaue glory \o'DCO God 1 V. Cpnfdl'ion. · Rom.4.2e.Thisfaumg faith is tl:ev.ry root V \.:-/1-o 0Jth. and bcgmningof all true worfl1ip. Fer Lone, V I I. Vpwes. wl:ichostbcfulfillmgoftheLaw, mull come Vll I. Fafling; from ir, t.Tim. I .5. TouchiiogPraycrccnceinedand vtrcred by Tloe focond is Hope, which followes and rhe voice, therearcmaoy~efloon•ofCondepends vpon fauh: and it is that grace of · fcicnce;the principall whereofarefourc. God, whereby with parieoce wee wairc the Lords leifure, for rhe performance of his I. ~dlion. promifc:s, cfpccially tOllching redemption, andjifeeternall.lfw,hope(faithPaul)fonhat Horv /hall a man m{ll.e a Law'ull wchancnot,wudoewithpaticnceexpcUir,Rom. '\! rl 8 '5· lawfull, and accetJtabteprai~ Puyor. The third is Loue of God ; wloich hath D £ rwo effects in the hearr. Firfl,it makerh rhe er to qoJ ~ heart todeaua~ntoGod,and to be 1vell pleafed with hnn limply for himfelfe. lu this A-f... The word ofGod requires many mannerGodtheFatherlouingChril!, refliconditions in making prayerro God' they ~cth that he"'"' ,.,,q pl,afodinhim, Mar.J.I7may all be broughtrorhree heads. Some of Second!y, it mooues the hearr to feeke by all them goebefore the making of prayer,Come meaocs poffible, to haue rruefdlowrnip with are to baperformed iutheaCl of praier,fome God 111 Chrifl. Thisthe Church notably exafrer prayer is ended. pretfcrh in rhe Cantides. s,a. r. The fourth isloward prayer, or InuocatiConditions eo be ob[trued before prayer, Cond;~ons on of theh~art; and it is nothing clfCbuc the arc three. before lifting vp of the heart vnto God, accorcJIIlo Firfl,be that would make (ucha prayeras pra~<r. to his will? by delircs and groaocs vnfpeaka': God may bee pleafed toheare, mull repent. hie. Or, it IS a workeof the hearr,wbe<cby it Efa. 1. 15, God would not heare the prayers fiocsvnro GoJ for helpein diflretfe,& makes of the.lewes, bc<aufe ~heir h•nds"'"'' Jnllof lum a:ockeof deience. When the children blood, tbatls, becau(c they had not repented of Ifracl were affi1ded, Thc7 rtmembred tlurJ of their f>pprc!lion a.nd crudue. Ioh, 9-31. F 2 - gcd