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trAMV kl v G ; G i \\ ` %J," J:. AN EXPOSITION Of the 8q.. `I',fääre.,. Pfalme 84. T.0 the chiefe c Ptufician upon Gittitlxo A Pfalmefor theSonnes ofKorb. His Pfalme maynot unfitly becalled Davidr hearts defire : for though his name be not prefixed, as it isto fundry others, yet thematter ofit being well weighed, doth molt fit- lyaccord to his troublefome e Late under perfecution, whereby he was debarred from fafe acceffe to the place of Gods folemn and publike fervice, and molt fully exprefï'e hishearts defireafter the houfe of God, which was in himboth frequent and unfeigned, Pfal. 27.4. in regardof thebleffings there to be enjoyed, cPfal. 65. 4. which is matter profitable for Godschildren : for that, whichbeing denyed will prove the hearts defire, fhould being enjoyed become the hearts delight, and that is the pureand holy publikeworfhipofGod. In the handlingofthis Pfalme we have, firit the De- dication of it, in the title prefixed, then the Pfalnne it. felfe, A z The